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Level 90 armors


  • Member Gewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    edited November 4, 2016
    It was more of a personal question as I clearly stated that "it's not even a matter of "PRE/XE, NA/EU" ,unless this wasn't adressed to me then please use quote(s) or anything, a direct answer can be taken for an answer to the post right above yours. (which is mine)

    By the way, what goes to DEF also goes to ATT, thing being that ATT is just so ridiculous to get nowadays that's it's kinda hard to not cap anything now.. but anyway, the point is that capping everything even with ATT makes the game as easier.
    Thus why my little spikey comment about Neamhain, because I saw people instantly trying to cap at 27k ATT just for this only one raid, and then people will probably complain that it's not going to be a challenge because "we will clear it in a week again lol" but maybe don't cap stats 5 months earlier and deal with the difficulty that this raid is supposed to give ? s3 raids are as sandbags as s2 raids and yet I clearly remember parties getting butt-kicked during Annwyn/Iset release.

    Nowadays ? Worst I've done is a Lugh release party in 30-33mins. Braha too because of the mechanics.. but that's it. And why so ? Because even a +10 90 can get like 24k ATT now so you already cap the released raid, well done lol.
    W/o being full orange geared, I had a +10 Termi Scythe only scrolled Valor... yet I was already capped at s3 raids, thus WITHOUT m.att bracelets btw.

    This game became too much of a power creep and such mentality will only increase it for the future. I can't wait for lv 100 gear, with 60 base Crit at this point.. not really, devs put themselves in a corner and they know it, now the contents are just "get new abilities" or literally "get more overpowered stats" via 'difficult' battles. Can see as most of new KR contents is literally 'filler'.

    EDIT : I forgot over-the-top revamps as well, except Lynn hehe
  • Member Nekonomimi
    Vindictus Rep: 650
    Posts: 16
    If you find any hard cap for attack speed, that's where you could technically say you'd never cap, even though there's nothing to cap about speed.

    With light/cloth you have access to a better array of enchants to increase abc in general in every piece compared to heavy/plate, but as always, personal preference goes first, so you can do w/e even if you go full plate.

    This isn't a game where you must compete for top dps. Just get what's more comfortable for you.

    My personal preference is "not determining DEF as important as improving other stats".
  • Member elcausa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 70
    edited November 4, 2016
    Yeah I wasn't directed at you but as the people grouping the whole NA region because of my post, sorry for the confusion, is just I don't mind being called a noob but don't want to drag the whole region into it just because of how I play, it doesn't mean the whole region plays like me.

    @Nekonomimi, yes which is why specifically said the build was for staff not scythe, if you play scythe or hybrid is not gonna work out so well because at least to me with staff def> att speed, and you're right this game is not all about dps, but about what you find more comfortable and or fun reason I just put the option out there , I'm well aware is not something for everyone but just straight calling it retarded or useless notion was the thing I was arguing about.
  • Member Rakushu
    Vindictus Rep: 2,125
    Posts: 159
    I started this thread to get a good feeling and planning for my level 90 sets...

    Everyone has given me a good starting point. I tried not to enchant anymore and I was able to find a lugh scythe and a s/d gauntlet. I intended to get another piece of lugh - depends on what the market could offer.

    The other three pieces, I am going to see what the market can offer.

    Thanks a lot for all the suggestions and comments!
  • Member Yukania
    Vindictus Rep: 1,340
    Posts: 23
    (Click on the pic to see which scrolls I've used)

    The first set it Senti with wb master on mail, it's my preffered scroll choice, that's why I put it first. You can't really put scrolls on heavy / plate that increase something else than def/att on helmet and pants.
    When people go for a 3/3 mix, they normaly take heavy / plate as boots, gloves and mail since they still got rather good r7 scrolls.
  • Member Rakushu
    Vindictus Rep: 2,125
    Posts: 159

    I shopped around the marketplace and forum...I went with Lugh Lamhfada mainly I am tried of enchanting.

    Overall defense increases by 3.1k
    I am just missing the shoes.

    Thanks a lot for all the suggestions!