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Safeguard rune?

Vindictus Rep: 620
Posts: 11
in General Discussion
Got this safeguard rune from previous event. Just wondering anyone has already used it or plan to? and outcome?
With current event, I do plan to make +12 lvl 90 for a less-played lynn. Maybe someone has the same ambition for +12?
  1. Safegurad rune works for you?18 votes
    1. Never tried!
       67% (12 votes)
    2. Sure, I'm grateful!
       17% (3 votes)
    3. No lucky this time
       17% (3 votes)


  • SirRFISirRFI
    Vindictus Rep: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    This one?: YH6H36A.png
    -1 enhancement and -1 unbind count on failure afaik.

    Junk rune if You ask me.
  • InnoyInnoy
    Vindictus Rep: 810
    Posts: 61
    Can never justify using it personally. Maybe on armor at +10
  • AnthonytonyboyAnthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,765
    Posts: 351
    I buy them spam and keep in inventory forever until they remove -1 enhance then I will use it :D
  • MisterWhiskersMisterWhiskers
    Vindictus Rep: 2,615
    Posts: 348
    I buy them spam and keep in inventory forever until they remove -1 enhance then I will use it :D

    and thats never gonna happen because a rune that goes from 0 to +15 without penalty will never exist
  • LinlinxiLinlinxi
    Vindictus Rep: 620
    Posts: 11
    I buy them spam and keep in inventory forever until they remove -1 enhance then I will use it :D

    and thats never gonna happen because a rune that goes from 0 to +15 without penalty will never exist

    That is for sure.
    I'm just curious, if there is a fresh +11 lvl 90, which is now much less valuable, what is your thoughts? Use it for a 45% +12 or roll back to +10 with 55%?
  • SirRFISirRFI
    Vindictus Rep: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    and thats never gonna happen because a rune that goes from 0 to +15 without penalty will never exist
    This rune can be used beyond +15.
  • InnoyInnoy
    Vindictus Rep: 810
    Posts: 61
    Linlinxi wrote: »

    That is for sure.
    I'm just curious, if there is a fresh +11 lvl 90, which is now much less valuable, what is your thoughts? Use it for a 45% +12 or roll back to +10 with 55%?

    I would just make another +11, then boom one of them instead of using the rune.
  • ScheherazadeScheherazade
    Vindictus Rep: 2,660
    Posts: 150
    Why wouldn't you use it. Instead of making the item useless, you get another chance at it. It's like making a new +10 but skipping the hassle to get there.
    It's worth the most at +12. After +13 I wouldn't consider using it anymore.
  • LoLoBootyLoLoBooty
    Vindictus Rep: 5,275
    Posts: 665
    edited October 4, 2017
    Why wouldn't you use it. Instead of making the item useless, you get another chance at it. It's like making a new +10 but skipping the hassle to get there.
    It's worth the most at +12. After +13 I wouldn't consider using it anymore.

    I've heard this sentiment before that it's worth the most at +12. Why do you say that is?

    I'd say the rune is useful but only in limited circumstances.

    1. It's only useful if you have no intention of selling the item.
    2. It's not preferred if there is a better rune for the job
    • For armor: premium armor enhancement rune takes you up to +12
    • For weapons: What level is the weapon?
      Level 95: Exquisite enhancement rune takes you to +11 and special rune takes you to +12. Therefore safeguard rune makes sense from +12 > +13 or higher.
      Level 90: Today we have the +11 flawless enhance rune. In the future we might get the 100% +12 runes for level 90 weapons. Therefore safeguard rune makes sense from +12 > +13 or higher.

      If you a creating a Level 90 weapon for your character with the +11 flawless event rune I would wait before attempting +12. The 100% +12 rune will likely come before Christmas and then you can decide where to take it from there.

  • InnoyInnoy
    Vindictus Rep: 810
    Posts: 61
    Good point, for this event I already boomed a +13 so I think I am going to hoard several +11's and wait it out.
  • LinlinxiLinlinxi
    Vindictus Rep: 620
    Posts: 11
    100% +12 rune? It would be great to have one like this.

    Personally, I don't feel comfortable to use this rune beyond +12, especially when I got few of them.
    For example, I have only one +13 weapon. I will enhance it if I don't intent to sell it. If failed and restored, it would still be +13. Otherwise, it rolls back to +12, but what is the chance that I get it back to +13? To me it's a net loss. The rune is useful after +12 only when you have already boom one before, because of a sharp drop on enhance rate (45%->20%?)