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I'm trying to find gameplay from each class/weapon pov to display here (preferable a solo that's not too long), if you find one leave here it here!!
Sword Lann
Spear Lann
Haven't found a video
Sword Fiona
Hammer Fiona
Scythe Evie
Staff Evie (Couldn't find a shorter video)
Pillar Karok
Cestus Karok
Haven't found a video
Bow Kai
XGun Kai
Sword Vella
Chain Vella
Haven't found a video
Sword Hurk
Tiede Hurk
Glaive Lynn
Blute Lynn
Haven't found a video

The way Karok can rip off and punch her in the face with one of her own fists is pretty swank.
2 Lynn (Glaive) solos
2 Arisha solos
1 Scythe Evie solo
this vella im sure have 6k+AD and 3k+ attack limit
she also had weapon exqusite damage buff on.
Has the same stat caps as Dullahan I believe (aside from ATT cap, 28500 vs 30500).
Lynn (Blute) Solo
found a miri one for ya, but the recorded graphic isn't all that great
Thanks!! Adding both of them
Shorter Glaive Lynn video
Tbh that video makes teide hurk look really fun
bow kai solo
sword fiona no hit solo
It's been a while since I last played bow, but is dual link still a thing? I think a cool mechanic for bow Kai similar to Karok, would be to link one of her spinning gauntlets to her when they rocket propel around her, causing them to veer off course and punch her instead
Hammer Fiona (solo, potato quality)
Chain Vella (party)(starts at 47:12)