[NEW MERCENARIES] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.
"MetaNoia" Friendly Active Guild - Closed!
Guild Master
Crid [Alt : Takahiko ]
Guild Rules
1. Do not beg for money.
2. Do not scam people no matter in what way.
3. Keep language and conversations clean. Keep it English in party/guild chat.
4. Be active. We can't know when someone is planning a long vacation or really quits, do not take it personally but to avoid inactivity, we have to clean up sometimes to keep the guild alive. Of course, we'll send a message as a warning, else you are always free to re-apply to the guild when you feel like playing again.
5. Respect each other.We come from all walks of life and all backgrounds. We all carry our own views and opinions. We must be willing to respect each other even if we don’t always agree. Forms of racism or discrimination is not allowed.
6. Act honorably. When we are out in the game world we represent the guild as a whole, keep that in mind.
7. 3-7days trial period for completely new member
Credits to SYNESTHESIA for rules format and points !
Recruitment status : [OPEN]
we plan to grow our family more with friendly active people.
Guild channel --> 161
What are we looking for?
Our guild consists of all friends and we just looking for to make more new friends to have fun with while playing but minimum 90lvl and 37k power to join everything on Quick Battle is needed . We also recruit the actual person means he cant have many characters on different guild but on our trial period recruited person can have other alts in another guild and be active with us as the trial period is just to let us know each other better.
What do we offer?
Fun and friendly atmosphere where we can relax chatting and playing n enjoy the game. Other than that we offer assistance, qualified smiths, guild storage usage with emergency deposite cash for members, Farming partners with dungeons and raids, guild hosts and guild events from time to time. We have also guild facebook page, Discord for those interested.
How to join us and where to find us?
Contact any of the Leaders mentioned above and they will tell all the details for joining. No randomly guild apply will be accepted before
See you ingame!

If not, I'm deeply sorry for bothering you, at least is a bump!