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MrBozar (Leveling from 1 to 90)
Hello rookies

Im a MrB and here is my new beginning with Vindictus. For a new start i choose Vella. Plase watch, comment, give a tips and do whatever you want.
About me
Im a veteran Vindictus player. I start my adventure with this game around 2012y when Karok enter to our lives. Than i start playing with him in Vindictus

After that i see how beautiful combat is, bosses kick my A$$ many times and i just thinking... what the f... its impossible to kill that boss... But caml down, mayby i see some videos on YouTube and find some solution for my problem. After that i see perfect 0 hit combat with The Giant. Yeaa.... Im a noob. But if that guy can do that, mayby i can fight like that too? Few days later (mayby one week) finally i make that boss with 3-5 hits
Feel So Good
Im start understand mechanics of booses and how my class works. After that i find my first guild WhiteEagles (next Kiss). Guild mates was really nice and help me alot with advices and making own equip. After some time i start learning other Karoks how to fight with bosses and be like a tutor. After Year i was be one of the best Karoks in EU. But one fu****g bas***d rind everythink... Ye you know who is that...
I finish with vindictus for a few moths. But guild makes from Kiss help me alot to go back, make new equip and lern new raids but Hi go back again XD
But i see after that situation... now matter its how bad day have Fergus... If you have good Guild you can go back again, again and again

But this time i dong have good internet, pc and much time. I loose my equip in rage. I dont care... because this time i start totaly from zero to get back my best memories what give me that game. Thats why i go back with my Vella MrBozar.
Level 1-10
Level 11-20
Level 21-30
Level 31-40
Level 41-50
Level 51-60

It is #always good to start from scratch, in another character to try new experiences.
PS: I wish you the best in this new adventure with vella,