I decided to make this thread for fun and show how the title counts compare between our 2 servers. This is gonna show off whoever is within the top 5 highest title count of their respective class. I'm not making separate lists per weapon type (like a list for chain Vella and sword Vella). If you don't want to be on this last, that's fine! Post in the thread or pm me if you want your name to be taken down for any reason.
The format will resemble something like this
Name - Title # (Server) [MM/DD/YY] <- last checked/updated
I'm going to need their server, name, and title count to list them, and preferably screenshot as well for proof their title count. Seeing as I'm from West I'll be able to add on here and there for small title count updates, so if you're interested, please leave a screenshot and that info!
Note: For the initial posting of this thread, it will have mostly west players until more players from other servers post screenshots so I can update the list properly
1. Zubine - 840 (NA) [1/1/19]
2. TheDestroyer - 823 (NA) [1/1/19]
3. Fury - 805 (EU) [1/1/19]
4. LeXicO - 799 (NA) [1/1/19]
5. SirToto - 761 (EU) [6/23/18]
1. Jasmin - 825 (EU) [1/1/19]
2. Kendrya - 808 (NA) [1/1/19]
3. Jaime - 803 (NA) [12/16/18]
4. Starchaser - 799 (NA) [11/10/18]
5. kosc97 - 792 (NA) [8/18/18]
1. Natsuki - 856 (EU) [1/1/19]
2. Tony - 850 (EU) [1/2/19]
3. Noemi - 844 (NA) [1/1/19]
4. Amilyn - 840 (NA) [1/1/19]
5. JynXi - 836 (EU) [1/2/19]
1. SAOPingu - 824 (EU) [1/2/19]
2. Abaddan - 795 (NA) [1/1/19]
3. Blackaos - 767 (EU) [1/1/19]
4. OCDenhanced - 750 (NA) [1/5/19]
5. ZAADZ - 744 (NA) [11/6/18]
1. TheEvilEnderman - 820 (EU) [1/2/19]
2. Roland - 809 (NA) [1/1/19]
2. Persuasive - 809 (NA) [1/1/19]
4. SPAWNKAY - 807 (EU) [1/2/19]
5. Death_Gunner - 804 (EU) [1/2/19]
1. Nocatia - 823 (EU) [1/1/19]
2. Kybel - 781 (EU) [1/2/19]
3. Tracie6 - 780 (NA) [12/16/18]
4. AmeliaFrost - 771 (EU) [9/13/18]
5. Asumi - 767 (EU) [11/24/18]
1. Gojira - 831 (EU) [1/2/19]
2. Karenda - 825 (EU) [1/2/19]
3. LookAtMyDPS - 821 (NA) [1/1/19]
4. Zerkies - 793 (NA) [1/1/19]
5. Lethita - 791 (NA) [11/12/18]
1. Rhri - 830 (NA) [1/1/19]
2. Schiaciatta - 790 (NA) [1/1/19]
2. OmgLag - 790 (NA) [1/1/19]
4. Quinque - 784 (NA) [11/12/18]
5. Emerthyst - 775 (NA) [1/1/19]
1. TakeitSlow - 807 (NA) [1/1/19]
2. SkyMajesty - 770 (NA) [1/1/19]
3. Hally - 761 (NA) [1/1/19]
4. Lexus - 759 (NA) [11/12/18]
5. Avoira - 754 (NA) [11/12/18]
1. Yakkuzama - 740 (EU) [1/1/19]
2. ShadowMadara - 737 (NA) [1/1/19]
3. Chipper - 722 (NA) [12/3/18]
4. Saphree - 720 (NA) [1/1/19]
4. TheWitcher - 720 (NA) [1/14/19]
1. Korulie - 775 (EU) [1/2/19]
2. Lead - 725 (NA) [1/1/19]
3. SaberNero - 721 (NA) [11/30/18]
4. Lead - 717 (NA) [12/16/18]
5. Twilies - 715 (NA) [1/1/19]
1. SaIamandinay - 764 (NA) [1/4/18]
1. Elaea - 738 (EU) [8/8/18]
2. Darkmir - 730 (NA) [1/1/19]
4. Triplets - 718 (NA) [1/1/19]
5. Veneratoria - 691 (NA) [12/16/18]
1. Grimden - 632 (NA) [1/1/19]
2. BalrogIvar - 622 (NA) [1/1/19]
Note: only adding Grims with 600+
Title Tier Chart:

Vanguard Title List by LookAtMyDPS:
Original Thread/Creator:
Lynnception - 615 - EAST
Maybe someday lynn can hit 700...
EDIT: Added image.
What character? +shy
Only doing current title counts, not future ones despite them being items my dude
I don't know what kind of "fun" is this, but doing accurate ranking is rather impossible.
I know it won't be 100% accurate, it's just something I wanted to do cause why not? Just something that I randomly decided to do is all, I know it'll never be 100% accurate, but might as well try +best
Also someone else that needs to be on this list (lann from east):
Noemi (east evie) has somewhere around 725 titles as well.
Fixed it and could you try to find the exact number for Noemi? +pain
This is handled differently than his and honestly I forgot about it, thanks for reminding me, I'll add it below the title chart! Thanks for the reminder!
Evie EU