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Wants to help me, but i'm paranoid.

Vindictus Rep: 1,120
Posts: 15
edited September 26, 2017 in Off Topic Discussion
So I don't know if anyone remember me, but I was still around the forums when Oneletter was around and after the huge shift to the new forums i just stopped playing the game and visiting the forums anymore. So for those who remember me, I'm back and senior year is looking okay so far.

Now the main issue I would like to get some insight on is this. My friend is super excited to see me comeback to game and wants to help me get back on my feet by donating a large sum of gold that he's farmed for the past year or 2 I've been gone( yea, I know, he's cool). Now the thing is, I heard weird rumors that just CODing large sums of gold between players was a pretty popular method for illegal gold activity and Nexon started to ban people they felt were conducting illegal transactions. I'm paranoid for me as well as my friend because I don't want us to be at risk of being banned for something done out of goodwill. Would it be better or worst to just post a random item(s) on the market with the gold amount and have him just buy off me?
  1. What should i do?3 votes
    1. COD, you should be fine
       33% (1 vote)
    2. Marketplace method
       33% (1 vote)
    3. either one is fine as long he's not sending it to you through his low level storage alts lol.
       33% (1 vote)


  • CometCupidCometCupid
    Vindictus Rep: 1,990
    Posts: 166
    Marketplace transactions are looked at, too.

    You should be fine. It's contained between you two, they can see him on your friend's list, they can see your past trading activity, they can probably even bring up your conversation logs - I'm sure there's at least one dude in IT getting off to all the ERP.

    I've been swapping gold and items of varying sizes and worth with a buddy of mine for years and they've never come asking questions. Don't sweat it.
  • xtsxts
    Vindictus Rep: 1,120
    Posts: 15
    CometCupid wrote: »
    Marketplace transactions are looked at, too.

    You should be fine. It's contained between you two, they can see him on your friend's list, they can see your past trading activity, they can probably even bring up your conversation logs - I'm sure there's at least one dude in IT getting off to all the ERP.

    I've been swapping gold and items of varying sizes and worth with a buddy of mine for years and they've never come asking questions. Don't sweat it.

    That's good to hear. I'll have to add his new account/main char to my list ( he trashed his old one that I used to raid with for reasons like ragequit and whatnot idk). Tbh it was more like he bribed me to come back to the game lel :3
  • AquasolAquasol
    Vindictus Rep: 2,650
    Posts: 229
    There’s actually an option to send gold directly through the mail, so donating gold to a player is fine. What you can’t do is trade/sell NX for gold, because then bad scary things happen.