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Free lv90 Weapon +Armors from Character Growth Box
Instead of just receiving high capacity ap reset capsule, you get lv90 weapon + armor as well.

It can be any lv90 gears.
You can enhance the weapon/armor as if it was a regular weapon/armor, given the max enhancement possible isn't fixed.
Not April Fool.
(Note: Full Purple)
probably not
But seems like you can for armors though. At least, Ferghus didn't say that I couldn't, although I didn't hit the 'proceed' button to make sure of it ^^
It's random according to other server's patchnote. So far I've gotten braha on 2 characters. Not gonna test more, since there's 7 day cadet badge that I can't make use of on them.
They trolled you
Could've used this on my characters.. especially the Terminus! Jeez how helpful that is compared to the garbage Braha set. And it's seriously random?
Wtf, Nexon?
basic stats are the same but enchants are different. depends on what you want .
I think this "feature" is overgrowth.
On one hand it makes it easier for new players to do s3 which is a good thing.
On the other hand, this change has effectively made all 2 star purple gear WORTHLESS.
When s3 was relatively new, people bought purple gear and would use it till they could upgrade it to OJ. Purple gear actually was worth something. 3 star gear was worth a lot.
With the seal shop + free level 80 gears, people stopped buying purple gear because "why bother when you get free level 80 gear". 3 star gear was worth a lot less because "ceebs upgrading it costs too much". Most people just NPC crafted 2 star OJ gear because it takes about 15-20 of each s3 mat to upgrade a shard and farming those takes forever.
Now that every new player is getting free level 90 gear...who in their right mind is going to buy 2 star purple gear from the MP now? What are we supposed to do with all these worthless purple composite mats now? We are using blues to craft 3 star gear, purples now have no niche except to dismantle for material synthesis mats.
It would be nice if you could dismantle level 90 gear for spirit powders or something, then 2 star blues/purples might be worth someting other than NPC value...
It was beautiful.
and then people will complain that powders/element stones lost value. will people one day figure out that all the currency and items in this game are a means to an end: playing the game? i'll probably die of old age first.