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Genuinely Confused

Member Harii
Vindictus Rep: 645
Posts: 11
edited August 14, 2017 in General Discussion
Alright, so, I'm a newbie, a new player, and..

..what the hell is going on with the story and the game?

Like, SPOILER ALERT, do not read it if you don't want major spoilers of the S1? I don't even know.
Let me ask to all of you, do you really understand what's going on with the story? Because I don't.
First, you join a mercenary army, then you go to the real army, then you become an exile. Alright, pretty easy to understand. Some people dies in the meantime (RIP Gwynn, you will not be forgotten), you befriend basically everyone, even the most useless and hatable characters, you learn about everything and everyone, you indiscriminately kill everything they tell you to and in the end some other people ascend to gods? How? How the hell Tieve and the armor guy, Keaghan, become gods? I was fighting dragons for reasons I don't even know and two minutes after that I have to kill the guy I helped because he went mad eating a Lizardman heart but that Lizardman is not dead because you can hear her voice and.. god.
After they ascend to gods, you go back in time, nobody remembers you and people is still alive I suppose? But without Tieve and Kaeghan. So they send you on an island, because destiny, you know. And in this island the enemies are level 70, because why not sending a complete stranger/rookie to an infested island. Remember that things restarted, so why the hell you're fighting level 70 enemies? Makes no sense.

I cried after the ending, when people forgot, I genuinely cried on the death of Gwynn, but why the hell they had to make things so difficult and with all this nonsense? Why would the gods let you continue your journey? Why the Silent Brotherhood talks about prophecies and stuff but doesn't even recognize one of them when you show up at their door, after the time goes back? Like, aren't they a super secret organization that protected the oracle? Don't they know things? Wasn't the time shift predicted? Why the hell did they made you do all that, create some STRONG bounds to characters, to only take them away?
I'm confused. And.. disappointed.

I have some technical questions though. Why a lot of sub-quests appeared after the timeshift and why at level 70 the dungeons become extremely difficult and everything seems to oneshot you? This trend started at level 60, but now I can't even complete the story because the dungeons are incredibily difficult to solo.

I hope I'll find some answers.


  • Member AngelYukki
    Vindictus Rep: 2,300
    Posts: 184
    edited August 14, 2017
    This gave a pretty decent summary to some of the questions you had
  • Member Rade
    Vindictus Rep: 1,020
    Posts: 39
    edited August 14, 2017
    Tieve is an oracle, specifically the oracle. She basically was already an incarnation of Morrighan, but had not yet awoken to her true nature. The events of the storyline forced that into happening, as was prophesized. Keaghan was attempting to fight against the prophecy, but ended up fulfilling it by doing so. The fights with Beokros and Siglint were to break the seals they held in place to summon Erinn into the world, in the hope of preventing Tieve from fading away into Erinn while in another dimension. Elchulus is essentially the big bad evil god who's pulling the strings on how things play out that ultimately forced fate to happen, so the fight against him was attempting to overcome that and change fate, which ultimately failed. Verafim, the lizard dude, was indeed dead. He used some black magic or something to turn his heart into some essence thing that empowered Keaghan and acted as a catalyst to transform him into Cichol. The voice was just the echoes of his essence or however you want to phrase it.
    To explain the real-world context behind Season 2, it was originally added as an alternate pathway that you pursued alongside season 1, and they later retconned it into being a post-season 1 story where you go back in time. It's a bit difficult to piece it together as a single coherent plot as a result, but for the most part, it works. You weren't a rookie being sent there, either; you were an unknown person who abandoned the mercenary life and joined a group of treasure hunters instead. The enemies you face as part of the coffer chasers just so happen to match your new level after having gone back in time from the first story.
    As far as why the gods would let all that happen, that starts to get explained more as you get further along in the story. Season 2 is mostly an independent side story with only loose connections to the first season, but season 3 goes back and picks up on where things left off. As far as the Silent Brotherhood, no one predicted or knew about the time resetting. As you might have noticed throughout the first season, a constant theme was that prophecies don't always play out exactly the way they're expected to, and there are many people with their own agendas working against fate for a number of different reasons. The Silent Brotherhood knew a lot of things, but not everything, and they aren't immune to the memories being lost. There is a specific explanation for why your character retains those memories and no one else does, provided further on in the story. They did make a lot of strong bonds and then take them away, and that disparity becomes a frequent element in the narrative when you get to season 3.

    As for the subquests, this is most likely an oddity with how the game settings work. Starting with the Rise update, there's some condition that causes a lot of side-stories to become automatically hidden, so if you don't toggle on the option to view hidden stories, you won't see them when they're first unlocked. I assume there was some trigger when you completed the first season that undid that automatic hiding.
    Everything becoming more difficult is part of the game increasing in difficulty naturally; Season 3 and the endgame is designed for you to tackle it with much better gear and in a party, so season 2 is upping the difficulty to help ease you toward that so you're not caught completely flat-footed once you get there. You'll need to work on learning your playstyle and the ins and outs of how to avoid taking hits and then counterattack. It helps if you focus on avoiding first and then figuring out where you can work in attacks instead of just running up, trying to hammer away immediately, and hoping you're able to notice the attacks fast enough. If you haven't yet, you'll need to start using hp potions and level 70 equipment, and in order to solo without too much challenge, you may need to work on enhancing your gear to higher levels. Alternatively, it becomes quite manageable when running it with a friend or two.
  • Member BoatGod
    Vindictus Rep: 2,575
    Posts: 215
    edited August 15, 2017

    Check this one out for a more detailed version of the whole story, since mines is merely a summary to help player get a gist of what is going on in the world of vindictus.
    But since I'm here, I'll do my best to answer your question.

    1. Tieve was chosen to be the vessel for Morrighan. Keaghan became god because he ate the heart of the lizard who adsorbed a large blue erg crystal that contained the energy of a god in season 2.
    2. I believe the lizard is actually dead and it was just a last ditch effort to say something, but who knows.
    3. In season 2 Tieve and Keaghan are still alive since Cichol reset time to show the character that even if they did not come in contact with Keaghan and Tieve, Destiny will not change for them. Also he wanted to show you a different perspective in the story.
    4. The levels of the enemies are subjective because of progression and stuff.
    5. The character are buddies with Keaghan/Chicol and he believe the character can help save Tieve from becoming nonexistent .
    6. About the silent brotherhood.
    minor s3 spoiler
    Since the end all be all truth was; If you kill all fomors, Morrighan will descend and Erinn will come. So it was hard for them to believe that the goddess and Erinn had already descended when the fomors still exist.

    Reilly may be the only one other than a few character that notice the time shift. Its also kind of hard for them to notice since when time resets, the world fill any memory gaps and inconsistency with some bs.

    As for being one shotted. Have you retrieve the character lv up rewards? they should contain adequate armor for your needs to pass through the story.

  • Member Harii
    Vindictus Rep: 645
    Posts: 11
    Thanks you all for the responses!
    1. In season 2 Tieve and Keaghan are still alive since Cichol reset time to show the character that even if they did not come in contact with Keaghan and Tieve, Destiny will not change for them. Also he wanted to show you a different perspective in the story.
    2. The character are buddies with Keaghan/Chicol and he believe the character can help save Tieve from becoming nonexistent .

      As for being one shotted. Have you retrieve the character lv up rewards? they should contain adequate armor for your needs to pass through the story.

    Your points are good, the BS is real and.. two minutes before Kaeghan was worried about the lizardmen and he gets incredibly flirty with Tieve just going back to his hometown? And Merrec? That poor guy did nothing wrong, he was just angered because his best fried basically betrayed him. Same with Clodagh, they weren't kept in consideration, but after the first time travel suddenly they remember about the rings and everyone says that something is missing. #AllPrayForMerrec&Clodagh

    I got the character level up rewards until the free week of VVVIP, I don't know if it's a thing I should keep or use right away. I don't wanna waste anthing, considering the NX cost of things.
    I already have everything +5 for my current level (70, Nighthawk Armor), but seems like everything is difficult.
    Rade wrote: »
    Tieve is an oracle, specifically the oracle. She basically was already an incarnation of Morrighan, but had not yet awoken to her true nature. The events of the storyline forced that into happening, as was prophesized. Keaghan was attempting to fight against the prophecy, but ended up fulfilling it by doing so. The fights with Beokros and Siglint were to break the seals they held in place to summon Erinn into the world, in the hope of preventing Tieve from fading away into Erinn while in another dimension. Elchulus is essentially the big bad evil god who's pulling the strings on how things play out that ultimately forced fate to happen, so the fight against him was attempting to overcome that and change fate, which ultimately failed. Verafim, the lizard dude, was indeed dead. He used some black magic or something to turn his heart into some essence thing that empowered Keaghan and acted as a catalyst to transform him into Cichol. The voice was just the echoes of his essence or however you want to phrase it.
    To explain the real-world context behind Season 2, it was originally added as an alternate pathway that you pursued alongside season 1, and they later retconned it into being a post-season 1 story where you go back in time. It's a bit difficult to piece it together as a single coherent plot as a result, but for the most part, it works. You weren't a rookie being sent there, either; you were an unknown person who abandoned the mercenary life and joined a group of treasure hunters instead. The enemies you face as part of the coffer chasers just so happen to match your new level after having gone back in time from the first story.
    As far as why the gods would let all that happen, that starts to get explained more as you get further along in the story. Season 2 is mostly an independent side story with only loose connections to the first season, but season 3 goes back and picks up on where things left off. As far as the Silent Brotherhood, no one predicted or knew about the time resetting. As you might have noticed throughout the first season, a constant theme was that prophecies don't always play out exactly the way they're expected to, and there are many people with their own agendas working against fate for a number of different reasons. The Silent Brotherhood knew a lot of things, but not everything, and they aren't immune to the memories being lost. There is a specific explanation for why your character retains those memories and no one else does, provided further on in the story. They did make a lot of strong bonds and then take them away, and that disparity becomes a frequent element in the narrative when you get to season 3.
    This was a really nice explanation, but you're killing me with the few last sentences. This is so damn unfair with us. You work hard to fail not one, but two times.
    And in the end, you're probably the one that loses everything.

    I don't know, I feel bad.

  • Member snapzikun
    Vindictus Rep: 715
    Posts: 3

  • Member Harii
    Vindictus Rep: 645
    Posts: 11
    snapzikun wrote: »

