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Junior succubus adventure friend (pet/companion)

Member SirRFI
Vindictus Rep: 7,360
Posts: 988
edited April 5, 2017 in Future Content

Junior succubus companion was mentioned in another thread. When writing an answer for the given question, I decided to look for more data to what we had so far. As always, upvotes are appreciated. Unfortunately TABLE and related BBcode/HTML tags are currently disabled, preventing me from presenting the data more nicely.


• Functionality and availability
  • "She's basically an all in one pet. Mines, gathers, heals you and doesn't take damage." - 탱크블레이드
  • She has various animations and interactions:
  • In battle:
  • In Korea they were available from RNG cash boxes (Gachapon or call it whatever you like), that costed 1900 NX each (sold in 1, 10 and 25 buldes, but price was equal to 1900 per box). The box was also giving coupons that could be used to exchange for various things.
    • Succubus obtained directly from the box was Packaged/Airtight (aka tradeable just once via marketplace; droprate is said to be 0.125%, but since there are 4 variations - theoretically it's 4 times bigger)
    • Succubus of choice could be purchased for total of 200 coupons in the exchange store.
    Note: This information is based on previous events with similar functionality and data found on the topic. Keep in mind it may be available differently, if it ever comes here in first place.

• Variations

  • 20160908103608565.jpg Hellfairy Debbie (서큐버스 데빌)
  • 20160908103626258.jpg Hellfairy Cassie (서큐버스 캣시)
  • 20160908103551434.jpg Hellfairy Jessie (서큐버스 큐티)
  • 20160908103533164.jpg Hellfairy Maxie (서큐버스 티니)

Previewed in same order:

Source highlights:
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and 6 others.


  • Member Nakrast_Freecss
    Vindictus Rep: 535
    Posts: 19
    Is it known how she will be obtanaible? Event only? Shop? Boxes?
  • Member SirRFI
    Vindictus Rep: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    edited February 26, 2017
    Is it known how she will be obtanaible? Event only? Shop? Boxes?
    Was already working on it as You asked. It's up to Nexon America how will it be available, if at all. However, in Korea it seemed to be like so:
    SirRFI wrote: »
    In Korea they were available from RNG cash boxes, which also gives coupons upon opening. It was possible to get her from either the box or for total of 200 coupon via exchange store. Drop rate: 0.125% Note: This information is based on presumed event functionality and data found.

    Also, it might be available soon, as they originally showed up in October.
  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    If they do release the succubus pet as a gacha, let's hope it's airtight.

    And they add SQ again.

  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    Succubus Pet/Hellfairy is airtight if I recall seeing the heart symbol during a KR player's livestream.
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    Succubus pet if obtained from the Gacha IS Airtight. HOWEVER as i always state this is subject to change based on what each region does. I dont think that will change for you guys since the coupons is a sure fire way if you dont RNG it first.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    So in KR...it costed roughly $400 to obtain (1900 NX per box, 200 coupons to get it)? Just what we need, more god awful RNG boxes like with the succubus queen outfit.
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    Would you rather event +15 weapons that are perma to be gacha? XD (this question is more of a what if scenario)
  • Member dazedgumball
    Vindictus Rep: 7,725
    Posts: 605
    More RNG. Lovely.
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited March 2, 2017
    Shame it is RNG. If only Nexon gave them away via Event similar to the Polar Bear w/ Santa Hat or Bingo (succubus pet would be blackout prize). It would be a nice alternative to having to spend NX. I am a whale myself (spent about $11,000 to $12,000 over the 5-6 yrs of playing), but it gets tiring having to constantly spend money on NX whenever there is something I want.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    edited March 8, 2017
    Would you rather event +15 weapons that are perma to be gacha? XD (this question is more of a what if scenario)

    I would prefer if the price was similar to the current pets.
  • Member RyanReynolds
    Vindictus Rep: 1,795
    Posts: 170
    That's quite adorable. Now I am gonna go punch a wall, so I can feel manly again.
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    Question2 wrote: »
    Would you rather event +15 weapons that are perma to be gacha? XD (this question is more of a what if scenario)

    I would prefer if the price was similar to the current pets.

    Then it wouldn't be a special pet :P
  • Member MacDB
    Vindictus Rep: 625
    Posts: 13
    ...This is unsettling.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Would you rather event +15 weapons that are perma to be gacha? XD (this question is more of a what if scenario)

    There were gotcha +15 weaps in KR?
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    ^ I'm curious about that too o.O
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    God no. There is no such thing as Equipment gacha's and there never will be. I HOPE there will NEVER be tbh xD
  • Member ArcticAzreal
    Vindictus Rep: 955
    Posts: 86
    I'm actually pretty excited about this pet. I think its been needed I've talked to a few people about a pet like this needed. I play with the UI off mainly now because of the lag of the server lately but I usually miss a few drops and running long things like SG or Misty can take a toll on my little gatherer since its only allowed for so long, also the purchasing of another pet to break mines is a little aggravating because then your doing a switch out between the two ((if you are like me with UI off)) I bomb them myself personally I don't mind carrying around the bombs. But even the idea of running with a party that has a Gnoll is nice, they don't always use the Gnoll I've run into people who have them but put them away so we pass by mines 90% of the time and by the time I see it we've already gone to another stage ((mostly BCT this has happened)) I've also brought up the feature of a pet healing or using an ability like the Evies have where you don't have to use Phoenix feathers ((Obviously this would be something that would have a limit I mean how else would Vindi take your gold? lol and yes I realize she doesn't do that)) But an idea like that wouldn't hurt. Maybe like a Phoenix following you around in battle its more switching around pets but would be helpful in a battle. I can't wait till this pet is brought out however I do hate the fact that is a spend all to gain her. Hopefully they figure out a way to make her a little more obtainable for everyone but can still make a buck off it. Hopefully nothing like the Gold Gnoll was, I never got the letters from those boxes, though I did enjoy the other things I got from the boxes.
  • Member Rajivrocks
    Vindictus Rep: 905
    Posts: 81
    edited March 19, 2017
    So when will the Succubus pet event/sale/RNG Box happen I have saved a lot of gold on EU and I am bored so I want something nice to look at again.
    Is it next week?
  • Member Rajivrocks
    Vindictus Rep: 905
    Posts: 81
    Man I am so excited for this pet, I hope you can get it with coupons from boxes too like the succubus set in those Ice crystals a few years back on EU.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    God no. There is no such thing as Equipment gacha's and there never will be. I HOPE there will NEVER be tbh xD

    Well, I mean there are. The weapon boxes have +10 double enchanted 70/80 weapons. Only a matter of time until we get those with 90 weaps, no? I'm surprised that we don't have them already as the 80 boxes were out before 90 equipment hit.