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Vindictus "RISE" Update Patch Notes Translation
Hello everyone,
cube and I have been working on this translation of the Official Patch Notes the whole afternoon. Please take some time to read it. This document covers all the changes that will be done in the next updates in Korea. It contains all the changes shown in the video and a lot more. We really like to share this with everyone as a lot of people are having trouble to understand what the fuss is all about.
If anything is still unclear please feel free to ask here or in game (Akkiina or cube). We'll try to answer the question as best as we can.
It's a google doc document we made. Click
Hope you enjoy your read,
P.S.: If anyone finds some mistakes please report them to us so we can correct them (it's 38 pages Long) we really tried our best
P.S. from cube: Lynn best girl +best

and 17 others.
Don't think so, Kek.
Fekye lel
What a way of making an almost useless skill even more useless. The skill was always lame, and the only reason people rank it now a days is because of the character growth rewards, because they know they will be able to reset it with some gift reset capsule and reclaim that wasted ap back.
But still, the main use of the skill was to get ap for characters you aren't currently playing. Bye bye to that. And even for characters you play, you'll have to be logged for 12 hours per day to have the same effect than now... IDIOT, THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE (to whoever had that idea)
Any word if titles from the deleted quests, gauntlets, labyrinth, etc. are also going to be removed?
No, there has been no remarks about the titles from going-to-be deleted quests.
But test server will be going live with this patch next week and I'm sure I'll hear a word of two about this.
By far the best translation I have ever seen and been able to understand. Also if all those s2 and s1 raids are becoming normal battles will their max clear count go away and not give us bravery seals anymore too? :O
Thank you for reading!
Thank you for checking it out! I don't think we can top you in regards of update and patch notes but we will try our best +흐흐
Sadly, there was nothing mentioned about your two questions in the official site.
And I'm worrying because Equipments for level 80 and lower can only be enhanced up to +12 as no rare equipments for level 80 and lower exists.
I use +13 lvl 80 staff and a +14 lvl 80 spellsword. Does this mean they will be turned into a +12 after we get this next year..?
No, the existing items will not be changed (except most enchant scrolls). You will still have a +13, +14 lvl 80 but you can't enhance them anymore.
Ohh, I didnt see anything like that in it. Skimmed it to fast. Thanks for letting me know!
Good thing they're both perma bound to me then +haha
For those who wish to listen to my amazingly boring voice +haha
Titles that might be removed are:
10 Season of Macha titles,
4 Gauntlet titles,
9 Labyrinth titles + 2 Equipment titles (for equipment that comes from lab)
=25 titles
As I said above, we do not know yet how devCAT will handle this.
I will try to give update on this when the patch hits the test server.