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PSA: Stop /leave-ing when you're hosting QB


  • Member KMonk
    Vindictus Rep: 1,495
    Posts: 144
    I think it is more effective if we say it as we launch QB for the host not to /leave. Or if we forgot to do so and they did leave, whisper them as to what happen when they do /leave. Most of the time they didn't know. If all else fails, bring a gremlin with you.
  • Member Yuria100
    Vindictus Rep: 2,480
    Posts: 226
    edited February 14, 2017
    Yeah i nocticed this on QB release, someone wisper me about the boat being bugged at the end or something about crashing. So I decided to test it with a friend and figured it was a bad idea to/leave during QB as host. I son't do it when hosting but i sure do when Im not. Its a big problem if people are getting shafted in the end.
  • Member Tetsujin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,660
    Posts: 109
    edited April 7, 2017
    This has happened to me twice in just the last two days. The host left early & my mission didn't complete & I got no rewards.

    It's amazing that this bug was reported TWO!! months ago & Nexon have done NOTHING!! to fix it.

    If people had been getting extra loot because of this bug, then Nexon would have been falling over themselves to fix it. (How quickly they shut-down the fishing event within 2 days!!)

    But, when people are losing rewards, then months go by & they do NOTHING!!
  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited April 7, 2017
    Tetsujin wrote: »
    This has happened to me twice in just the last two days. The host left early & my mission didn't complete & I got no rewards.

    It's amazing that this bug was reported TWO!! months ago & Nexon have done NOTHING!! to fix it.

    If people had been getting extra loot because of this bug, then Nexon would have been falling over themselves to fix it. (How quickly they shut-down the fishing event within 2 days!!)

    But, when people are losing rewards, then months go by & they do NOTHING!!

    You actually think Nexon sees this as a bug? They just want folks to stop being jerks and leaving ;-)
  • Member Tetsujin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,660
    Posts: 109
    ikevi wrote: »
    You actually think Nexon sees this as a bug? They just want folks to stop being jerks and leaving ;-)

    The players are probably not even aware that /leave-ing early denies some people their rewards.

    It's Nexon's fault for not fixing this. They could just temporarily disable the "/leave" command for quick-battles if its too hard to fix the underlying cause.

    I'm sure if /leave-ing early got people double rewards, then Nexon would have disabled it in a heartbeat.