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So is there a particular reason why
We can't enhance restored weapons?
bless these forums for not letting me put all that in the title but anyways
I was really hoping I could at least log in and pop all my weapons. Haven't really been playing much at all in the past 3-4 months so I figured it'd be fun to go ahead and do that. Jokes on me though. Can't even watch all my gear die trying for 13

They want people to enhance their items until they break and restore basically for free (current AP restoration costs are kinda low, especially given significantly higher AP gain), and if they are unsatisfied with it - make new ones, given higher orange drop rates and enhance success rates. Also as a part of the update KR got oranges in seal shop as we did for months. Lastly, they don't want people to burm their items to death, so they have excuse to quit. While this might somewhat help against those "ragers", it surely hurts people like myself, who have back-up, as in don't yolo everything.
so basically they took the high-risk high-reward aspect out of enhancing just because
People who are gunna quit cause they popped their weapon were most likely gunna quit anyways. Don't really see how this adds any sort of positive change to this game
Pretty much yeah.. Not like they would've stayed that much longer since they were planning to quit anyway. They'd play with the enhanced weapon for a little while longer, get bored all over again then leave 'cause NO NEW CONTENT FOR HALF A DAMN YEAR but having new gachapons every two months or so (hmm..), which is the real reason why nobody really stays. They can try to justify their money gouging ways all they want, but everybody can tell they're full of it lol. Not really NA's fault, though they're a bit shady at times too.
If they really wanted to make more money off the runes, then they could have just as easily made the runes work for further enhancing 'cause the weapon enhancing/enchanting would've failed more often than not which would result in a broken weapon anyway- especially with how enhancing from +11-20 is harder now than it was beforehand while also keeping double booming with the only negative drawbacks being player side. Boom, profit.. Literally lol. Keep making new content, keep making new characters, recycle through old and new outfitters to dress said new characters, and you're good. You have a happy functioning community & game and could even end up with a surplus of revenue, it's literally that simple lol.