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A Question= Replacement System
i have blue +11 weapon with just essence orange
shards blue i need blue => orange transform
i think do i replace materials will failed that +11
I rather boom a blue weapon than a orange weapon I spent time on switching out shards for.
Consider if you want to go to +12 first tho. If so, don't switch any shards yet like said above.
I'm positive you can replace orange with orange and keep the enhancement.
Actually ive tried on +10 and swords just went to 0 but who knows maybe game just trolled me , anyways this thread is not about this it was question about shards only , answears were given aleredy
maybe try 13?
If it hasnt boomed yet, go right on ahead.
OJ > OJ = keep enhancement levels.
PP > OJ = Lose enhancement levels.
I replaced my main OJ weapon twice before the upgrade system and no resets happened on me.
If you are willing to keep the weapon with the current enhancement level, you should replace all the shards before enhancing further given that the weapon has not blown up before. Since you're going to replace all the shards after it booms anyway, might as well get an orange shard or two back.
If you aren't going to keep the weapon if it stays at its current enhance level, keep the shards blue.
Thanks for confirming.