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Max weapon enhancement... for 30 seconds
After over 5 years of Vindictus.
1000+ hours.
Over 15 failed attempts at +12.
Uncountable lowbie weapons killed to 0 durability.
Never before seeing beyond +13.
Today, for thirty seconds, at 7:59 and 30 seconds EST, I had the highest enhancement in the game. I had a +15. I may have never gotten to use it, but today, I finally won Vindictus.
Thanks gang.

Literally hit 15 with seconds to spare, just enough time to mega it but not enough time to screen shot it. It has to be the last +15 of classic VinD at least.
good try but , I made a weapon from +14-15 2 seconds before game update , with screenshot . But mine wasn't as special as yours, because I already had 3 +15 90s
The funny thing is some of these veteran players who are trying to buy +11's through +15's for pennies on the gold. They are plenty good enough to play the game, with +9's like you say, but now they suddenly want +15's of everything, for way less than the cost to make them.
You must be a f2p player. Also sorry buddy, +9 isn't enough to even be comparable to higher enhanced weapons after this update.