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Rank F beast Stance and sick and simple Combo

Member AimAndKill
Vindictus Rep: 1,590
Posts: 127
edited March 24, 2017 in Karok
Title is pretty self explanatory. Buy a skill reset capsule and set your beast stance to rank F here are some of the benefits:
As long as you don't do 2nd barrages (stop after one barrage) you'll be able to keep Rhino stance (the stamina one) the whole god damn time.
2: can keep Rhino stance even after drop kicking IE kicks don't switch stances anymore.

This also let's you use the super secret OP braindead easy Karok rotation that has been taught to me by Pillar Sensei:
-Activate Rhino stance.
-Get bone break.
-Do 3-4 warslams hit tab to defend yourself (if boss is able to attack) then drop kick then jumbo pounce and warslam again to repeat the rotation.

It's pretty well known that you should drop kick after warslam but 3 things here are not well known at all:
1- Bison charge has a faster start up obsorb frame than drop kick and since it has a rediculous amount of obsorb frames in general USE IT as soon as the boss is about to attack you THEN drop kick, the warslam buff will still apply.
2- using bison charge like this is also excellent for keeping up with the boss / following it and let's you land your kicks better.
3- Using Jumbo pounce after drop kick makes the warslam buff apply to BOTH in the case of jumbo pounce though it applies at 1 warslam level less, so if you use drop kick at a level 4 jumbo pounce will get the buff of a level 3.

And all this can be done under constant Rhino stance

If you got any questions message me on discord @ AimAndKill#8690
  1. Is Rank F beast stance amazing or what?15 votes
    1. Of course
       33% (5 votes)
    2. Still prefer it maxed
       67% (10 votes)


  • Member BlissKnight
    Vindictus Rep: 630
    Posts: 51
    Wait a second.... is that you DeathWhisper (or whatever your name is on your Karok)?

    I swear to god man, you just can't stop talking about this combo/rotation.
  • Member AimAndKill
    Vindictus Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 127
    That's Mr. DeathBreathe to you ;)
  • Member Eviloni
    Vindictus Rep: 300
    Posts: 5
    lol deathbreahe im ready to try pillar when are you getting back on
  • Member AimAndKill
    Vindictus Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 127
    edited March 29, 2017
    Eviloni wrote: »
    lol deathbreahe im ready to try pillar when are you getting back on

    Unfortunately friend I'm extremely busy those days with school but if you add me on discord - AimAndKill​#8690 I'm sure we can arrange something for the weekend :)
  • Member Eviloni
    Vindictus Rep: 300
    Posts: 5
    Well see if u can get on this weekend so i can figure out what to max and what not to and try what u been saying