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(Depot Trading) Trusted Gift Seller List
As the last list hasn't given any sign of life since the half of the last year, I guess we can safely assume that it's dead. Thus, I decided to take control over this thread. Hopefully no one has anything against it.
Check the seller's stats before you intend to buy NX Gifts. So far, the most recent scamming cases we processed, low level sellers (between lv.1 to lv. 30) were involved. You are highly recommended to avoid those sellers and only trust players where you know they spent more than a week of playing time to Vindictus.
Potential scammers may be:
Low Level
Have cryptic names (xXxScammerxXx, dsghrdthdtrg32w54rt4w, DontTrustMe, etc.)
Have no remarkable equipment
achieved almost no titles
show a lack of language
What you have to do to apply:
-Tell me the name(s) of you character(s)
-If you don't apply with your own forum account, please link your account
Upload Screen(s) of your NX Gift History
-Tell me your lvl(s) and guild(s) of your char(s)
T&C for keeping you on the list:
-An update is required to your post if you either reach level 90 or 300 titles after some time you have been accepted to be on the list.
-If you are planning to take a break from the game longer than one month, please announce it in your post as well. When you come back, delete the announcement.
-If you decide to become gearless, specify it in your post along with the reason. You shall not be permitted on the list if you are gearless for more than 7 days.
All the updates and announcements must be made by editing your existing post.
It's me the one who decides if you are or not eligible to be on the list. I have the right to modify and delete anyone, anytime if I decide you aren't eligible anymore. I will not lose time arguing with you on this matter. If you want to be eligible, just be suitable for the list fulfilling all of the above conditions.
Recommend a seller is still possible:
-Screens of bought items + character window(press C in-game for it)
-Char- & Alt-Names (if known)
-Forum name and link (if known)
-Char LvL (if known)
IGN | Forum Name | Last known LVL | Last known guild
Asyi | Solanah | LVL 74 | No Guild
DurkaDurk | ThreeSixtyNoSkope | LVL 90 | No Guild
Genkashi | KensinX | LVL 90 | P*rnstars
IdrialLAdyofLight | Quijin | LVL 90 | BlackTornado
LadyFaye | LadyFaye | LVL 90 | Phoenix
Shirobun| ShadowCX | LVL 90 | No Guild
XThreeSixtyNoSkopeX | ThreeSixtyNoSkope | LVL 90 | BleedingAngels
Yandu | Yandu | LVL 90 | WhySoSerious
The list will be certainly updated every day at 10 PM Central European Time. It may be updated before and multiple times per day.

561 Titles
IGN Asyi | Forum Solanah | Lv 74 | No Guild
Level 74 at the time of screenshotting. 100+ titles.
And congratulations for sales. Keep it up!
I have sold NX on EU so many times, my alts should be on some old list DurkaDurk, XThreeSixtyNoSkopeX are my chars.
XThreeSixtyNoSkopeX = lvl 90 Evie
DurkaDurk = lvl 90 lann
P.S. : If you are in a guild, don't forget to mention it. If you are not, it's alright to let it unmentioned.
P.P.S. : To avoid any possible confusion, from now on, I'd like people to screenshot their Character window, too. You can reach it by pressing C in-game.
Level 90
Guild: CraftedByAnemoi
titles: 285
i got some pictures from old Vindictus EU and one from this because its pretty hard to sell NX without being trusted
Level: 90
Guild: Orange
titles: 300
Name of character: ZORMENT
Level: 90
titles: 256
For all NX Traders: Advertise your NX Items as "WTS NX Gift Items" to be safe.
EDIT: Oh and for the List my Guild is Phoenix now, in case I get unblocked
Their reply: http://i.imgur.com/rxv8vpX.png
Thus, as a summary to the problem, we aren't anymore on European ground, but American. Unfortunately, the "European server" is just a label and nothing more. Probably, the best thing to do is to be as specific as possible that you are trading NX item gifts and not selling them. Although, the megaphone announcement of gifting NX isn't very liked by the Nexon Staff, they shouldn't have the authority to block people as long as the game's rules are followed. It might sound like total silliness after all these years, but that's it. We adapt, and we survive.
Regarding LadyFaye, I truly hope that everything will turn around alright and you will have your account restored as it should be.
Nexons Response: http://i.imgur.com/W6nUlG5.png
Back then Nexon unblocked my Account before I had paid the chargeback so I could continue with the Migration and wouldn't lose my Characters.
As Coreless has written above: Please still use a Term that clarifies you are Trading NX Gift Items for Gold when you advertise it to be on the safer Side. I have heard of another Player (IGN: Legal) that claims he was banned unrightfully for the same matter that I thought I was banned. I cannot tell if he was Breaking Rules but let this be a reminder: http://i.imgur.com/Rquz0tw.png
JynXi also told me that his english is bad so maybe that's why his Tickets didn't work he might has been banned rightfully aswell tho
Also thanks to Coreless for trying to move something within Nexon Staff, but as you can see in my Ticket, there has been no word about the terminology from the GM - and I won't be rude and ask a second time in the same Ticket. For some internal reasons they seem to avoid that sensitive matter.
I would like to clarify that you cannot sell NX for gold, it is completely against the TOU.
You cannot sell NX at all. You can only trade Airtight items or items that can be gifted from the Supply depot for gold.
This is, and always was, our "NX selling" yeah, to avoid any misunderstanding.
However it cannot stay like that. Because from her ticket reply, it sounds like she was 100% breaking the rules.
Not even using your definition of "NX selling" does it seem like she wasn't, just because of the context.
So EU really does need to change the terminology they use if they don't want any misunderstandings.
You cannot blame people for following their habits for 6 years. Rome wasn't built in one day after all, if they have been recently banned, then things should have been clear since day one of merge.
Trading is based on exchange as well. My point is that both terminology are fine, since they are actually equals in this type of situation.
Pretty sure as well there is a way to find player's history when it comes to "gift NX items" or buying out NX codes, which should make it easier to know if someone's culprit or not.
And to clarify something quickly, I'm not looking to a fight but I am heavily confused as to why 2 words that are synonyms actually gives a few problems right here and now.
I understand that, and I know the GMs do too, which why a lot of players are getting off with a few days or weeks after filing tickets and explaining what they were doing. In the past that would be a permanent bad without any chance to appeal.
However in her ticket it doesn't sound like she was trading gifts at all, especially because she seems to think that only NX for real money is not allowed.
Also as a note: History does not matter, just advertising it is a ban here. Even if you fail to sell you can still be permabanned.
What about "Trade NX +call" ? What if this trader actually is trading NX items for real money ? You never know how things can happen behind the scenes. I'm currently discussing about it elsewhere and I still haven't seen the point of why is "selling NX items" considered as "getting real money" for it, while "trading NX items" isn't.
It's all about why two synonyms are judged as "different" from Nexon NA's point of view. This is curious, nothing else.
I'd ask a change of the ToS if I was some CEO or whatever high-spot I'd be in the Nexon company, but I'm not so this discussion is obviously far from trying to blame it on NA's staff neither changing everything in favor of Europa. It's as I explained right above.