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Special Element Stone Pouch results :)?
5 boxes so far
Att , Att, Att, Att, and guess what Att.

hopefully your luck wasn't as bad a mine. Post your results
The box is mailable/shard storage. The stone is bound (and is ATT/MATT depending on the char that opens it). Stone only works on weapons.
Lucky. I got a trash roll of +79 Att. Bleh.
As Arrow 95 said, it's just +1 Critical. I'd rather have the ATT for my Trainee weapon. It works even though the stone specifies Level 1-95 and Trainee weapons don't have a level requirement.
Thanks nexon
OP roll, I used 2 of my stones... 69 att, 75 m-att ;-)
Hmm, what do you use your Trainee weapon for?
Gosh, thats even worse.
Mainly tax evasion (repair cost) on Shakarr. Prior to Rise! I used it for farming orbs/ore, maximizing my DEF (Trainee Glaive gives raw DEF) for break-off runs, and testing other assortments of bugs/features.