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Enhancement process (pre-Rise)
Enhancement is a process that attempts to upgrade item's enhancement rank, increasing it's stats. The service is offered by Ferghus in Colhen. Only weapons, armors and shields can be enhanced. Enhancement rank grants set bonuses to the item, depending on item type. Additionally, maximum durability of the item is increased and weight decreased.
This process requires enhancement stones with adequate grade to the item's level, also as enhancement elixirs at certain enhancement ranks and gold fee. The requirements, success chance and penalty on failure depends on item level grade and enhancement rank. Along with enhancement rank, requirements increase and success chance decreases.
Enhancement process can fail, which will decrease the item's base maximum durability and either decrease the enhancement rank, reset it to none, or destroy the item. Destroyed items will return some of the item's ingredients/parts, and some enhancement stones used in the process. The process can be cancelled before and in middle of it with no consequences, and can be assisted by various protective runes or similar.
Please note that the item will become bound upon reaching +9 rank or above.
Enhancement rank is shown as number after plus (
+) symbol in the item's name, preceding everything, as shown in following example:
+11 Twinkling Maelstrom Heremon Twin Sword

Enhancement rank of this item is 11.
♦ Enhancement details ♦
♦ Ingredients ♦
Enhancement Stone
A stone used for enhancing weapons and equipment items below level 20.
Can be obtained by defeating powerful enemies. The higher the density of the stone, the more powerful the enhancement.
Ferghus can enhance your items.
Functionality: Ingredient used to enhance items from 1 to 19 level.
Advanced Enhancement Stone
A stone used for enhancing weapons and equipment items below level 40.
Can be obtained by defeating powerful enemies. The higher the density of the stone, the more powerful the enhancement.
Ferghus can enhance your items.
Functionality: Ingredient used to enhance items from 20 to 39 level.
Epic Enhancement Stone
A stoned used to enhance weapons or equipment below level 59.
Powerful enemies carry these. The quality of the stone is based on its density.
The more dense, the more powerful.
Speak to Ferghus to enhance your items.
Functionality: Ingredient used to enhance items from 40 to 59 level.
Empowered Enhancement Stone
A stone used for enhancing weapons and equipment items below level 80.
Can be obtained by defeating powerful enemies. The higher the density of the stone. the more powerful the enhancement.
Ferghus can enhance your items.
Functionality: Ingredient used to enhance items from 60 to 80 level.
Paradise Enhancement Stone
A stone used to enhance weapons or equipment below level 90.
Powerful enemies carry these. The quality of the stone is based on its density.
The more dense, the more powerful.
Speak to Ferghus to enhance your items.
Functionality: Ingredient used to enhance 90 level items (probably 95 as well).
Enhancement Elixir
Elixir that can be used when enhancing a weapon or equipment. It draws the latent power from the equipment items, but it may also cause greater penalty.
You can enhance items with Ferghus.
Functionality: Ingredient required during higher enhancement rank process.
Goibhniu's Enhancement Stone
This stone, named after the legendary blacksmith Goibhniu, can be used to enhance weapons or equipment. Some rumors claim that this stone is the origin of all enhancement power and came from his body.
Increases success rate by 10% based on the equipment Enhancement Level.
This stone, named after the legendary blacksmith Goibhniu, can be used to enhance weapons or equipment. Some rumors claim that this stone is the origin of all enhancement power and came from his body.
Increases enhancement success rate by 3% if used as enhancement material.
Can be used as enhancement material in place of existing Enhancement Stones (Enhancement Stone, Advanced Enhancement Stone, Epic Enhancement Stone, Exquisite Enhancement Stone, and Paradise Enhancement Stone).
Ferghus can enhance your items.
Functionality: Replaces enhancement stones in the process - only 1 stone is used instead. Multiplies enhancement success chance by 110%. Example: 0.33*1.1=0.363 (33% → 36,3%)

+3 coupon & +8 item → +10 item
+14 coupon & +11 item → +14 item
Expiration: Varies. Expiration affects only the coupon usability.
Others: Some coupons requires the character to have required level of the item, in order to use the coupon on it. Example: 60 level character may be unable to use +10 coupon on a 90 level weapon.
Expiration: Varies. Expiration affects only the coupon usability.
Thread has been split onto few posts, because the character limit per post is currently limited to 8000.
Notify me if there is an error or misleading information. Suggestions are also welcomed.
Please upvote the posts if You appreciate my work.
Lastly, please support TBALE BBcode on the forums, so I can format threads like this better.
The DEF benefits for armor is not generic and is incorrect. Only level 90 armor share the same benefits as plate, and anything lower is still based on what type of armor it is. The DEF gained when armor is destroyed is also a percentage rather than a flat number. Additionally, all weapons and armor gain a weight reduction when enhanced.
Adding on a bit of minor information: your item can temporarily surpass the 200 durability cap when you successfully enhance it, but this display will fix itself and drop to 200 upon re-logging.
Staves and scythes also have a separate ATT value, which is notably strange in its increases, and its exact uses are still a mystery to me although I suspect it affects kick damage.
DEF when destroyed - indeed it is, apparently I accidently pasted HP values instead.
Weight - yes, but to be honest it's irrelevant since Season 2.
Who's author of this? Perhaps I could contact and use it here, otherwise make my own.
Exceeding the limitation is more of a bug. I might mention it in Durability thread.
Unsure about Staff, but Scythe was hybrid in Season 1 and partially benefited off ATK. I think other INT characters also get lower ATK benefit.
Thanks for contribution. Also looking for details/confirmation about functionality of some runes, as I haven't used them myself and description tends to be misleading. Most of them can be guessed, but I prefer to be sure rather than risk spreading misinformation.
Ps. I am waiting with progressing Enchant thread until the next episode changes are here.
I am the one that created the chart, but the information was a collective effort from many informants and testers alongside myself. Everyone is free to use it or copy selected information to better suit specific guides such as yours. The level 90 armor stats were last checked during the first week of March, but the last thorough check of all stats was done in February. I know for a fact that the materials needed for enhancement is now out of date because the Alban Festival update reduced the materials required for lower level equipment.
Also, I am glad that you are making such a thorough and informative guide, including any and all relevant information because I planned on abandoning my chart. In fact, I was originally going to abandon it after the Neamhain update, but a bunch of crybabies (no offense to my friends) begged me to update my chart.
You can find all the resources I provide on this thread: http://forums.vindictus.nexon.net/discussion/1913/order5s-resource-charts
Old s1 scythe was a hybrid in the sense that most moves used attack stat, while mark DoT and invisible loom/bloody thread (which is most of your damage output) used matt. It got changed to all matt somewhere around dragons release.
Today, the only things evie use attack stat for is kicks and left click attacking with one handed objects (such as jars). The difference is very notable when doing object yeti title.
Pre-90 armor enhancement differences are still there. Enhancing cloth to +10 gives you less def than enhancing plate to +6.
Given latest korean patch notes ("Rise" update) - statements from my last posts are "sorta confirmed", as they are removing weight system and are going to make everything benefit the same.