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Speculation/Foreshadowing after Dullahan
Spoilers for Season 3, Chapter 2, Episode 3
Chicol tells you, after defeating Lugh, that you must obey him when the time comes for you to claim the Remnant of the Goddess. So after you defeat Dullahan, Riordan decides to ruin your plans and take the remnant for investigation and eventual delivery to the Bishop of the Pontiff's Court. I won't go into too much detail with the dialogue, but I do have speculations about what might happen.
1. Do you go after Riordan to claim the remnant back from him? Will something happen to Riordan later? Will the corrupt Pontiff's Court end up claiming the power of Elchulus? I sense some divine intervention is going to take place to influence who gets the Remnant of the Goddess. Chicol did ask you to obey him when the time comes for you to use that power, and he did explain what the remnant does and that it is a path to Erinn (The true Erinn? Not the one we saw in Chapter 10?).
2. Ronaun said that he wanted to rule a kingdom, beyond the Pontiff's reach and is willing to use you to reach that goal. I'm assuming he's a good man, but is there a possibility that he will backstab his brother, Riordan, to get what he wants?
Let's have a discussion of what might happen in future episodes.
Also thanks to some CN vindi players I learned that the current Neamhain is a failed reaincarnation (it's said in their version of the translations) and that in the future she will transfer her power to a vessel and have a complete reincarnation like Morrighan. So maybe the end of S3 will have Seanna sacrificing herself for Neamhain? Or maybe Ceara for Macha? Since we already saw Macha has a thing for redheads.
Aes Sidhe spoilers
(A video containing the info in the aforementioned spoiler will help too)
EDIT: Asked a KR friend for some quick run down at the ending cutscene.
I'd have liked that the player would have told us about the chars' dialogue, but, at least he played the entire episode.
The next part contains spoilers, open it at your own risk:
"More importantly, she goes on about saying that Fate/Destiny is absolute, and that going against it is folly for both mortal and god alike."
The quote above is from a post of yours in another thread. Considering that Cromm, at the end of S2, says how destiny abandoned him when you defeated him, Macha saying that even gods believe in destiny (?), and Morrighan's words in the quote above, it's posible to say that even gods in Vindi fear fate and destiny (Hence their need to possess people in order to be present, alive or whatever -Why would Cromm and Neamhain want vessels if they already have a physical body is beyond me-), and whoever controls fate and destiny is the one toying with both mortals and gods alike. That entity will be for sure the final boss in the game. The after-game will be about interdimensional invasions of other kinds of monsters.
Going on with speculations, why Morrighan stopped you and sent you back to Colhen? It's if like a horror like no other is present in Erinn, and you have to fully awaken Fragarach before entering Erinn and stop/destroy that menace, which also means that we have to meet Lugh again -The previous owner of Fragarach, and who may fully awaken it.
Another speculation is about S3 ending. So far, every season ends with a god attempting to possess a mortal so he/she can live again (I don't completely understand this concept and why do they have to do it). Since Macha did possess Ceara at the end of the interlude (My speculation is that at the end of the interlude, you play with Macha disguised as Ceara instead of the original Ceara, you kill the original Ceara, and that would explain Ceara's strange attitude after the interlude), it's possible that we have to fight Macha in a raid, and the probable ending would be that we will be able to recover Ceara and send Macha back to Erinn, oblivion or the place she came from.
It's strange, but in s1, you witness a possession of a vessel (You see how fate works), in S2, you change the person which was gonna be posessed (You change fate), and as things go, in S3, maybe another god will try to possess another vessel and you will prevent it (You prevent fate). If there's a S4, it'll be about destroying fate. Imo, Elchulus is the god who even gods fear, and you'll have to defeat him instead of just seal him like heroes and gods have done all this time, probably because they didn't have what it takes to defeat Elchulus.
Back to Annwyn though - at that time of story it's not part of the living world and Cromm has no presence in the world anymore. That's because he's "dead", and the last of him we see in the two ending battles of Season 2. He needed a vessel to get out from there, gain his power back and rebuild his kingdom.
Neamhain motivations and presence are different, she's also affected by Cichol somehow. It would be safest to refer to original Korean text, rather than CN transactions, which potentially might be invalid like ours.
I can say that Annwynn and the world beyond the Dimensional Rift are both Erinn, because gods are present there without needing a vessel and I can even say that the gods can't interact in the human world at all unless they possess a vessel, hence why, for example, Morrighan needed a vessel to be present in the human world. Other gods like Lugh, etc, either possessed a vessel already, or they need to possess one yet (Or maybe they don't even need one for whatever reason).
Iirc, Arisha is the vessel for a god as well, but for game purposes, she may, in a next update, either transform into the god/goddess she's a vessel of, for a short time, or maybe she must be present in a raid against the god/goddess Ari is vessel of, so players can help her to seal such god/goddess.
Back to Aes Sidhe battle's aftermath, I think that the best thing is that a korean player posts all translated dialogue of what happens after Aes Sidhe's raid here so we can clarify any doubt.