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Do We Get Drops Automatically?
I've been here long enough i should know this but im still hearing 2 different answers. Do we get everything that drops at the end of the quest, even if its not from the boss? (that includes basically everything that hits the ground). Or do we just get what drops from the boss automatically & we have to p/u the rest? Or is there a 3rd option?...
If you kill a regular mob around the boss that drops superior leather for example it will not be automatically picked up
In elaboration, only the sailor gremlin if there's still any airtights left. Since that gatcha is over now, no one can grab anymore. It's also not confirmed whether or not NX shop pets are giftable.
EDIT: Grems can gather at level 1, while succubus pets have to be level 10 to gather.
That explains what happened the other day. I was dead waiting for a Gf & every minute or so chat would say my character just got like Fine Leather or something, lol, ok that explains it. Thx Aim
it's inconsistent what counts as a mid boss though. usually any bosses on the same map as the final one (e.g. everything in blood prince, unveiling truth) will also be auto looted. but then there's the exception of the wood elf boss on the same map as callidus...yeah idk
1) Upon finishing the mission, you will get the drops of all main objective bosses automatically. Normally this will just be one, but some missions like Two Moons have two bosses, or Season 2 and Season 3 areas which typically have more than two.
2) Waiting 5-10 minutes, will auto-loot any items in your current area that are on the ground. This includes loot-able evil cores, mined ores that haven't been picked up, ergs, spirit remnants, and magic powder. Gold coins, luminary trees, raw ore deposits, and erg pots are not auto-looted.
This happens in all three seasons, but only when the party has been made in quick battle. Boats made normally will not act this way.
Your welcome
Thx for the advice AimAndKill, i appreciate all the help and all the....well almost all the advice i can get...