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*Update video in last post* RYZEN hosting test!
Hello everybody.
Once upon a time there were good times when the Vindictus worked perfectly on AMD FX. But the developers released "multi-processing" - a very cool feature. The problem in it was only one - one completely broke the performance of the game on AMD CPU. And recently there was a bright event - AMD released a new line of processors on the new architecture.
Can fans of the "red" processors (like me) return to their favorite platform, or should continue to use Intel, if play vindictus a lot? You can find out from the video what we did with my friend.
P.s. Sorry for bad English

AMD still has a long way untill they outdo Intel.
Not always and not everywhere. In a single thread, AMD is losing Intel, but this is fully compensated for by multi-threaded performance. AMD offers a much more interesting option for the "price / performance" with Ryzen. Of course, if it's not a badly made single-threaded program.
But marketing and planning their actions, really leaves much to be desired.
Too bad most games are mostly single threaded. That's why one of the reasons bulldozer isn't that great
Can you tell me the specific specs of the CPU's u did compare? (FX model/i5 model)
even more if yo uconsider that ryzen 1800x its 500 bucks or something
Have to argue on that always claim, while intel is superior now, back in the athlon 64 and x2 days they kicked the pentium 4 ass
Most old games Yup, but last 3 year almost all game use 4 threads, games from 2016 year already more favored 8 thread CPU. Bulldozer was bad on release, but now give better perfomance in new titles, than intel analogs in bulldozer generation.
For vindi you didnt need mega PC, but 100% 60 fps you cant get anyway too, on any PC.
For 1080p Vindi with 50-60 fps on almost max setting you need:
i3 (hasswell and more modern)
760gtx\960gtx\1050ti\r9 280\r9 370\rx460 lvl GPU
8 gb RAM in dual channel
any SSD
First seconds in video with stats CPU.
1)AMD FX-8320(K15 - Piledriver, Vishera)
Overclocked: 4400 MHz 1,33V, 2200 NB(Stock)
MB:ASRock 990FX Extreme 3
RAM: 2х4 GB 1600 MHz 9-9-8-23-1T @1,65V
2) AMD Ryzen 7 1800x (3,6-4,0) (K17 - Zen) - stock
MB: ASUS Prime x370
RAM: 2х16 Gb DDR4-19200 (2400 mhz) @15-15-15-35-57-2T 1.2V
3) Intel I5 4690k (Hasswell refresh)
Overclocked: 4500MHz 1.24V
MB: MSI z97 gaming 5
RAM: 4x4 GB DDR3 2400mhz 10-10-11-27-2T 1.65v
All builds use same version windows 10, game and system on SSD.
FX and Ryzen build GPU - AMD rx 480 (stock)
Intel build GPU - AMD r9 Nano (unlocked BIOS = stock fury x)
2) For vindi i5=i7= Xeon. No difference,Frequency Only
3) You didnt need 1800x, just my friend big fan AMD, 1700x cost 400bucks (+ motherboards cheaper than intel analogs), you get same
4) For real testing with 1800x ryzen better use 6900k (real perfomance intel analog in positioning. And in test 1800x + 6900k ryzen have all chances be same intel. Because this intel 1k bucks CPU have only 3200mhz stock, and bad overclock potencial. ANd didnt forgot about prices on 2011v3 motherboards.
5) If someone want Ryzen for games only better wait ryzen 5 series - cheaper than low-end I5, with almost same singlethread perfomance, but 8 threads (good for new titles)
Then again I am playing at a slightly lower resolution 1600x900.
However, I have been wanting to rebuild my system and I've been thinking about either going with an i 7700K or 1700X seeing as they're both similarly priced. Seeing that vindictus is one of the bigger games I play, I thank you very much for this video comparison.
This video not about "what you got with those hardware", is just compare 3x build on 100% same settings.
1700x very interesting choice for now and future, but if you many play vindi or work in adobe photoshop\lightroom - 7700k will more fast.
P.s. Little tips: if you have good cooling on your current cpu and you will buy 1700x - try find motherboard with am3+ cooler compability (like asus crosshair). Ofc this motherboards more expensive, but you anyway spent difference in price on new cooler\aio\waterblock.
Feels like an incomplete comparison having benchmarks only with the 4690k at 4.5GHz and the 1800x at stock.
There wont see much more to see. Intel at least for years has sold their CPUs such that there is a decent gain to get by overclocking. The 1800x might get a ~200 hz gain...
1) you need "K" version CPU (expensive). With ryzen you can buy 30+% cheaper than 1800x version cpu without locked overclock.
2) you need top chipset motherboard(expensive too). Cheap am4 motherboards can overclock CPU too.
3) intels CPU more hot, you need deliding, if you want good overclock + anyway is lucky depend. For example, my 4690k with stock cooling can get only 4.1ghz. 4.5ghz i get only after build custom watercooling system and deliding CPU. Ryzen can get 4.0 with box fan.
Anyway. i think i next year AMD release zen refresh with better overclock potencial
Oh shush ;-)
I can buy from newegg easily a i7 7700 motherboard + CPU starting at 400. A 1800x + motherboard starts at 690.
You will get easily a 15% OC with the stock cooling no deliding. Deliding will give ~20%.
The 1800x will give you like a 5% improvement if you are lucky with the best cooler/MB.
Competition is good, but when all is said and done if you want the best CPU for gaming, even bang for buck it is Intel. (Again looking at the best CPUs)
If you go decide to compare to i5 then it might be a different story, but I haven't been following the 1600x much. (And not to mention the fact that none of the games out are optimized for AMD, so Intel wins ~20% on some games due to them being active with developers.)
Competition is great, but there is doubt that all it did was cause Intel prices to drop, but AMD still is behind Intel for games.
Ryzen 1700 can accelerate + 30%. Do not mix the overclocking of the top frequency cpu with low frequency! This applies to all processors.
Talk about the price is superfluous. 7700K is not a 2011 socket.
About overclocking Intel. Try to overclock the 5960 / 6900K to a frequency of 7700K. Good luck. And he will also lose 7700K in single-threaded games. The price is 1000-1100 $.
4690K frequency + 21,8% relative to the test 1800х. Draw conclusions. Then look at the frequency of 7700K and 6900K and 1800x.
P.s. Sorry for bad English