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hit-box trouble with sylas

Vindictus Rep: 2,755
Posts: 703
edited May 3, 2017 in Bug Reporting
I have just started with Sylas for not too long [lv84], and I noticed that his attacks aren't hitting the flying gremlins and bosses in Misty Summit and Moonlight Peak. Is there a better way for it because I really enjoy Sylas class than the rest of the characters.


  • AnthonytonyboyAnthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,865
    Posts: 351
  • 7thRonin7thRonin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,030
    Posts: 50
    edited May 5, 2017
    The auto-aim feature in Vindictus has always been crap no matter which character you play (including bow kai). It's not just that our attacks often miss mobs or bosses by going under any flying creature, but Core drops act like destructible objects and can be knocked around by attacks. Even sending out Spectral Sting at a mob will lose some of it's attack power if it hits these cores before reaching the mob. The auto-aim feature is just absolute crap unless you are using it to chuck a secondary weapon real quick to cancel a curse or knockdown a boss. The best attack I've found for sylas against flyers is to just run around throwing shards. (L-L-R(RRRRR etc...)) it's not optimal but it works. Neat trick btw is that this works on Juggy even when he jumps up to the ceiling as well as Regina during her flying moves. Hope that helps a little cause they'll never fix auto-aim +pain

    p.s. - they've tried to fix the auto-aim system before and while there was a LITTLE improvement it's still ****. I'd think someone there would figure out that the problem isn't just with the auto-aim system but also the items that should not be 'destructible objects' such as core drops and bodies of dead mobs. Sure it's fun to kick around a dead mob or boss, but it's more satisfying to hit what you're aiming at imo . . . they need to change how the game recognizes these things and change them into something else that cannot be targeted or moved.
  • john10john10
    Vindictus Rep: 2,755
    Posts: 703
    attacks doesnt hit reaper bosses from twilight desert