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Permanent Berserker's Listless Ghost's Possession
Why isn't this ghost permanent

here I was going to grind Halloween spirits for all my alts to get this ghost but then I see its only for 30 days.

Nexon why you do dis

I am willing to grind more Halloween spirits if means I get permanent version.

Permanent version costing between 40 or 60 spirits that would be awesome.
500sp on use + the built in stats is a bit too much though.
But, I agree that artifact should be permanent. I can't farm pvp seals on my alts just because there's barely people active in arena or in any pvp mode.
Grinding spirits for an item with expiration isn't a nice treat.
Like every event, items like this are always a trick.
And to the users who consider this item OP?
No it is not.
So at very least it's more "better and better replacement gear", and that leads to more content rot.
Because we love how 90% of the gear/dungeons/activities is no longer relevant, don't we?
I'm glad it's temporary.
And for the record, I would indeed be highly amused (and a little jelly) if they started handing out permanent replacement artifacts after two years of handcuffing them to the pvp system.
It'd almost look like the content designers admitting that the grind is as tedious as kick killing kobolds.
And yes, having it have the same stats as the regular Greater Cat would be more in line, or upping the regular cat to the same level.
If it was perm, people would probably enchant it with fast too, 10 speed already right there along with 500sp every use of it.
To put things into perspective, most people go nuts when they see 90 speed. 10 speed is almost 10% of that.
Sadly berserkers don't stack so that buff is null for most of us. That just means you gain 8 bal (folks with end gear already have too much bal) and then have the 500 sp vs the spd buff of the paw (or whatever else you want.)
Not much of a win in my mind, and really not close to op.
Unless you're already at the point where you're running out of accessory slots for fasts, this would still be a big plus.
SP is pretty subjective to class, this is true. But for the classes that need as much SP, the extra sp over time this gives over greater cat is most welcome.
And note... I am talking about builds where your att spd is already ~90...
Running at 100 att spd with 2 bars of sp more vs runing at ~90 for 75% of the time and ~150 at spd for 25%. It is going to be a toss up for "most" classes.
(So play what is most fun ;-)