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I quit Lynn to main Arisha
Easily became one of the best decisions in my entire life! I was only level 66 on Lynn though, but for me thats a lot of since im still new to the game. Lynn's reliance on yellow marks is borderline toxic to me... so is getting hit somehow because of windstep/littlerat acting awkward. For now I am really missing the plate armor when I solo stuff like weeping queen.
For me, the biggest thing annoying me was how I sometimes would get the circle animation (meaning successful counter) during little rat jump, but windstep would not activate. I dont know what it was exactly, but I guess I must be blocking attacks at the very end of the invulnerability window or something and then landing on the floor before the input for windstep is accepted. Also in general, the safety window for little rat and thunderleg seem super short, like if I had to guess I would say its .35 seconds or something. Thunderleg is another issue all on its own, using it vs attacks with multiple hits just gets me hit because the invulnerability window ends far before the animation ends. Same deal for little rat, I would miss a little rat counter and I just knew I was going to get hit because like 7/10 of that animation leaves Lynn open and is not cancelled by anything... Other than that, I would sometimes actually barely jump completely clear of an attack with little rat which would mean no windstep. Oh and also a few times I would windstep on a projectile counter and end up like stuck right next to wall and only be able to see the boss's legs and have to just hope I can read the next attack to step back out.
Overall I dont know if these are 'problems' but just things I hated or found super awkward. Honestly I found the defense part of her kit to be the most frustrating. I managed to complete Shady Forest on hero mode. The boss attacks so much faster that you HAVE to windstep/counter to even mark him with the fastest mark combo (Fishpole/LLRR) and nevermind whether or not the mark came out yellow or blue. (after windstep you start one basic attack ahead so its LRR). I can only assume all this is why I hear new/bad Lynn players are constantly on the floor in raids...
scatchate [fate/grand order]
yeah thunderleg and little rat iframes are pretty challenging
but little rat will be ur best bet
for arisha she has more iframes than lynn because she can use a shield and warp
which is op for defense
but somehow i wish arisha only has warp skills and no shielding
You don't have to use it. Good luck getting your mana though.