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Dealt damage pop-up number bug

You can see I have this big white numbers as damage pop-up numbers insted of the normal red small numbers and its really annoys me. If somebody knows how to fix this please help

Meanwhile the event is on you can go to the ingame Options/UI Settings and tick the Display the damage you give option to hide damage numbers.
You can just enable it again once the event is over.
They weren't aware of it, and created a ticket on my behalf.
It's March.
April Fools is not in March.
I suggest we all get in contact with them to let them know how much it's ruining the experience. Maybe they'll monkey-patch it out.
Though I guess we only do 4 runs a week now anyway so whatever
This is part of the April Fools patch with the Ultimate Power Event.
Put Jokes in March so they don't expect to be Fooled for April.
Be reassured however, this IS NOT a bug. It is purposely made by Nexon for April fools and will soon be taken off with next maintenance (it should, at least).
Other thread you can look at here and here