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Hmmm. For whatever reason, when I click your links, the page seems to never want to load ;w; I want to see your artwork. I think it is amazing. :-)
It's probably the forums freaking out per usual, I can't really wrangle them as easy as I used to ;w;
In other news you haven't missed much lol Nothing good is going on in vindi so it's super spring break for me lol Just waiting for gunkata hurk
Some nights you just want to play a game and relax but then you have to help someone unbind their armor when they said it'd cost 60 unbinds, not sure how or why you agree to help them anyway. http://orig00.deviantart.net/dda7/f/2017/099/1/3/somecomictho_by_d34rfutur3-db5ahx3.jpg
His hooker boots and outfit somehow turned out orange so he looks like halloween, turns out he only needed 3 and I had a bundle from the succu boxes, rng tho why do I bother lmao
Hope you had better luck than me if you bought the boxes, I tried winning one for Z but failed lol
Maybe I'll try one more time.. After the kitsune boxes I knew I spent too much but I did get a ton of stuff for delia so it's not all that bad..
Wrath of the First Born I've come to the conclusion that doubling down has some confusing results and then you're stuck there wondering how you got yourself into such a mess in the first place. Ayx is mostly to blame, though I'm convinced that he and lann are always in cahoots so I shouldn't be so surprised... http://orig07.deviantart.net/25b9/f/2017/119/d/4/somestuffaboutlanns15_by_d34rfutur3-db7jyyj.jpg
Am I truly stuck with Lann..? Hurk 2.0 is not that far away, surely he can be saved, yes?
Lann Vs Sharknados
It's what happens when you power through a paper on the first night so you don't have to worry about it for like the last two months of class and have watched jaws close to like 200 or more times. Though I don't think having a fear of sharks is crazy.. I mean, have you seen how fast they can swim not to mention how hard they can bite..? http://orig12.deviantart.net/7705/f/2017/124/7/0/lann_vs_sharknados_by_d34rfutur3-db83lr7.jpg
+hello finals week is pretty much over, time to relax and wait for teide hurk and more updates hopefully soon..
I thought we woulda had hurk by now but my birthday wish will have to be saved for Kiva now, I suppose. Maybe in December we'll hear about him and muil or some second weapons for characters that need a little something new.. how disappointing +sad
Cute outfitters for dudes are always a plus in my book, the ones for girls are 8/10 usually really cute but wow, I really want the butler one for my Lann and maybe hurk. Now that I mention it the teide outfit is pretty nice looking so maybe that one will be for hurk, if we ever get him +sigh
I guess it's back to waiting for teide hurk for me, I wish they would at least show his trailer over here ...
Maybe they're waiting for second wep lynn gameplay..? lmao who am i kidding.
It's probably the forums freaking out per usual, I can't really wrangle them as easy as I used to ;w;
In other news you haven't missed much lol Nothing good is going on in vindi so it's super spring break for me lol Just waiting for gunkata hurk
=w= too bad we can't actually buy them, I'd get one but maybe if the gasha is good
Some nights you just want to play a game and relax but then you have to help someone unbind their armor when they said it'd cost 60 unbinds, not sure how or why you agree to help them anyway.
His hooker boots and outfit somehow turned out orange so he looks like halloween, turns out he only needed 3 and I had a bundle from the succu boxes, rng tho why do I bother lmao
Hope you had better luck than me if you bought the boxes, I tried winning one for Z but failed lol
Maybe I'll try one more time.. After the kitsune boxes I knew I spent too much but I did get a ton of stuff for delia so it's not all that bad..
Kitsune Lann
After talking to a few GMs I got my kitsune tail fixed and got it on my Lann, he's the cutest
Been playing Lann for the event to hopefully get him some more runes but 3 stupid skill awakenings have started to show me otherwise.
Color palette practice, =w=! gotta finish my dailies and then finish watching sadako vs kayako. spookenings
I've come to the conclusion that doubling down has some confusing results and then you're stuck there wondering how you got yourself into such a mess in the first place. Ayx is mostly to blame, though I'm convinced that he and lann are always in cahoots so I shouldn't be so surprised...
Am I truly stuck with Lann..? Hurk 2.0 is not that far away, surely he can be saved, yes?
It's what happens when you power through a paper on the first night so you don't have to worry about it for like the last two months of class and have watched jaws close to like 200 or more times. Though I don't think having a fear of sharks is crazy.. I mean, have you seen how fast they can swim not to mention how hard they can bite..?
^fml those glasses are so good, http://vindictus-tenuta.tumblr.com/post/160322153812/mabinogi-heroeskr-childrens-day-glasses
My priorities are confusing to say the least, I just hope they're not nyx xwx....
On the days slam and I don't look like drakengard/nier rejects we like to look like DoA rejects.
I thought we woulda had hurk by now but my birthday wish will have to be saved for Kiva now, I suppose. Maybe in December we'll hear about him and muil or some second weapons for characters that need a little something new.. how disappointing +sad
Updates and something about Lann; Kiva where are you?
Hopefully the updates will be soon
The dream of having a stupid cat lann won't die with me, so close yet so far?
so happy about those new outfitters, the male one is actually good ;w;!!!
I guess it's back to waiting for teide hurk for me, I wish they would at least show his trailer over here ...
Maybe they're waiting for second wep lynn gameplay..?
lmao who am i kidding.Being held in the 9 circles of Lann hell, I just want my lann to get that suit. Ayx has thrown me into Lann hell because hurk is a bad character that only cares about DPS'ing and has fuccboi tendencies. I'll get him back one day