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Gear that can get natural pure black?

Vindictus Vertreter: 510
Posts: 12
edited März 29, 2017 in General Discussion
Is there a list somewhere of all gear that can be dyed pure black in the dye shop without dye ampoules?


  • dazedgumballdazedgumball
    Vindictus Vertreter: 7,725
    Posts: 605
    The Pit Bull jacket is one, I believe.
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    edited März 29, 2017
    well, what is classified as pure black? because female crafted Abom helms transferred to male toons can obtain 0 black on the chin strap.

    Edit: same goes for Braha helm's visor.
  • KaiTheArcherKaiTheArcher
    Vindictus Vertreter: 735
    Posts: 28
    only 1 i know of which is butterfly boots for vella. Literally vanta black
  • QueenOfManaQueenOfMana
    Vindictus Vertreter: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    Abomination Gear can naturally random dye black.
  • DownIoadDownIoad
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,185
    Posts: 312
    edited März 29, 2017
    If you are talking about the random feature where you hit DYE and let rng do its work then have a read on this tut I made http://forums.vindictus.nexon.net/discussion/1445/tut-obtain-white-black-dye-using-random-feature
    It is OUTDATED as the airtight armor fusion runes and unbinds have gone way up price but it has a few tips for the feature itself.
    Some new things I would like to add are that you can get 240 whites on all 'parts' and 0 black on certain 'parts' of items like straps/belts/metal clips or buckles.

    I have extensive use of this feature with some knowledge of what can and will happen with specific gears but not all.