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Here manifests (finally) the primary downfall of having the reset timer of an attendance event--moreover, a zero effort lvl1-90 attendance event giving what usually costs $$$ be midnight, nexon server time (LA = PST) AKA GM SLEEPY TIME.
Apply palm to face. Use to wipe tears.
Frankly, I'm amazed that it took 4 weekends before it happened. Guess +15 coupons are the only thing worth multiple-account spamming for. Whole thing is beyond funny. At a loss for words.
Welcome to nexon all new players. Welcome to NA !! Dear EU players.
Dont worry,EU server was pretty much the same,anyway i'm glad that all the Vindictus players are together on the same forum now^^.Now we can rant together .
I was logged in an hour ago and now I can't log back in.
Here manifests (finally) the primary downfall of having the reset timer of an attendance event--moreover, a zero effort lvl1-90 attendance event giving what usually costs $$$ be midnight, nexon server time (LA = PST) AKA GM SLEEPY TIME.
Apply palm to face. Use to wipe tears.
Frankly, I'm amazed that it took 4 weekends before it happened. Guess +15 coupons are the only thing worth multiple-account spamming for. Whole thing is beyond funny. At a loss for words.
I guess you didn't watch the twitch stream, they "basically" told us EU GMs are laid off, and the servers will be managed by US GMs moving forward.
What is English.
These issues happened with EU aswell so we're used to it.
Dont worry,EU server was pretty much the same,anyway i'm glad that all the Vindictus players are together on the same forum now^^.Now we can rant together
Thats a good thing atleast
Yay,I hope they dont forget about my +15 coupon^^
You will get a +11
Well I hope they surprise me then