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Anyone else a little sad over the loss of sides?
I'm replaying through again on a new character because I wanted to make a Hurk for the new Tiede weapon, but all the side quests are gone. At first I was like, "cool, the game is going by so much faster and i'm not wasting money on side items for Fergus or running through the Hollows forever to find slingshots", but now I'm to Rocheste and running by the Piper by the fountain and realizing that he's just decoration now. I never got to meet Arthuyn or know he was raised with Kristie or about Shayla's sad backstory and how Ermass helped her. New players won't know about any of their stories and that makes me a little sad.
By the way, you're still wasting money on side items for Fergus and chasing down slingshots; however, plot-relevant side quests like that "Gwynn killed Ellis" diary story have been taken out for no legitimate reason.