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The contents of the package are quite disappointing.
"Super Power Weapon" = +10 90 divine punishment "rare" weapon ... Doubt its even orange

so pretty much the same thing as all the other free +10 gear nexon gives us.
I feel like they made the pre-registration event too biased towards hurks

. what about the other classess? Even the introduction Regina pre registration event had better content.
Nevertheless, are these boxes only obtainable/openable on Hurks? Or can I open them on my delia and just claim the merc pots/graces/ap capsule
Indeed. Even though level 90 materials are pretty cheap now, having a Rare quality weapon already made and enhanced to +10 being delivered to you for free and no effort at all, is, imo, very good.
I don't have a geared Hurk, so this will allow me to enjoy Teide almost as much as someone who has one, so I'm pretty happy with it.
Then again, if you're not going to make a Hurk, you don't really need the package, and the other benefits of it aren't realy that much of a big deal.
If you do have slot to make a new Hurk, you can totaly open the package there and send the graces and stuff back to your main character through your shared storage, there you have it
That would be much too good.
It will probably be a bound forever non-enhanceable +10 orange teide. Wich in its own way, is a really nice gift to start as.
>Hurk get's new weapon
>Make event for Hurk
>People complain that it's about hurk
Sometimes I wonder how some of the people on this forum function in the real world.
Granted I was banned once so I guess it counts as "not being in good-standing".
Although it's free stuff, it does feel rather unfair to be locked out of this and any future registration events because of a little mistake you've made only once.
simply send a ticket, had the same problem, got solved pretty quickly