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what could go wrong if we merged east and west?

Member Suhpreme
Vindictus Rep: 3,935
Posts: 474
in Suggestions and Feedback
we should merge tbqhqhqhqh


  • Member jeddyhi
    Vindictus Rep: 1,880
    Posts: 244
    And have one central lag server? No thanks.
  • Member Orodalf
    Vindictus Rep: 1,145
    Posts: 41
    Given that everything is peer to peer, horrifying latency would result.
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    I'm wondering what could go right...
  • Member Suhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    things that could go wrong:
    missing items after transfer
    not enough character slots available for those that play on 2 servers

    what am i missing?
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    Characters that can outright get deleted due to some unknown error (happened in Dragon Nest).

  • Member Suhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    edited April 30, 2017
    when BDO did its merge it notified for a week or two for everyone to pick their main server, and whatever information/items/characters on that server would be transferred to the unified server along with characters and items they had on a each* server. one of the problems that occurred not having enough character slots. so in some peoples cases they either had to purchase more character slots or delete the ones unwanted, this wasn't a big deal however since many have had more than enough character slots and character slots in BDO are purchasable through their in-game loyalty system.

    Characters being unintentionally deleted is a possibility but that's incompetence and lack of QA on the publisher/dev side and should have a back up just in case.

    also mentions about latency/lag. Is it that bad? its peer2peer, yeah. but is it anything that makes it literally unplayable. I play on east, but reside on the west coast. all the years playing on and off hosting and being hosted, lag is a rare occurrence for me. in fact, lag is mostly due to the hosts internet connection and computer specs (poor-performance PC will cause FPS problems for the party, as well as a unstable connection) and your own connection to the host(shouldn't be that much of a problem. perhaps i'm an anomaly
  • Member Seigaku
    Vindictus Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 57
    I think, exactly the factor of peer 2 peer system that the server merge will do well in terms of latency, unique for Vindictus. Since players can choose to band together with their own region, latency will not be a problem since it's practically the same. I even purposely joined AU guild on BDO just so we can play at the same peak time (not even because of latency). That is of course if one unified server can handle the whole population ;)

    There are other main concerns such as how bad it will impact the economy when they get merged, while value of items are the same, value of currency is very different.

    Though, I am all in for a server merge /
  • Member TwilightSparkle
    Vindictus Rep: 2,440
    Posts: 224
    im from westy but play in east and its really okay
  • Member Suhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    edited April 30, 2017
    Seigaku wrote: »
    I think, exactly the factor of peer 2 peer system that the server merge will do well in terms of latency, unique for Vindictus. Since players can choose to band together with their own region, latency will not be a problem since it's practically the same. I even purposely joined AU guild on BDO just so we can play at the same peak time (not even because of latency). That is of course if one unified server can handle the whole population ;)

    There are other main concerns such as how bad it will impact the economy when they get merged, while value of items are the same, value of currency is very different.

    Though, I am all in for a server merge /

    I thought about the impact it could have on the economy of vindictus. i think it would help more than hurt. more people means more gold will be circulating(minus the gold buying hoarders), more people running raids throughout the day since we are in different timezones and stuff but there are active people on throughout the entire day it seems. i took a glance at west's market place, prices seemed to differ only slightly, ill have to check again. i know that theres not a lot of gacha consumables being sold, meaning not a lot of people from west buy them, I guess.

    current market prices of all items across the board have tanked and are steadily declining, probably due to the fact no one needs anything anymore, and no new players to buy it up since they can get gear for free now. the main thing circulating gold is super end game materials like mysterious shards(?) and airtight consumables/vanity items (so people with tons of gold will forever be rich unless they sink into something). imo the gold sink to this game is weapon enhancement, but it's so unforgiving and punishing no one in their right mind would mess with it, and those who have and succeeded save up their gold until they become so rich they can bid insane amounts on whatever else they want, really messing with the value of things. and then gold buyers/botters really pissed on the value of gold, causing ridiculous hyper inflation in basic materials all the way up to weapon materials. we started recovering from that after the seal shop update and so on, it's slow, but we're reaching a good point I think, but it's still hell for any newcomer.
  • Member Seigaku
    Vindictus Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 57

    Well elaborated and on point. Yes, the pros do outweigh the cons. Hence why I am all in for a server merging because we do need it desperately, even BDO which is a much newer game to Vindictus already did their merge wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of us, yet we are still contemplating.

    In terms of economy, yes, I do agree there are probably not much problems for both of NA servers, but as a player from AU (I have played on NA for a few months before too), the pricing is very different, despite the plummeting market due to free gears and low population (less demand and what not). I recently got on to EU server just to check out pricing in comparison to ours, quite surprisingly, EU has comparable pricing to us, some are even lower than ours (Abomination essence is a couple million higher on AU compared EU), in which I guess due to higher supply compared to AUS (yes I know we have a low playerbase but it wasn't as bad as how it is right now).
  • Member Lavonne
    Vindictus Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 96
    Give Nexon one good reason to waste money, resources and manpower on merging the servers (paying technicians extra hours to stay for the merge procedure, paying extra server costs for a bigger server, paying customer service employees extra hours to sit there and deal with merge related tickets).

    You're buying their NX and gachas either way, so why would they bother wasting money, resources and manpower on something that doesn't even yield profits.

  • Member Seigaku
    Vindictus Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 57
    edited April 30, 2017
    Lavonne wrote: »
    Give Nexon one good reason to waste money, resources and manpower on merging the servers (paying technicians extra hours to stay for the merge procedure, paying extra server costs for a bigger server, paying customer service employees extra hours to sit there and deal with merge related tickets).

    You're buying their NX and gachas either way, so why would they bother wasting money, resources and manpower on something that doesn't even yield profits.

    I'll answer on behalf of Nexon :)

    Money comes from the players
    Less money when there are less players
    More money when we have more players
    Stable income is feasible when we have sustained playerbase

    And how to sustain playerbase?
    Keep the players motivated
    Let more new players coming in
    And obviously give them good reason to stay
    Ffs, just obliterate that **** Region IP Lock

    Did I mention keep the players motivated?
    Obviously by leaving the servers empty as it is
    Instead of merging the playerbase for the more thriving community
    Boats are launched, and megaphones are active
    The economy is moving, and players are talking
    The party is made, and raids are taking place

    Of course it is costly to pay the technicians,
    But you get what you pay for,
    A long term investment to keep the population motivated,
    A good system to sustain motivation,
    A good move to bring in loyalty in players

    Or you can sit tight
    And wait for the population to flourish out of thin air
    Simply wait the rage quits to suddenly decide to come back,
    Or new players to know about the game through revelations

    Just don't do anything cos it's pointless,
    Just let it be till the game turns into smithereens,
    We can hope it can turn out well,
    But dreams without efforts are just dreams.

    tl;dr I'm already lost from the first paragraph

  • Member Armageddal
    Vindictus Rep: 940
    Posts: 26
    Not sure why people are saying the latency isn't an issue. I play(ed) on West despite living on East. Any time I joined an East-hosted boat, I'd get 4-5 bars. If it was a West boat I'd get 2-3. Actual 'lag' from the host player's network is primarily due to bandwidth interference like someone using Netflix on their net while that person is trying to host. Otherwise, it's primarily distance.

    The difference between 2-3 and 4-5 is very noticeable. To me, anyways.

    However, as someone who always played on the wrong server, I am personally in favour of a merge, just because I'd get to play with more East players. That doesn't mean it's actually a good idea to merge though!
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Suhpreme wrote: »
    when BDO did its merge it notified for a week or two for everyone to pick their main server, and whatever information/items/characters on that server would be transferred to the unified server along with characters and items they had on a each* server. one of the problems that occurred not having enough character slots. so in some peoples cases they either had to purchase more character slots or delete the ones unwanted, this wasn't a big deal however since many have had more than enough character slots and character slots in BDO are purchasable through their in-game loyalty system.
    Look at how many people have popped up since the EU merger who didn't get back on in time to say that they wanted their characters kept in the merger. Look at how many people have been locked out of the game now that Team Global messed up the recent "consolidation" and have made it so that direct launch no longer works. This would be yet another thing to whittle down the player base even more. Odds are things would go so wrong that so many people wouldn't be able to play that it may as well be as if the merger never happened.

  • Member MoistyPickles
    Vindictus Rep: 880
    Posts: 24
    ign clashing , how would that be solved ?
  • Member Seigaku
    Vindictus Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 57
    edited May 1, 2017
    Armageddal wrote: »
    Not sure why people are saying the latency isn't an issue. I play(ed) on West despite living on East. Any time I joined an East-hosted boat, I'd get 4-5 bars. If it was a West boat I'd get 2-3. Actual 'lag' from the host player's network is primarily due to bandwidth interference like someone using Netflix on their net while that person is trying to host. Otherwise, it's primarily distance.

    The difference between 2-3 and 4-5 is very noticeable. To me, anyways.

    However, as someone who always played on the wrong server, I am personally in favour of a merge, just because I'd get to play with more East players. That doesn't mean it's actually a good idea to merge though!

    Latency is not an issue. You replied yourself with good reasoning "Actual 'lag' from the host player's network is primarily due to bandwidth interference like someone using Netflix on their net while that person is trying to host. Otherwise, it's primarily distance."

    It's like playing with your housemates on a different server, your bars will not be changed, even if you were originally played on the East server but decided to play around on West server. It's a matter of how good your own internet to connect to the host's network, not a server side issue as far as I'm concerned. Merging not supposed to tamper with the hosting system.
    Suhpreme wrote: »
    when BDO did its merge it notified for a week or two for everyone to pick their main server, and whatever information/items/characters on that server would be transferred to the unified server along with characters and items they had on a each* server. one of the problems that occurred not having enough character slots. so in some peoples cases they either had to purchase more character slots or delete the ones unwanted, this wasn't a big deal however since many have had more than enough character slots and character slots in BDO are purchasable through their in-game loyalty system.
    Look at how many people have popped up since the EU merger who didn't get back on in time to say that they wanted their characters kept in the merger. Look at how many people have been locked out of the game now that Team Global messed up the recent "consolidation" and have made it so that direct launch no longer works. This would be yet another thing to whittle down the player base even more. Odds are things would go so wrong that so many people wouldn't be able to play that it may as well be as if the merger never happened.

    But those are technical problems which can be solved by the support team by sending a ticket. Considering they do their work properly, the merge itself is not intended to cause these problems. I get that people are skeptical with how Nexon runs stuffs, but I think going for the merge is a necessity rather than luxury at this point.
    ign clashing , how would that be solved ?

    There are multiple ways to solve this, but let's keep it short.

    1) Provide [server sign] next to IGN, the one like we had in guild chat back in the days. e.g. [AU] Seigaku vs [EA] Seigaku vs [WE] Seigaku
    - Yep, that can still create a bit of confusion, especially for whisper, a revamp in whisper might be needed

    2) Provide a name change coupon for every character
    - Self-explanatory
    - Yep, I get it that some people think they invented their IGN first ever in this world and wanted to keep theirs, hence priority rules to who used that IGN first when first creating that particular character

  • Member Tetsujin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,660
    Posts: 109
    ign clashing , how would that be solved ?

    Arena duel. Best of 3 matches.

    The winner gets to be Legolas.

    The loser gets the shame of being xLegolasx.
  • Member Thinh2
    Vindictus Rep: 765
    Posts: 9
    edited May 26, 2017
    If it's not too late to edit, you should add a poll and let people vote on it. I'm all for it if we all get another Name Change Event. Just look at our population:


    Even if there is no merge, we still need more players. Hope they don't do anything crazy like open up a new Central US Server.