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Power & Tech. requirements for Dullahan?


  • Member KenshinX
    Vindictus Rep: 1,870
    Posts: 151
    Zaeadras wrote: »
    blah blah
    You've already spent a ton of money as you said, so why do you not have atleast 105 crit? Because spending money does not give you the knowledge of knowing which scrolls to put on your gear. Waiting in a normal boat is well enough of a punishment for that. Otherwise get yourself that 105 crit you need which is so easy, and go on quick battle. It cannot be that hard. Even purple grade level 95 equipment could reach the requirements, and that won't be very expensive when released.
  • Member NuclearChicken
    Vindictus Rep: 1,385
    Posts: 91
    Well, i got exactly 105 crit on my lynn and i only have silver God, dont have neamhain crit buffs or any crit scrolls besides Well balanced and master.
    Also my weapon has shitty shards, not even maxed.

    All this with r8-9 scrolls, you should prolly try a little harder
  • Member Ingkells
    Vindictus Rep: 1,405
    Posts: 130
    i dont think i have under 105 crit on any of my alts and i havent played most of them in years. and their gear isnt good either. should be able hit that easily with the free +10 gear. could also use those 30 minute crit/bal boosts. if the 37k power or w/e the req is, is too high for you, then use soap and warm welcome kitty potion for +1500 att. or just do normal mode like everyone was saying. pretty sure people will check the normal board for new content, so u wont be waiting long. megaphones are also a thing. and class chat is like a free mega
  • Member Karijuna
    Vindictus Rep: 2,675
    Posts: 196
    edited July 25, 2017
    Never spent a penny on anything in this game except cosmetics and currently have old level 60/70 accessorys and the free +10 gear equipped, no fancy scrolls, only my weapon is a full orange +13 with immoral that I got very lucky with. Quick Battle is supposed to be quick, which makes these kind of requirements necessary in my opinion. Endgame content shouldn't just be handed on a golden plate, literally every other MMO that I played also needed some sort of preparation before jumping into the big endgame stuff.
  • Member MisterWhiskers
    Vindictus Rep: 2,615
    Posts: 348
    god bless the need for higher crit/bal

    People might actually start using material synthesis more and the hundreds of mats I farmed will go up in value
  • Member Menrva
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 84
    edited July 26, 2017
    Karijuna wrote: »
    very lucky

    That's the only thing that matters in your post, really.

    Be lucky or don't enjoy our game seems to be their goal.
  • Member Puppyman
    Vindictus Rep: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    edited July 26, 2017
    Menrva wrote: »
    Karijuna wrote: »
    very lucky

    That's the only thing that matters in your post, really.

    Be lucky or don't enjoy our game seems to be their goal.

    Don't dismiss people's hard work, just as: "well who cares you were just lucky"
    Sure she 'got lucky' to get a +13, a +11 can get you just as far. And with all the runes we get from events, which are a lot, such as with past wing event(IF you actually put in the work you could of gotten a bunch of enchant and enhance runes), you can get many chances at +11 at the least.
    If people actually farmed for money they can get decent gear, either way as said many times in this thread. Dully is end game content, it's not meant for you to just jump in whoptedoo as soon as you hit 90 and get your free +10 90 gear.
    As also said in the thread, there are no reqs for making the battle on the board. Just use that and see how amazing you do with subpar stats.

    People complain about rates of enhancement or enchants, but quite frankly you can buy a lot of things from other people as opposed to just trying to roll with rng since one seems to have so much 'bad luck'.

    And farming doesn't mean running 5 raids a day and maybe buying a vip off board to run eochaid and abom 2 times each day. You gotta work if you want results, 9 times out of 10 you aren't going to be handed end game stats.

    People can say what they want about people in the #1-5 rankings, but you don't need to drop cash to reach decent stats to play the game, let alone enjoy it.

    And I know because I used to be all: "We'll lookie here a +15 well aren't you a lucky hella of a fella, game's done for yer'
  • Member Menrva
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 84
    edited July 26, 2017
    Puppyman wrote: »
    Menrva wrote: »
    Karijuna wrote: »
    very lucky

    That's the only thing that matters in your post, really.

    Be lucky or don't enjoy our game seems to be their goal.

    Don't dismiss people's hard work, just as: "well who cares you were just lucky"
    Sure she 'got lucky' to get a +13, a +11 can get you just as far. And with all the runes we get from events, which are a lot, such as with past wing event(IF you actually put in the work you could of gotten a bunch of enchant and enhance runes), you can get many chances at +11 at the least.
    If people actually farmed for money they can get decent gear, either way as said many times in this thread. Dully is end game content, it's not meant for you to just jump in whoptedoo as soon as you hit 90 and get your free +10 90 gear.
    As also said in the thread, there are no reqs for making the battle on the board. Just use that and see how amazing you do with subpar stats.

    People complain about rates of enhancement or enchants, but quite frankly you can buy a lot of things from other people as opposed to just trying to roll with rng since one seems to have so much 'bad luck'.

    And farming doesn't mean running 5 raids a day and maybe buying a vip off board to run eochaid and abom 2 times each day. You gotta work if you want results, 9 times out of 10 you aren't going to be handed end game stats.

    People can say what they want about people in the #1-5 rankings, but you don't need to drop cash to reach decent stats to play the game, let alone enjoy it.

    And I know because I used to be all: "We'll lookie here a +15 well aren't you a lucky hella of a fella, game's done for yer'
    You can't even farm gold the way you used to anymore, everything has no substantial value anymore. Scrolls aren't worth crap, and materials to enhance and crafting are still just as expensive.

    I've gotten a +14 before, but that's on a lv 80 weapon. which just isn't good enough anymore. Now I've tried enhancing an orange weapon - spending **** tons of gold just to get them - only for them to break. 9 times consecutively. Now I'm dirt poor with no means to farm for gold. More than 1b has already went down the drain and the best I could reach is 34 - 35k tech.

    The only way to make gold now is to buy it either from farmers or get it by selling NX gacha stuff.

    So yes, this game only rewards the very lucky and the very rich. Hard work my arse. I've been here since closed beta.
  • Member MochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    edited July 27, 2017
    Menrva wrote: »
    More than 1b has already went down the drain and the best I could reach is 34 - 35k tech.

    I assume you did your enhancing pre rise, because aiming for high enhancement post rise from scatch is totally wasteful while we haven't had absolute stone yet. If I were you i'd spent that money to buy a +15 instead when it was dirt cheap (1-1.5b), bought my +15 full enchanted bastard sword for 1.2. Things changed post rise so all the stuff youve mentioned are unfortunately correct, yet you should have been prepared for this because we already knew it'd gonna happen. Not to be offense but playing since beta doesn't have anything to do with planning on using your resources right.
  • Member Karijuna
    Vindictus Rep: 2,675
    Posts: 196
    My point of showing my stats was to show you that I am actually heavily undergeared and still managed to get the required stats. I blew up 2 Premium Enhancement Runes (that I got for FREE through events) to even get it to +11, and one Premium Enchant Rune (which was also FREE) for the Immoral (because I got it when it was very expensive back then). I put a ton of time into even getting this orange weapon and got the parts mostly from farming Ben Chenner Entrance myself (except 1 or 2, which I bought from the gold I made). I didn't really upgrade my accessorys because it would've meant that I would lose all of my infused stats (which I got from EVENT element stones) and I just don't have enough time anymore to farm all that stuff up.
    Even if my weapon was only +11, if I would've put more efford into the rest of my gear, I still would've been able to reach these stats through proper scrolls and accessorys. I actually put a LOT of time into my whole account and I have more than 10 of each kind of rune (except exq./prem.) still lying around just from events, so I definetely could get even more superior stats from what I have right now.
    The point is, if you put efford into the game and it's events, you get all the stuff you need to upgrade your gear for free. If it would be super easy to get to the stat cap, there would quickly be absolutely no point in even playing anymore.
  • Member NuclearChicken
    Vindictus Rep: 1,385
    Posts: 91
    Well, now that dulla is live you can try for yourself, solo it or something and see how much damage you do, it really is a step up, those requirements seem fair after trying for myself

    Also still, the requirements are for quick battles, its the new raid, you can,find alot of normal boats, dont whine when not needed
  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    Karijuna wrote: »
    The point is, if you put efford into the game and it's events, you get all the stuff you need to upgrade your gear for free. If it would be super easy to get to the stat cap, there would quickly be absolutely no point in even playing anymore.

    My alt with a +15 regina doesn't even manage to hit those QB reqs ;-)
  • Member NuclearChicken
    Vindictus Rep: 1,385
    Posts: 91
    ikevi wrote: »
    Karijuna wrote: »
    The point is, if you put efford into the game and it's events, you get all the stuff you need to upgrade your gear for free. If it would be super easy to get to the stat cap, there would quickly be absolutely no point in even playing anymore.

    My alt with a +15 regina doesn't even manage to hit those QB reqs ;-)

    Are you playing naked? Lol
  • Member Zaeadras
    Vindictus Rep: 765
    Posts: 50
    Puppyman wrote: »
    Menrva wrote: »
    Karijuna wrote: »
    very lucky

    That's the only thing that matters in your post, really.

    Be lucky or don't enjoy our game seems to be their goal.

    Don't dismiss people's hard work, just as: "well who cares you were just lucky"

    As someone who has played the game sense beta i can confirm that anything beyond +10 is luck i have blown up so many weapons trying to get past plus 10 and after what 6 years? 7? i finally got one to 11 just to blow it up going for 12 then i desperately and i mean DESPERATELY farmed up the ap to restore the weapon before rise because i didn't want to be stuck at 10 again

    hard work means diddly squat for this game outside of Character and skill Level you could be playing this game endlessly and never get passed +10 non enchanted weaponry i should know i was there till the enchant event happened

    heck my Fiona from beta which was my most played character till Delia came out was stuck with a +8 orange weapon i had used at least 20 Enhance runes trying to get it to 10 then just gave up because i ran out of my Blackfriday stock of runes
  • Member Ingkells
    Vindictus Rep: 1,405
    Posts: 130
    well, yeah. rng is luck not skill. but after playing this long u ought to know better than throw that much gold/runes at ferghus and brynn. after a certain point, people are better off buying gear instead of making it. if rng doesnt go ur way, instead of throwing away seal shop mats with ferghus, u can make stuff and sell it. nickle and dime ur way to what u want.
  • Member Arrow95
    Vindictus Rep: 2,515
    Posts: 491
    37k power and 195 tech isn't that bad, don't get what all the whineing is about, so if you just wanna do it? go in solo mode, have some consideration for others.
    in reality in a party of 4 if you don't meet those requirements, you will be bringing your party down.
  • Member Zaeadras
    Vindictus Rep: 765
    Posts: 50
    Arrow95 wrote: »
    in reality in a party of 4 if you don't meet those requirements, you will be bringing your party down.

    This is an outright lie as I've taken to switching my set after i join a room to lose that extra needed 7 crit for about 1300 more attack and 5000 more defense
    my average in the battle is 20% and that is with my dinky +11 and that is in those rooms with a +15

    on the other hand try making a new character from scratch without any help from your main account get to level 90 and try to progress at all without spending NX
    it's a huge pain just to get a decent set of equipment together let alone match up to the stat requirements the game wants you to have in order to even attempt that battle as people will only search through quick battle nowadays the issue here is you are all desensitized because of the gear you've obtained

    if we are talking about consideration for others why not make a non quick battle boat to help those less fortunate (don't forget to advertise it) or give away some of those excess stats

    the funny part is the battle isn't even that bad so the stats aren't even necessary requirements especially the crit and balance requirement
    the weird thing is even if you get full orange 95 gear you can still fail the requirements

    what even is that XD
  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748

    Are you playing naked? Lol

    Nah, just free stuff she has acquired over time. The weapon was +10 via one of those coupons, and managed to go +15 without booming. So I at least made it orange (cheap) + gave her an immoral that I had on me. But that is about all I gave her. So she has the free lv 90 armor etc...

  • Member Menrva
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 84
    It's no surprise players who have always been lucky/spent tons of NX are out of touch with how difficult it is to gear up.
  • Member Puppyman
    Vindictus Rep: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    edited July 27, 2017
    Menrva wrote: »
    It's no surprise players who have always been lucky/spent tons of NX are out of touch with how difficult it is to gear up.

    I can assure you 70% of people you claim to just be lucky do at least 2x the amount of work to gear themselves then you even did

    Either way all of this thread is irrelevant because people can just run regular non-quick battle that has 0 restrictions, but that is too complex of a task

    And don't go all "But quick battle is extra core!!"
    If your so unlucky and never get drops, then the extra core doesn't even matter

    I'm getting spicy