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Can Brynn leave the Magic Lab?
I'm up to date with the story content, and I am confused about Brynn.
I thought he wasn't allowed to leave the Magic Lab.
Quoted from the Vindictus gamepedia site, "After Reilly sealed off the beast, Brynn confined himself within a magical barrier in the Magic Laboratory, otherwise he would die the moment he steps out."
May anyone explain this to me?
Or maybe Dev Cat forgot to remove the picture after S3 update, and the easy way was just to pretend that time reset went wrong
"DeRpCaT sToPpEd TrYiNG"
Yawn. Miur and the character(s) you play remembers every detail of what happened. Milo and Iset do as well, being that they exist outside of time and thus are not really effected by the "gods" reset. I personally feel Brynn and Nyle know way more than they let off, as well as Naveen. My hunch is Brynn still remembers Tieve (which would be why he kept the picture) but doesn't want to raise any alarm as it wouldn't be beneficial for his personal research and is taking advantage of the unfolding confusion. Not to mention the world is probably more enriched with mana since Erinn/Paradise is merging with the mortal world so he knows he can step out of his lab now since magic is all over the place and expanded the territory he can traverse, as previously stated.
However, most likely due to Cichol, Erinn is incomplete, which is why there are 2 Brahas, and the same applies to Ancient Glas. When Brynn is taken to check the summoning remnants in Ben Chenner, he identifies the magic as his own, or rather, magic he had been studying to summon the goddess. Which according to Season 1 he did, he even states in S3: "With Erinn this close, it might work this time", and Nyle even asks "This time?".
Basically time condensed, which shouldn't have happened according to Muir, in contrast to Braha however, only 1 Glas exists in Season 3, the summoning still occurred, but this time it was on the Ben Chenner ruins, the summoner was still Brynn in Ainle, but because of condensed time, Glas was on the Ruins, Riley never tackled the beast, and Brynn never became bound to the lab.
Now, the reason no one remembers Tieve or Keaghan is an effect of Elchulus' time fuckery too, whenever someone dies, they become forgotten, like when Marrec, Aodhan and Riordan died, no one remembered them, the same happened to Ceara when she stayed behind to draw some maps for the royal army at the Ben Chenner summit (they were all slain by Lugh). Tieve and Keaghan are not dead per say, rather they ceased existing when they became their respective gods, but technically, they died, so no one remembers them too.
As it was explained by Macha and Riley, memories have a bit of a fail safe to them, once something is forgotten due to Erinn, the memories fill themselves in order to fix the void, this gets harder when more inaccuracies occur, and then the person either remembers or they go mad. Brynn almost fell to madness after the player defeated Glas, but he managed to remember Tieve and the later events of S1, how he guided the player and Keaghan to Heide, how he wanted us to save Tieve, though it came back to him slowly and painfully. This is the reason Elchulus needs to be sealed again, Erinn is collapsing, which is why Heroes are needed, Lugh was the last Hero, and now the player and Milo are considered the next Heroes, they are the ones supposed to remember and help the rest remember, and the ones to seal Elchulus (though, their fate according to Muir is to be forgotten, as only the name of the dragon is remembered).
Unrelated but still somewhat relevant, Macha said she sped up Erinn's collapse somehow, and Muir noted as well that Erinn was collapsing faster than it should.
My scources are "writting down every last detail that is spoken, or seen. Every last dialogue line from season 3".