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decided to revive my karok which weapon is more fun and useful to play with cestus or pillar in your opinions
Have fun with Karok
As far as utility goes, neither weapon really stands out compared to other classes, the biggest utility you'll see from Karok is in clashing and maybe blocking projectiles for teammates. There's no reliable breakoff move I can think of other than alt-blast spam, and cestus is too greedy with sp to be using Hulking fury for its flinch.
Try to gear up with both if you can, it's what I ended up doing since some battles are just not fun with certain weapons, and it should be cheap to pull off with the seal shop update.
Pillar Pros
- Lots of different combos
- Good survivability
- Fun skills and gimmicks
- Good damage
Pillar Cons
- Hard to hit small/fast bosses
- May feel really slow without enough attackspeed
Cestus Pros
- Superb Damage
- Naturally quite efficient due to skill buffs
- Satisying to master
Cestus Cons
- Stamina Issues
- Constant buff management (can be either pro/con however you look at it)
Hope this helps!
The buff management is also not much of a big deal since you can refresh all active buffs easily and use the blast charge to get a charge if you need one.
Only Con I can think of that comes to mind is that the big dps rotation won't be unlocked till the late lvls, I think like lvl 75?
There are runs where Pillar excel at while Cestus may have a harder time performing optimally. Then there are raids where Pillar is extremely lackluster while Cestus performs extremely well.
This is due to Pillar relying on a combo chain where syncing each smash up with the boss attack will lead to his best performance and playstyle. So anything slow and sandbaggy is pillar paradise,. Ex: Havan, Juggernaut, Lako, Eochaid
Cestus on the other hand have shorter and more bursty combos and can make use of attack walk a lot better than Pillar. He can kite significantly better than Pillar as he only needs to go in for the smash and blast to keep his damage up. This makes bosses with extremely quick attacks easier to attack to as you aren't always in their face. So something like Ancient Glas, Iset, Regina tends to be a lot less of a hassle on Cestus.
About the stamina issue: I agree that dempsey has really helped to improve the issues, but I still find myself in situations where I do my overflow->multiple R4's + blasts-> Hulking fury + BigBang rotation and end up with not enough stamina to proceed into dempsey after firing off my big bang which results in me getting hit once by a boss due to lack of stamina. At this point it's just me nitpicking for cons, because the class is really fun to play ;o)
I'm glad some people can do it, but in general it's not a so-good idea to get around 100 Crit just because you can perma-use Destroyer.
Just my 2 cents.
I'm more of a pillar user and I prefer it on sandbaggy bosses and ... really any boss. I don't like it so much on regina because parties tend to put her so far away from the light flower zones but w/e. With pillar, he can handle small bosses well, but it takes more concentration. If you war slam>drop kicks .... those do a lot of damage but timing them all to Iset's love taps are difficult.
All in all, both weapons have an arsenal of skills that let you take on any boss so I'd play both .... Pillar does seem slow with sub 30 speed so if you get lucky with pillar, you'll have fun. Otherwise, cestus is a good start since it has a faster feel plus most people like seeing explosions and big numbers.
I prefer the constant and steady flow of dps rather than bursty big numbers.
To each their own.
TL;DR: Each weapon can work well in any situation, you just have to be smart and think it through and be careful. It all boils down to preference of the weapon and the run you're doing.
GL and HF
Is this because people prefer to have more Damage? or what?
More damage in most raids and easier to gear as Cestus has attack/spd/crit buffs making it a lot easier to hit those caps.
WW Paw and Cat statue:
WW Paw for pillar is for sand bag bosses and bosses that have sand bag periods. If you're not that good or otherwise want to save money on potions use an ironhide before you paw and if you're just a speed addict a focus i guess. With a focus and high speed you can go pretty fast
WW Paw for cestus is for bosses that will let you use your cataclysm buff to the fullest, but can be tight for sp.
Cat Statue for pillar is great utility. Always have sp for a taunt, always have sp for crushing sweep, Always have a little extra in case you need your EQ iframes.
Cat Statue for Cestus is also great utility. Always have sp for a taunt, Never miss a bang because boss being difficult, and, when trans it will give you many hurricane spins, especially with sp reduction. Generally for solo kraken I get him to bar 7-8 then trans and spin nonstop between bangs the rest of the way. EZ kraken.
Both are good, and sometimes you will want a fang instead. Don't get a greater fang though if you decide to get one.