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it's not immediately noticeable. you go to the main game webpage, then click on the drop down menu, then click "home" button to get the miri splash page
make sure to do it soon
Why not just give us the ability to register in-game?
they really should just give the item to any account that makes Miri within a week after she is released
Wait, is THAT what happened to my account? Why couldn't support just tell me that? ffs
Changes to usernames shouldn't affect it any, if you can log onto the forums then you can log onto the mainsite, which means you can also sign up for the Miri package, just click the button and you're done.
Nope, doesn't work that way. I tried. The emails are the same, so it should recognize my Steam character but it's not. I even made a thread about this.
As someone else said in one thread, there's an issue with Steam-made characters that the devs haven't fixed where the game sometimes doesn't recognize that they exist.