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AMD Ryzen 7 CPU performance on Vindi

Member ChaosSaberX
Vindictus Rep: 200
Posts: 2
edited March 6, 2017 in Tech Support
So AMD ryzen 7 just released on the market, early benchmark at many sources say Ryzen isn't as great as intel in game specific task, but those benchmark focus on triple A games. What about vindi when using Ryzen on hosting or typical game play?


  • Member Tamago
    Vindictus Rep: 5,460
    Posts: 733
    edited March 6, 2017
    Vindi is so badly optimized that your specs won't really matter.
  • Member Riva
    Vindictus Rep: 1,255
    Posts: 48

    Source: http://www.guru3d.com/articles_pages/amd_ryzen_7_1700x_review,9.html

    Not sure how it works in practice but it should be more than decent judging by those reviews
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    As far as performance goes I have the 7700k and I can run the game fine without dropping frames 90% of the time. Even in the worst optimized raids. I even stream fine xD
  • Member Zuzuk
    Vindictus Rep: 1,690
    Posts: 155
    ryzen 1800k is 500 bucks and intel 7700k is 350 x_x
    usually amd is for ppl who cant afford intels and jsut need all the power they can get from every dollar , but this doesnt seems to be the case since 7700k>1800k D:
  • Member IbNoob
    Vindictus Rep: 1,055
    Posts: 36
    Zuzuk wrote: »
    ryzen 1800k is 500 bucks and intel 7700k is 350 x_x
    usually amd is for ppl who cant afford intels and jsut need all the power they can get from every dollar , but this doesnt seems to be the case since 7700k>1800k D:

    x1800 is really great for 1080p and well if you have a gpu for 2k and 4k it will be even better..
    But it more of a lets stream and play game cpu.. 6700k 7700k and I5 's are better at gaming but not leaps and bounds but for 1080p gaming i5 and i7's are still kings and as far as "afford Intels " some people don't want to blow $1500.00 on cpu when $500.00 cpu can do the same and put more money into a gpu and bigger SSD and more ram and other stuff . hell my i3 6100 did it with a r9 380 4gb and i hosted any raid with no drops so my 6700k and my tx480 8gb is over kill for this game ..if you need the cores why not go for a 8 core 16 thread cpu its not like it is go to get worse as time go's on it will get better
  • Member Casurin
    Vindictus Rep: 690
    Posts: 22
    For gaming the RyZen lineup so far is worse than Intel. But who knows how it will look like with the 4/6 core Ryzen.
    Any decently recent CPU should be more than enough.

    Also - AAA games usually perform better than cheap games, and a lot better than most MMoRPgs - and even better than Bigdictus :)
    here you could use a Pentium and have the same performance as an i7 6800K.