Full patch note translation [by Akki and Cube] available here:
Translation in order of this video:

Please note that there may be some error in my translation
I. Story
- New story quests
- Story battle direct launch function from town
- Proceed to next story battle direct launch at end of each battle
- No more NPC running during story quests
- New cut scene: Season 2 beginning
- New Tieve look
- Colhen town graphics revamped
- Mercenary training battle remake
II. Combat
- Combat movement speed (not attack speed) increased
- Season 1 Northern Pike map renewal
- Auto loot: Evil Core, Ergs, Ores
- Item consumption animation removed: Potion, Repair
- New Difficulty Levels(Season 1~3): Solo play difficulty, Party play difficulty
- New Praty Size: Maximum 4 players for all battles (excluding Royal Raid and Redeemers)
- All mobs -50% HP
- Royal Raid: New clear time 10 minutes & Maximum 12 players
- New Stats: Combat (ATT + DEF) and Technique (Critical + Balance)
- 50 new battles supported multiprocessing
- Battle completion log reduced to 10 seconds from 30 seconds
- New transform mode skills (6 types)
III. Convenience
- Direct battle launch from town; skip creating boat
- NPC dialogue fastforward function
- New skills available notification UI
- Hide sub-story function
- View/Hide mob outline UI
- Item grade/level by color
- Improved inventory: Repair, Enhance, Search
- Enchant UI improved: Search scroll and equipment easily
- Avatar Buff: Town movement speed increased noticeably
- Marketplace: Complete detailed searching improvement
- Access to mailbox from anywhere
- Drop Items: Variable stats range organized to single stack
- New Character Growth Goals Rewards: Enhance Rune + Enchant Rune
- Episode Reward Box: Guaranteed OJ
- Maximum Enhancement: +20
- Boom Protection Rune (300 Bravery Seals) -- Upon enhancement failure, equipment reduced to +0; usable up to 3 times per equipment
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and 5 others.
I'm sad.
Also, max enhance will be +20 I think, not sure, I saw a +17 enhance in the video.
- Maximum Enhancement: +20
That's a wild ride, we just lost our brakes and the roller coaster it's on fire.
Putting repair, enhance, mail, and quests all in the User UI without going to NPCs sounds nice, but it feels like its overloading/over-complicating for the users (especially the new ones, if any).
There are some nice changes, but the changes for making the game easier and faster doesn't seem like a good direction.
And is it just me, or do the new female characters lately all have the same face?
Arisha and Delia have very different faces, Miri's face looks a tad like Evie's but there are diferences there too.
Only thing that disturbs me from the vid is no option to do an 8 man party for the normal raids. Having a 4 man max option is fine and good, but eliminating 8 man altogether will not be welcomed by players used to regular 8 man teams for regular raids. Also eliminating the option for item animation kinda bothers me.
I don't understand why Nexon doesn't simply make some of these changes an option for players to decide what/how they want things to be ingame. Instead they just delete things we are used to with a "tough luck, better deal with our new vision" attitude.
Check our Patch Notes Translation. It's stated there that you'll always get the Bonues HP. No need to time it anymore.
Kill me now
>4 man raids
I mean, I understand the idea for balancing, but what if I want more than 4 friends to Aghlan with?
>New character
Hello again Delia.
We Okuni now boys.
Looks cool tho tbh, I hope they scrap the 4 man raid idea, I doubt I'll even bother with enhancing, I'm sure they'll give us a coupon or something to get us started.
Now Nexon, get to work on Arisha's second weapon.
I have to agree as well with all of S1 and S2 and S3 no longer being full 8 person raids. Hero S1 was fun for the luls, and S2 was still a challenge for a lot of players even in 90 gear. Why did we never get Hero mode S2? Do they really think 4 people only is going to emphasize the multiplayer aspect? 4 player parties do not allow for nearly enough Fashiondictus.
I see a lot of positive changes, but it is very clear that these were all done as Nexon saw fit with no consultation from players who are familiar with and very involved with the game. So many amazing fixes but a few that will cause just as much division and stress as before, if not even more in some cases. I really don't think they get that 8 player battles were fun. Even farming Lagho for events was fun having a full group and just messing around. These changes will definitely keep a lot of people playing casually but I can't be happy about the depth it will take away in terms of community interaction.
Huge steps forward, huge steps back, e-special-f'ingly the +20 system. That can go DIAF.
I am going to guess that half of it is to make hosting easier too. IE the big emphasis on multicore working on a bunch more runs + making it so you never have issues.
(Note I am not a fan of the 4 man limit, and the 12 man royal raids, but it also will make it seem more active since in principle there should be 2x more boats being made. Also their gerbils should live longer with 12 man royals...)
Really not looking forward to the +20.
And in all honestly most of this just makes me go meh, maybe it is time to just move on soon. The game already isn't what I fell in love with and now it is just moving closer and closer to easy mode only.
Nah, it won't be easy mode. It will be easier to get started, and easier to scroll, but maxing out with the highest enhance level will be harder than ever. Assuming that the rate drops to 30% all the way from +13 to +20--and knowing DevCan't it will be worse--the odds of making it to +20 from there are 0.006561%. It will take approximately 15,242 weapons to guarantee a +20
RIP Vindi
That's probably the worst part of the update.