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Vindictus Pumpkin Carving Contest [ Submission]

Thanks to GMNKeona for carving this amazing Strange Traveler Pumpkin

Even Cuter with a witch hat!

And finally super spooky when lit up!
All submissions for the Vindictus Pumpkin Carving Contest go here:
Sorry for potato quality
It's suppose to be Succubus with a DevCAT bat.
IGN: Heunai
Server: West
Avatar Set: Lady Ghost Set
Meet my pet gremlin 'Tiny'
He's very tiny
IGN: RavenWalker
Server: East
Avatar Set: Royal Vampire Set Female
IGN: NioHashiri
Server: East
Avatar Set: Royal Vampire Set (Female)
Tried carving the new grim reaper companion OTL, much harder than I thought.
Ign: KatsuekiHime
Server: West
Avatar: Royal Vampire Set Female
Lakoria! +wow
IGN: SpiderNinja
Server: East
Avatar Set: Vampire Slayer Set Male
kind of spooky halloween mini reaper
IGN: amychen
Server: West
Avatar Set: Royal Vampire Set Female
IGN: Kasia
Server: East
Avatar Set: Royal Vampire Set Female
Pumpkin is like glitter. Once you start carving, no matter how much you clean, it never really goes away.
I made a little Gnoll Chieftain Pet
IGN: Phiera
Server: East
Avatar Set: Vampire Set (Female)
Red Elchulus!
IGN: Aeralyse
Server: West
Avatar Set: Royal Vampire Set (Female)
Carved a Gnoll Chieftain Pet since we have the Gold Chieftain event. Looks way better in the dark. LOL.
IGN: FalxVirtutis
Server: WEST
Avatar Set: Royal Vampire Set (Female)
Decided to try and carve Succubus Queen, had some hurdles. But, I think it came out rather nicely.
IGN: Callisto.
Server: West.
Avatar Set: Vampire Slayer (Female).
It's Braha. He's back. In Pumpkin form.
My camera is kinda crummy, I'll try to get some more pics up tonight. Atm I'd be in the way of my brother's carving and it's getting too light out.
Edit: Updated with a new and clearer picture.
IGN Adrastia
Server: WEST
Vampire Slayer (female)
I tried to carve the sad pumpkin head/helm from the last halloween event, mine has big uguu eyes because I suck at pumpkin carving :B
IGN: Derpahime
Server: West
Ghost Lady set
Did some touch up on it, prbs not the best:
Servant of Heck in burning Ainle
IGN: Allene
Server: US WEST
Royal Vampire Lady Dress thingy
Its the mini guy from Eochaid (at least an attempt +shy)
IGN: Tracie6
Server: West
Vampire Slayer (female)
I did not buy 2 pumpkins instead of 1 just to enter a contest that has its winners decided before the deadline is even reached. My wife and I have been busy af with a new baby and we took the time to come up with and carve out some designs from our favorite game. We have been screwed over twice in the past due to 'discrepancies' with contests/events having an incorrect deadline or end time listed on official forum posts or game pages. I know there is no guarantee we would have won but it's really discouraging to frantically try to get a good picture at the last minute (because we were too busy last night) only to find out that somehow the entries had already been judged. Hoping this will at least get looked at even if no prize is given. Just want some recognition for our hard work
EDIT: almost forgot in all the rush to get this posted in time....in the event that this is looked at by Saygo or another Nexon associate:
IGN: SithLady
Server: East
Outfit: Lady Ghost