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Soloist Update - 65-R9

Member GruesomeCrimson
Vindictus Rep: 420
Posts: 29
in General Discussion
July 5th 2017 – Pacific Northwest

Greeting One and All.

Quick update.

If you had been able to decode the message in my last posting. The last five weeks have been very busy for you. Between the Prize Wheel and the Double AP/XP you should have been able to bring a number of your characters, to above level 60, in preparations for the upcoming Summer Events. If you thought or found that there just didn't seem to be enough time in those five weeks to get every thing done, I feel for you, but for those of you, who 'did' figure out that double rhyme, in the third paragraph. Congratulations to you.

If you were unable to figure it out. I feel for you, too, just not as much. Now that the Event is over the Server times, for the Double AP/XP event, if you were living on the West Coast of America:

East Server: 3pm to 7pm
West Server: 7pm to 11pm
Australia Server: 1am to 5am
Europe Server: 5am to 9am

See how simple that was? So that two hour break, is that what threw many of you off? Better luck next time. Isn't science great? So are you enjoying Rise?

Today, we are going to discuss Guilds and what a Guild can do for you. I'm sure there are many things that a player and character can do for a Guild. But to be able to provide that information you would need an active Raid Guild Guildmaster, as a Soloist, I am not that person.

What got me started thinking about Guilds, was the big dog standing next to the chest. Every time I had to run pass, on the way to the General Store. It was early in the game and I was kind of wondering if I created a Guild, could I use that chest, as shared storage between my own characters. So I created a Guild and then I found out that I, alone didn't have enough members in my Guild to use the chest in that manner. That information cost me $300,000 in gold.

I went back to playing the game and forgot about it for a while, until I got a 'leveling-up' reward in my mailbox, of a 100 AP Capsule. Okay and I got that for what reason? Eventually I figured out it was associated to the creation of the Guild. As my character or characters generate 'action' it generates a similar response within the Guild. The Guild then become a beneficial shield for the character or characters assigned to either a particular Guild or Server. All characters within the Guild receive a 'level-up' reward whether they were active or not in it's creation. That being the 100 AP capsule.

There are twenty levels in a Guild. There are four servers in Vindictus. For every Soloist there are 28 possible guild members. Seven per server. I have an abundance of Gold to spend, don't you?

First off, you need four characters at level 60 or above and $300,000 to create a guild and get the little story that provides instructions on paying the money and then going back to the first window and choosing a name for your guild and an ID number and that's it. To join your guild you need a new or different character and you have to click on the Guild Flag at the bottom of your screen. You do a search for the guild you want to join – preferably the one you just created and click to join. Exit out of that character and go and get the character you used to create the guild and then click on the guild flag and then click on Guild Members and there will be a place to approve the guild to join request. That's it and your up a running.

Here is what my system turned out to be:

Europe – Karok – 62 – Guild Level 2 – Members 2, 71 and 19

Level 1: Battle EXP +1%
Level 2: 1% Dye Fee Discount

Australia – Karok – 71 Guild Level 4 – Members 2, 62 and 35

Level 1: Battle EXP +1%
Level 2: 1% Dye Fee Discount
Level 3: 1% Transaction Discount
Level 4: 1% Repair Fee Discount

West – Karok – 75 Guild Level 8 – Members 3, 75, 61, and 16

Level 1: Battle EXP +1%
Level 2: 1% Dye Fee Discount
Level 3: 1% Transaction Discount
Level 4: 1% Repair Fee Discount
Level 5: 2% Dye Fee Discount
Level 6: 1% Enhancement Gold Fee Discount
Level 7: Battle EXP +3%
Level 8: 2% Transaction Discount

East – Karok – 69 – Guild Level 9 – Members 4, 69, 62, 31, and 26

Level 1: Battle EXP +1%
Level 2: 1% Dye Fee Discount
Level 3: 1% Transaction Discount
Level 4: 1% Repair Fee Discount
Level 5: 2% Dye Fee Discount
Level 6: 1% Enhancement Gold Fee Discount
Level 7: Battle EXP +3%
Level 8: 2% Transaction Discount
Level 9: Path EXP 5%

20 levels for each Guild and then there is that 100 AP capsule that appears in your mailbox, for each level. Picture this: You create a new character. At level 2 you can join a Guild after you complete your first mission. If you were fortunate to join a long standing guild that had already completed the 20 levels of the guild, then you would possibly receive all leveling-up rewards at the same time as an instant bonus in your character's creation.

I can only provide 9 100 AP capsules on my East server at this time.

Play against the game...


  • Member 7thRonin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,030
    Posts: 50
    edited July 5, 2017
    o.O wdf man? Just spend a few 100k on a mega and ask to join a level 20 guild. You'll get all the exp. capsules sent immediately to your mailbox without the hassle of earning BP to level up your guild to 20 to get the full rewards. If you don't feel like being in a guild you can simply leave the guild after the mail has been sent. btw - the ap capsules increase in the amount of ap rewarded as the guild levels up. Also, if you're doing it for the shared storage you should know that a free shared storage box is now provided to characters since Rise update. It can be accessed at the bottom left your inventory screen. If this isn't enough for you or your guild has the storage locked down to prevent guild storage thieves from robbing you can always do what many of us used to do and simply create more characters to gain yourself 3 boxes of inventory space for each character. This isn't the same as 'Shared Storage", but you can often eliminate most of the cost of sending mats to and from characters by sending mats with a cod of 1gold. Maybe that's changed since Rise -shrug-.
  • Member Weiss_Oswald
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 137
    Everyone knows that... Joining a level 20 guild gives you around 2k AP, some people join a guild just for that matter. Then leave, or do whatever the "Guildless" do.

    I like my Guild, playing with people is what has kept me in the game.
  • Member GruesomeCrimson
    Vindictus Rep: 420
    Posts: 29
    Alright, is there a limit as to the number of Guilds any one individual character can join? Now that I am a Guild Member in Good Standing in my own Guilds, can I then double, or quadruple, or maximize the benefits of Guild membership by applying to join every Guild on the Western Server with each of my individual characters on that server?

    If I should do that, how much actual benefit would I receive? As for the two thousand AP points, you can make that in a couple of hours on the Europe Server, right now. I'm thinking about the other benefits, that most people ignore.

    I always like getting comments from the 90's. I was asking the question to prepare myself and the other Soloist members for when we reach level 90 and want to experience a Raid Guild -- but I suspect that won't be until next year. I kinda like the sounds of it: Economic Mercenary.

    7thRonin: I early on decided that share storage in this game was an unnecessary joke being played on the player. Since every character basically receives the same items as they are leveling up, there was no reason to save anything, to share with any other character, since they would all receive the same items, in due time. Even the Tickets are an additional joke in bad taste.

    So do either of you have you own Guilds. If not, why not - are these benefits that the 90 level players don't need?

  • Member Tetsujin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,660
    Posts: 109
    7thRonin: I early on decided that share storage in this game was an unnecessary joke being played on the player. Since every character basically receives the same items as they are leveling up, there was no reason to save anything, to share with any other character, since they would all receive the same items, in due time. Even the Tickets are an additional joke in bad taste.

    Shared storage is really useful for Airtight items from Gacha boxes. For example, if you get a makeup token on one character but want to use it another character. Putting it in shared storage will account-lock the item but it's the easiest way to transfer items & it's free.
  • Member RyanReynolds
    Vindictus Rep: 1,795
    Posts: 170