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Why do people hate extra cores?


  • Member Yuria100
    Vindictus Rep: 2,480
    Posts: 226
    edited March 19, 2017
    @BladeXAngel I can see your point, but I rather go for breakoff even if I'm the only carry in the run. For Braha, getting the breakoff before switching side is possible and I do it most runs. The 1 or 2min extra time added to clearing the run isn't much, well then again seeing the run you get into that probably more then 1 or 2 mins.

    I may not care for the extra core itself but, the chanllenge of getting the breakoff before your teammate kills the boss is what make that run fun for me. If you want a quick run with breakoff just +call me.

    @Prototypemind I know Glass has two breakoff, but i don't get where you get the info from that both breakoff gives extra core. From my knowlegde only his right Brace give extra core while the left one gives extra gold reward. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Now let think of this in an interesting crazy way(that may not make sence). Let use the the time to clear raid with the amount of core you get. So the range for clearing these run with and without att release event item is around 5-10min. In every raid we get around like 4-5 cores without luck and vip buff(Atm my mind is blank on the number of core we accually get). So in this situation at the fastest run you are gaining 1 core per min for the raid. so now add another 1-2min for another core. With or without going for breakoff your time was spent efficiently reguardless. For raids that on the slower part of the range you accually gained more for the extra effort then you would of just killing the boss itself.

    What ev, I'll go for breakoff reguardless cus i find the raid more fun doing so and extra loot is nice too.
  • Member BladeXAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,805
    Posts: 229
    Yuria100 wrote: »
    @BladeXAngel I can see your point, but I rather go for breakoff even if I'm the only carry in the run. For Braha, getting the breakoff before switching side is possible and I do it most runs. The 1 or 2min extra time added to clearing the run isn't much, well then again seeing the run you get into that probably more then 1 or 2 mins.

    I may not care for the extra core itself but, the chanllenge of getting the breakoff before your teammate kills the boss is what make that run fun for me. If you want a quick run with breakoff just +call me.

    @Prototypemind I know Glass has two breakoff, but i don't get where you get the info from that both breakoff gives extra core. From my knowlegde only his right Brace give extra core while the left one gives extra gold reward. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Now let think of this in an interesting crazy way(that may not make sence). Let use the the time to clear raid with the amount of core you get. So the range for clearing these run with and without att release event item is around 5-10min. In every raid we get around like 4-5 cores without luck and vip buff(Atm my mind is blank on the number of core we accually get). So in this situation at the fastest run you are gaining 1 core per min for the raid. so now add another 1-2min for another core. With or without going for breakoff your time was spent efficiently reguardless. For raids that on the slower part of the range you accually gained more for the extra effort then you would of just killing the boss itself.

    What ev, I'll go for breakoff reguardless cus i find the raid more fun doing so and extra loot is nice too.

    op yuria haha! does it sound weird and newb if i say i still don't know exactly how to break glas lol?
  • Member Yuria100
    Vindictus Rep: 2,480
    Posts: 226
    Yuria100 wrote: »
    @BladeXAngel I can see your point, but I rather go for breakoff even if I'm the only carry in the run. For Braha, getting the breakoff before switching side is possible and I do it most runs. The 1 or 2min extra time added to clearing the run isn't much, well then again seeing the run you get into that probably more then 1 or 2 mins.

    I may not care for the extra core itself but, the chanllenge of getting the breakoff before your teammate kills the boss is what make that run fun for me. If you want a quick run with breakoff just +call me.

    @Prototypemind I know Glass has two breakoff, but i don't get where you get the info from that both breakoff gives extra core. From my knowlegde only his right Brace give extra core while the left one gives extra gold reward. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Now let think of this in an interesting crazy way(that may not make sence). Let use the the time to clear raid with the amount of core you get. So the range for clearing these run with and without att release event item is around 5-10min. In every raid we get around like 4-5 cores without luck and vip buff(Atm my mind is blank on the number of core we accually get). So in this situation at the fastest run you are gaining 1 core per min for the raid. so now add another 1-2min for another core. With or without going for breakoff your time was spent efficiently reguardless. For raids that on the slower part of the range you accually gained more for the extra effort then you would of just killing the boss itself.

    What ev, I'll go for breakoff reguardless cus i find the raid more fun doing so and extra loot is nice too.

    op yuria haha! does it sound weird and newb if i say i still don't know exactly how to break glas lol?

    Nope, that just mean you got other priorities ;3!
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    I was referring to the two breaks for Braha, sorry if that wasn't clear. I don't think I've ever noticed a group doing both Glas breaks.
  • Member Yuria100
    Vindictus Rep: 2,480
    Posts: 226
    edited March 20, 2017
    I was referring to the two breaks for Braha, sorry if that wasn't clear. I don't think I've ever noticed a group doing both Glas breaks.

    Ah kk both Braha and Glass have two Breakoff, one for extra gold and the other one for core. Now we all know ^^.
  • Member DownIoad
    Vindictus Rep: 2,185
    Posts: 312
    First question: Why is this in battle guides? Should be in general discussion

    Second question: As far as I know the breaks always gives you the actual break, not a core that could be a scroll etc. Am I wrong on this?
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    1) Battle Quests and Guides is the same as the old Raid Discussions forums, and this relates to tactics of doing the S3 raids.

    2) It varies. For Braha the Ancient break off is just a piece same as Lakoria's Frill, etc. from S2 and S1 bosses, but regular Braha is a core that gets rolled on. Same for Glas, Lugh, Regina, Abomination, Eochaid.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    Im pretty sure purple braha drops no core, you dont even see the ? core appear after breaking it, but you do see one appear after breaking the orange one.
  • Member Soj
    Vindictus Rep: 785
    Posts: 61
    I think it's a lack of communication on the part of the party.

    It's rare for me to join a S3 boat/QB and get everyone talking and on the same page. It's tough to get the break off without some cooperation from everyone and so it's not really worth the effort if people aren't gonna do things properly and efficiently for something like Glas' breakoff. Also I'm sure a lot of people simply don't know how to get b/o and don't bother to ask how.
  • Member Teknofobix
    Vindictus Rep: 665
    Posts: 39
    I always go for S1-S2 breaks but S3 the Break offs are weak sauce usually Purple 4* Max Weapon or Shield essence with the exception of Abom and the Puppy. Any other boss the Break really isn't worth it especially since the seal shop gives the boss essences and the price of OJ Materials being in the toilet. Not everyone ignores Staffies Saves at least not the experienced players I always wait for the Evie if there's one in party to drop down before I move. Braha is a pain I would rather just get it over with especially since most the pug groups I've been in have always had issues locking the boss (sometimes I'll miss time my phantom dash and hit the switch a second too soon so its not always the groups fault but my own as well) so I end up with 57% of the damage without changing sides.