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Why don't you play hero mode?

Member Lazut
Vindictus Rep: 500
Posts: 8
edited June 10, 2017 in General Discussion
i don't want to play easier difficulties just to get fast and easier AP/EXP/Items/Gold/Story progression
this game should allow hero at level 1, because first levels are too easy

when i host a raid boat on hard, in 5 minutes average 4 players already join and sometimes the full boats is complete
when i host on hero, if im lucky a player joins after 5~10 minutes but mostly they leave, once 2 players already joins and stay, it takes another 10~15 minutes to complete atleast 5/8 players, and thats sad

seems like players really enjoy playing easier difficulties and i just can't really understand..
hero battles doesn't even take long time to complete, probably double than hard mode, but atleast is more fun
  1. Why don't you play hero mode?30 votes
    1. is too hard for me
       13% (4 votes)
    2. i like it but i don't have time to wait players when no1 is interesed to play
       23% (7 votes)
    3. is not worth rewards/time, better play a fast/easier battle with almost same rewards
       63% (19 votes)


  • Member Atherion
    Vindictus Rep: 3,520
    Posts: 301
    edited June 9, 2017
    Hero mode stopped being hard the same week it came out since it s literally the same boss people had been running for years but with 3x more hp and faster animations.

    Also toss in the fact the devs didn't even change the kd values for the bosses to accommodate for massive changes in stats and character mechanics over the years making most parties overkill.

    So more along the lines of tedious, repetitive, and overall boring with little to no incentive to running. There is still some merit to the raids for those who likes soloing and perfecting a playstyle against a boss, but those who enjoyed doing that already did it around the time the raids were released.
  • Member Vladino
    Vindictus Rep: 2,875
    Posts: 231
    I wouldn't say that hard mode is easy (have you tried solo that liontus) also for me hero mode is more boring in some cases (for example kaeghan hero mode as lynn) if I had less attack speed there would be almost zero probability to land a 2nd smash safely in his second phase and I don't like constant dodging without doing any dmg. Going full party well ok but where to get that 8 (6) ppl even hard mode s1 is difficult to fill (EU).
  • Member AimAndKill
    Vindictus Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 127
    Hero mode was good before S3 came out cause you can get good scrolls that sell for a lot but now it has a very poorly designed​ incentive structure where the EXP doesn't scale up to how much longer the battle takes (HP and def increases) only 5 more AP and drops in most hero mode battles now are useless.
  • Member SirRFI
    Vindictus Rep: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    As far I saw, "Rise" removes hero mode from normal battles, only ex-raids (S1, S2 and Muir) have them. I might be wrong thought, as it's based on limited source. Hero also seems to work on different rules? Better yet - I wonder if there's any reward for the extra difficulty.
  • Member MarronGlaces
    Vindictus Rep: 1,055
    Posts: 55
    As a Lynn who can't use wind step on the same little rat, I laughed when Keaghan did 3 slashes of his 4 combo before I could recover from 1 rat/dodge and just nope'd.
  • Member JessGame
    Vindictus Rep: 1,870
    Posts: 230
    edited June 10, 2017
    As a Lynn who can't use wind step on the same little rat, I laughed when Keaghan did 3 slashes of his 4 combo before I could recover from 1 rat/dodge and just nope'd.

    You have point.These battles will be smoother for certain characters.Especially for stacked Hurks,ect...

    Regardless i think they are fun battles and good challenges especially on Macha,but they would need to give a better incentive for people to do them.For the record i have not been in a Hero Keaghan party that was not almost wiped.Macha Colru hits very hard as well.

    I think hero modes are a lot more fun,but people rarely join them.They would really just need to adjust the reward(double seals/more than 1 extra core/ect).There is plenty of very simple fix to it where moderated players could have a chance to get drops in normal modes and where advanced players could have fun in these raids and be rewarded in consequence of the difficulty level.

    It's just about giving incentive to do a certain area.They apparently will drop more,orbs,stones,mats in general in S3 ater the update.Well that's a very simple incentive to farm and than upgrade your own gear or sell the mats.

    @OP it's a good point to bring this up because there is a lot of areas/raids that people won't bother farming and i think it's a waist.They would definitely take advantage of revamping the reward system and expand it within all the available content since there isn't that much content as of right now.

    Hero Glas is still fun,i mean they could maybe just drop seals there with wich you can buy mysterious shards,even if its 200 seals/shard at least they would recycle some content.
  • Member Weiss_Oswald
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 137
    edited June 10, 2017
    Why don't I play hero mode?
    There's no reason to.

    I could go around and play the s1 raids hero mode, but that would be a waste of time, since I'll get nothing out of it, besides the sheer fun, which isn't that much because some of the raids end being frustrating instead of fun, not because they're too hard, but because you'll either solo it, or wait the whole day for a party.

    There's simply no reward in doing them, therefore, people don't do it.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    People run hero mode, but they do it mostly for the battles that are actually worth running on hero (succubus, fruitful, etc).

    Hero mode's design was flawed from the get go. For low level battles, increasing the HP of bosses/mobs was still OK because they were balanced for characters with low level skills. This breaks down by the time you get to roch though, since trash mobs with roughly 2x hp take way too long to kill (especially in Ortel). An additional core is also terrible, and most of the hero mode scrolls have way too low of a chance to drop to make them worth farming. Doing hero larken a few hundred times to try and get a mael or sentinel ES was just poorly designed.

    And then they added hero mode to s1 raids without stopping to think "wait...why would players want to do these low level raids when the bosses have more than 2x the hp and faster speed?". I've asked around several times and nobody seems to have the slightest clue if they drop anything special or have a higher chance to drop useful other than the measly +1 core.

    Would have been better IMHO if hero mode had increased boss stats, but hp/speed remained the same. You get special seals (hero medals or whatever you want to call them) that can be traded for scrolls and other useful stuff (so scrolls arent just RNG). Kind of like how WOW has different raid difficulty levels (with different rewards) for players with different levels of gear.

    Increased boss speed is a huge turn off for most players, something that derpcat never seemed to realise after all these years. There's a point where the boss is just too fast that it becomes too annoying for anyone who isnt massively geared to deal with, just see people raging at hero mode keag.
  • Member Ellease
    Vindictus Rep: 1,625
    Posts: 154
    edited June 10, 2017
    Question2 wrote: »
    And then they added hero mode to s1 raids without stopping to think "wait...why would players want to do these low level raids when the bosses have more than 2x the hp and faster speed?". I've asked around several times and nobody seems to have the slightest clue if they drop anything special or have a higher chance to drop useful other than the measly +1 core.

    They have massively increased EXP gains (except for Ingkells, which I believe is a bug, these raids will give around 500k prior to EXP boosts.). Hero raids can drop 2/3* gear related to the boss you're doing (Rocheste raids drop their specific armors or weapons; Albey drops Colru-related gear, and Heide drops the Episode 10 gear). Relatively speaking, the droprates for their stuff is mostly the same though. I also have suspicion they have a higher rate of Masterpiece boxes, but I don't have anything beyond my anecdotal experience to prove it. They were worth running to level up characters in the 70-80 range prior to the S2 questing EXP revamp, but are now overshadowed by that and Abyssal Arena.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    edited June 10, 2017
    I can honestly say that i have never heard or seen of anyone wanting to do s1 hero mode raids for xp or to try and get 3 star gear (especially since, you know, 3 star level 60 gear is worthless when we are all using level 80-90 stuff). Generally speaking, if you have a party that can do hero mode s1 raids, they would rather do s2/s3 raids instead...
  • Member Ellease
    Vindictus Rep: 1,625
    Posts: 154
    Because again, it is now outdated content. It was the best source of EXP when a full SG run gave 700k EXP and S2 Raids gave 300k EXP
  • Member FlufffyParrot
    Vindictus Rep: 1,055
    Posts: 71
    The only time i want to use hero mode is when i'm leveling up because it's too easy but they don't let you play it until level 50 which is total bullshit.