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Gobhniu stones are JUNK

Member Vintage_Wine
Vindictus Rep: 850
Posts: 74
in General Discussion
I bought these to try and help me get to +11 and maybe beyond. Out of using 8 stones, I got ONE item to +11, all other times failed. These stones are junk, either that or they suddenly made the odds of getting past 10 waaaay harder.


  • Member Zeroheart
    Vindictus Rep: 7,740
    Posts: 725
    I kinda think those stones are more like placebo drugs (Sugar Pills).
    Also the chance it increase are like 5% but from 30 /100 it will still fail a lot, best to use getting it above +4
    Fergus failed me 5 time once going to +5
  • Member Samalenko
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 221
    gonna quote a EU guy, can't find the original one but the meaning is similar

    "you enter a casino, spent 100k euro here and hoping the casino would give you a Porsche. Dude, there must be something wrong with you "
  • Member StormCrusher
    Vindictus Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 68
    Gib runes increases your chances from 10 to 11 by 3% i think xD what did u expect
  • Member CometCupid
    Vindictus Rep: 1,990
    Posts: 166
    Wasn't there a chart for these? Like that percentage is added onto the current percentage, not a flat rate.

    So if there's a 1% chance of getting your weapon from 14 to 15, the stone makes it more like 1.13%
  • Member KingRichRice
    Vindictus Rep: 1,410
    Posts: 146
    According to the tooltip displayed on Goibhniu's Enhancement Stones from the seal shop, it increases the success rate by 10%, meaning that you would take the success rate of your enhancement that you're going for (ex. +10 to +11 being 45%) and add 10% of the success rate to it (10% of 45 is equal to 4.5), yielding your final success rate: 49.5%. Apparently, there were some stones that had the tooltip displaying that it was a flat increase of 3%, but I'm not sure which one is applied post-rise.
  • Member Madcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    These stones are good only with enchant till +8 so you dont loose paradise stones ( they are expensive) atleast guaranted +8 , didnt had any fail till +8 using them fiew times already
  • Member MisterWhiskers
    Vindictus Rep: 2,615
    Posts: 348
    edited October 17, 2017
    Madcobra wrote: »
    These stones are good only with enchant till +8 so you dont loose paradise stones ( they are expensive) atleast guaranted +8 , didnt had any fail till +8 using them fiew times already

    who the hell uses a 90 seal stone for +8 gear?
  • Member Innoy
    Vindictus Rep: 810
    Posts: 61
    paradise stones are like 30k, just yolo everything under +9
  • Member ISnatchMoney
    Vindictus Rep: 1,995
    Posts: 179
    i got my wep 11-15 with goib stones in January.. they work :eyes:
  • Member LoLoBooty
    Vindictus Rep: 5,275
    Posts: 665
    edited October 10, 2017
    i got my wep 11-15 with goib stones in January.. they work :eyes:

    pre-rise/post-rise enhancement rates is the story here boys. Ghobbies are just a scapegoat.
  • Member Arrow95
    Vindictus Rep: 2,515
    Posts: 491
    Either your lucky or your not simple
  • Member Leucosie
    Vindictus Rep: 2,105
    Posts: 164
    I bought these to try and help me get to +11 and maybe beyond. Out of using 8 stones, I got ONE item to +11, all other times failed. These stones are junk, either that or they suddenly made the odds of getting past 10 waaaay harder.

  • Member SirRFI
    Vindictus Rep: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    edited October 11, 2017
    Replaces enhancement stones in the process - only 1 stone is used instead. Multiplies enhancement success chance by 110%. Example: 0.33*1.1=0.363 (33% → 36,3%)
    But I recall seeing that the ratio is rounded down, so it would be 36%.