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RISE Update Story Structure Changes


  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    edited June 8, 2017
    Because 3% DPS is stupid easy to get in a 4 party run. I'm on sub 23k attack and I get over 3% no problem with other +15 weapon players. The reason why less than 3% DPS = 1 core is because it's a way to prevent players from AFKing in raids because KR has had this issue with it and the players are pretty damn mad about that. Personally no one really has an issue with it because getting over 3% DPS is easy If you actually play the game. Because statistically speaking from KR's end of things (I don't say NA because DevCAT doesn't manage NA data or servers). Players that actually play get over 3% DPS even in 8 man parties. In 4 man parties it's even easier.

    Edit: Forgot to add this but if anything it's harder to get ALL cores since you have to get top DPS for that I think.
  • Member VinVin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,265
    Posts: 74
    edited June 8, 2017
    But that % thing officially turns PVE into PVP.
    We could see antisocial behaviour just because someone wants to earn more cores:

    - That Vella is about to cross cut -> Quick, I'm going to throw her a spear! -> Boss kill her -> I won't resurrect her -> I'm top DPS now :D
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    edited June 8, 2017
    VinVin wrote: »
    But that % thing officially turns PVE into PVP.
    We could see antisocial behaviour just because someone wants to earn more cores:

    - That Vella is about to cross cut -> Quick, I'm going to throw her a spear! -> Boss kill her -> I won't resurrect her -> I'm top DPS now :D

    I mean....if the players want to do that then that's fine by them. That doesn't mean it's DevCAT's fault the players decided to spear someone to interrupt DPS XD As for the reviving that would also be a player fault decision.

    Edit: Though seriousness aside I enjoy the humor :P (I think you were being sarcastic....)
  • Member Sekaiiz
    Vindictus Rep: 2,290
    Posts: 130
    edited June 8, 2017
    Honestly why any veteran player should even try to create or join parties to play with other ppl when they can simply solo stuff and get more cores?
    Because it's still more time efficient to find a party rather than solo. And not everyone has the gear/time to solo all S3 raid bosses everyday
    And what about the newbee who would join parties for a chance to make some money and improve their gear but they could get surclassed by op party members leaving them with a 3% or less damage and 1 core only?

    If they don't do enough damage to the point where they're just leeching then they should probably run older content to get up to speed with S3. Even if you have 3 other max gear people in the party, you have roughly 3-4 min to do 3% of damage (231000 hp) to a boss, which is a lot easier now to do, specially if you have trans/trans move/add dmg. So unless they're rocking some lvl 60 gear (which they shouldnt cause S3 req is 90 and you get free 90 gear at 90), then 3% of damage is a non-issue.
    Yes, there's a fair zone between 3 and 80% in which u would get the normal amount of cores..but who would do that if u can simply solo stuff with scaled hp and also being rewarded with more cores?
    This could easily lead ppl to make their own private parties and solo stuff for the cores.. making the game even more dead than it is, and it would even become harder to find parties..

    HP isnt scaled in S3 takes about 13 on average to solo a boss and much faster with 4 man. As mentioned above, it's a matter of time efficiency, cause not everyone has the time to solo all 4 S3 bosses in an hour, when they can just group up and finish within 20 minutes. So the new system does benefit solo people, but they can choose between more cores or more time. Also it's more effort to solo stuff everyday.

  • Member DancingStar
    Vindictus Rep: 1,695
    Posts: 85
    edited June 8, 2017
    Because 3% DPS is stupid easy to get in a 4 party run. I'm on sub 23k attack and I get over 3% no problem with other +15 weapon players. The reason why less than 3% DPS = 1 core is because it's a way to prevent players from AFKing in raids because KR has had this issue with it and the players are pretty damn mad about that. Personally no one really has an issue with it because getting over 3% DPS is easy If you actually play the game. Because statistically speaking from KR's end of things (I don't say NA because DevCAT doesn't manage NA data or servers). Players that actually play get over 3% DPS even in 8 man parties. In 4 man parties it's even easier.

    Edit: Forgot to add this but if anything it's harder to get ALL cores since you have to get top DPS for that I think.

    Pls..first of all the afkers issue is so RARE that isn't even worth to be mentioned cz barely happen at all..
    Personally I doubt is a 'phenom' there in korea too..and even if it is I dont' see why WE should get the same garbage if the problem is only yours..

    U might say that the game comes from Korea so we must absorb anything that comes from Korea HQ. and I say no.

    U have fatigue system, we don't. U have chapta, we don't. Events are differents as well as some game features we dont' have.
    So, if u 'might' think that, nope, if it was done cz u have that issue there (I still doubt) doesn't mean it should be applied here as well.

    Aside the fact i doubt it was done cz afkers.. If i could make a supposition, i'd say it has been made do discourage those ppl who uses virtual machines, multipc and such..(that's a real phenom and actually a lot of ppl use them even if harmless cz who use that stuff usually do it in private).

    However I think u missed the most important part.

    Nobody care if u can easily do more than 3%...
    Ppl will go for top DPS to get +2 cores. I'll do that, and not only me, and in order to do that you have to make your own solo parties.
    That mean some (a lot) ppl will just skip the quick battles..or any other party on the board, which mean u just won't see
    those players and the game will seems deader than now. Making a full party will become harder, and as last those unlucky ppl who may do 3% or less cz there's one or more op chars in the party that eat their % could get 1 only core..

    U guess not? just watch how everyone turned to use only quick battle now because ''ehi.. 1 core more = more chance for rare''.
    What if u could get 2 more?

    Resuming, it's a 'stupid and useless' changement..
    Nobody ever asked or needed such a thing that promote ppl to NOT play togheter.
  • Member Gewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364

    +2 cores = people dealing over 80% of damage (which is more likely, solo at this point)
    +1 core = people dealing over 40% of damage (this might be where the problem is, ok)
    1 core in total = damage dealt to boss inferior to 3% (which is more likely an afk)

    That +1 core is probably going to be the e-peen problem, or the fact you could just stop bothering with chars like Lann/Lynn and go straight up for XGun/Scythe, here we go.

    The +2 cores, I doubt even a +16-17 would be able to deal over 80% in a 4 man party, in short yeah it rewards soloing, how is it that bad ? Bosses doesn't scale anymore, so let me share you the minimum HP of s3 raids : Regina, Braha, Glas -> 7.7m HP. (that's even bigger than Lugh release's solo value)
    Not to mention Braha has the damage debuff to 75%, which will take even longer anyway.

    1 core in total and you're not afk ? I suggest to learn how to play the game then, which is nothing that RISE is doing since you literally speed up every single sh*t in a matter of seconds. And as Sekaiiz said, you only have to deal 231k HP worth of damage. Since you have free +10gear for hitting lv90 now I doubt you'll not have enough time to deal these 231.000 damage at all. Hell you don't even need to trans or anything at all, just play consistently for a minute or 2 average and you have dealt those 231.000

    Yes it promotes this stupid dps race, yes it promotes solo, but being "rewarded" for our performance is anything but bad. And damn, with how RNG works, I'm sure stupid bs like - the afk got only one core, yet got an orange. While the top dps got over 80%, +2 cores, yet only dropped purple shards - could happen anytime.

  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    edited June 8, 2017
    Because 3% DPS is stupid easy to get in a 4 party run. I'm on sub 23k attack and I get over 3% no problem with other +15 weapon players. The reason why less than 3% DPS = 1 core is because it's a way to prevent players from AFKing in raids because KR has had this issue with it and the players are pretty damn mad about that. Personally no one really has an issue with it because getting over 3% DPS is easy If you actually play the game. Because statistically speaking from KR's end of things (I don't say NA because DevCAT doesn't manage NA data or servers). Players that actually play get over 3% DPS even in 8 man parties. In 4 man parties it's even easier.

    Edit: Forgot to add this but if anything it's harder to get ALL cores since you have to get top DPS for that I think.

    Pls..first of all the afkers issue is so RARE that isn't even worth to be mentioned cz barely happen at all..
    Personally I doubt is a 'phenom' there in korea too..and even if it is I dont' see why WE should get the same garbage if the problem is only yours..

    U might say that the game comes from Korea so we must absorb anything that comes from Korea HQ. and I say no.

    U have fatigue system, we don't. U have chapta, we don't. Events are differents as well as some game features we dont' have.
    So, if u 'might' think that, nope, if it was done cz u have that issue there (I still doubt) doesn't mean it should be applied here as well.

    Aside the fact i doubt it was done cz afkers.. If i could make a supposition, i'd say it has been made do discourage those ppl who uses virtual machines, multipc and such..(that's a real phenom and actually a lot of ppl use them even if harmless cz who use that stuff usually do it in private).

    However I think u missed the most important part.

    Nobody care if u can easily do more than 3%...
    Ppl will go for top DPS to get +2 cores. I'll do that, and not only me, and in order to do that you have to make your own solo parties.
    That mean some (a lot) ppl will just skip the quick battles..or any other party on the board, which mean u just won't see
    those players and the game will seems deader than now. Making a full party will become harder, and as last those unlucky ppl who may do 3% or less cz there's one or more op chars in the party that eat their % could get 1 only core..

    U guess not? just watch how everyone turned to use only quick battle now because ''ehi.. 1 core more = more chance for rare''.
    What if u could get 2 more?

    Resuming, it's a 'stupid and useless' changement..
    Nobody ever asked or needed such a thing that promote ppl to NOT play togheter.

    I understand the frustration. I really do. I mean we got told we don't get +15 jump runes while everyone else does. And no I didn't state NA absorbs everything KR does. I knew that a LONG time ago since I played on NA for 5 years before moving to the KR server. I'm not exactly a fan of it myself. My whole point is though is getting over 3% DPS in a 4 man party is stupid easy as stated before xD

    Edit: Now if you meant the DPS Order for Cores then that's another story. I personally don't care about it. I don't like it but eh. I know there are some that do hate the idea. Though imo that's the least of our worries in the end anyway xD
  • Member BloodAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,875
    Posts: 315
    Because 3% DPS is stupid easy to get in a 4 party run. I'm on sub 23k attack and I get over 3% no problem with other +15 weapon players. The reason why less than 3% DPS = 1 core is because it's a way to prevent players from AFKing in raids because KR has had this issue with it and the players are pretty damn mad about that. Personally no one really has an issue with it because getting over 3% DPS is easy If you actually play the game. Because statistically speaking from KR's end of things (I don't say NA because DevCAT doesn't manage NA data or servers). Players that actually play get over 3% DPS even in 8 man parties. In 4 man parties it's even easier.

    Edit: Forgot to add this but if anything it's harder to get ALL cores since you have to get top DPS for that I think.

    Just kick the afker and deal with the one less pt member to dps. Rough life is rough. Either that or just deal with the afker? Chances are they won't join your next boat and if they do kick them(idr if quick battle has a function to kick but i know you can't invite on that)
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    edited June 9, 2017
    BloodAngel wrote: »
    Because 3% DPS is stupid easy to get in a 4 party run. I'm on sub 23k attack and I get over 3% no problem with other +15 weapon players. The reason why less than 3% DPS = 1 core is because it's a way to prevent players from AFKing in raids because KR has had this issue with it and the players are pretty damn mad about that. Personally no one really has an issue with it because getting over 3% DPS is easy If you actually play the game. Because statistically speaking from KR's end of things (I don't say NA because DevCAT doesn't manage NA data or servers). Players that actually play get over 3% DPS even in 8 man parties. In 4 man parties it's even easier.

    Edit: Forgot to add this but if anything it's harder to get ALL cores since you have to get top DPS for that I think.

    Just kick the afker and deal with the one less pt member to dps. Rough life is rough. Either that or just deal with the afker? Chances are they won't join your next boat and if they do kick them(idr if quick battle has a function to kick but i know you can't invite on that)

    As far as I'm concerned if they afk then they afk. I think the original topic on that was just the number of core distribution. Though that aside Tomorrow I will be streaming more S2 to see if anything major beside dungeon hosting has changed THAT'S RIGHT KRAKEN.....IM TALKING TO YOU....
  • Member SAX
    Vindictus Rep: 1,605
    Posts: 123
    Pls..first of all the afkers issue is so RARE that isn't even worth to be mentioned cz barely happen at all..
    Personally I doubt is a 'phenom' there in korea too..and even if it is I dont' see why WE should get the same garbage if the problem is only yours..

    Resuming, it's a 'stupid and useless' changement..
    Nobody ever asked or needed such a thing that promote ppl to NOT play togheter.

    I dont think its that rare, but more than people afk i have seen and been on tons of boats with unmoving alt characters that people make join their boats to get double drops, which with this update that is no longer an option(not to mention it was ''Against the rules'').

    Also i think the only place where you may not do the 3% is on neamhain and guess what, it doest matter you still get 1 drop
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    Im surprised they didnt remove the "meet the cave spider" battle. I honestly dont get the point of this battle...you just get it from a random scroll, theres no story, and the description text for the battle "find your friends" or something makes no sense.
  • Member Fuzetsu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,345
    Posts: 52
    Why they revamp the "early game" like every month. Maybe they should just remove it and let players start at lv90 with gear and ap.
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    edited June 14, 2017
    Question2 wrote: »
    Im surprised they didnt remove the "meet the cave spider" battle. I honestly dont get the point of this battle...you just get it from a random scroll, theres no story, and the description text for the battle "find your friends" or something makes no sense.

    If anything Im impressed they never removed 5 Spider Brothers.
    Fuzetsu wrote: »
    Why they revamp the "early game" like every month. Maybe they should just remove it and let players start at lv90 with gear and ap.

    The difference between this Revamp and the previous ones were the other ones were just an attempt to make progression smoother. It was a step in the right direction. They took some feedback to make it even better for the early game stuff. RISE went farther than anyone expected especially with Perilous Ruins being completely redesigned from the ground up. Not even a simple re-texture. They basically scrapped the old dungeons and created new ones. Re-textured all of the gnolls there. Went even further with the Progression of early game characters EXP wise. I did maybe......20 Side quests on my Lynn and did mainly Main Quests and Im on S3 already at lvl 85. Crafting is made easier. All of the useless junk mats were removed and replaced with Pigments used for crafting. A lot more people are actually working on crafting now because of it. They even redid how the story itself works. Also went as far as to hint that they plan to re-design more than just Perilous Ruins. They even re-textured the diggers in the Sewers and re-arranged some things around in Ortel Castle. So honestly I'm sure this isn't where they are stopping with the early game changes. But as I stated countless times in multiple social media locations as well as in my stream xD. RISE is an absolutely great update (given if you ignore the VERY few bad things that come with it).

    Next Update: This will be for End game players. S3C2Ep4 에스시더 (EsSeeder....I don't have an NA translation for it yet) Raid Boss will be late July. Miri July 6th.
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    So I've been thinking... If all S1 & S2 battles are considered normal dungeons and have a cap of 5 entries/day does that mean I will be able to, for example, run daily battles like lv50 succu (which currently is limited to one/day) 35 times/day (5 runs per 7 characters)?
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    So I've been thinking... If all S1 & S2 battles are considered normal dungeons and have a cap of 5 entries/day does that mean I will be able to, for example, run daily battles like lv50 succu (which currently is limited to one/day) 35 times/day (5 runs per 7 characters)?

    Essentially yeah. Since those mattles are now normal just 5 times a day. I dont think enthu drops from her anymore. I dont think hero mode is available there either?.....i can check though.
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    Also, what about the drop rate of scrolls like WB, Enthu etc.? I was told that they buffed significantly rates.
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    Also, what about the drop rate of scrolls like WB, Enthu etc.? I was told that they buffed significantly rates.

    They do drop more. Your best chance of farming them is from S2 Hero Ex-Raids