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Nerfing or removing the Vote Kick function

Vindictus Rep: 300
Posts: 4
in Suggestions and Feedback
I've just got Vote Kick from a raid because I had to "BRB" and died a couple of times right when the boss was about to die. They had no reason whatsoever to kick me at all. Even if I was BRB and died a couple of times I wouldn't be last on the damage ranking. I've been doing as much raid as I can and so far I've only used that function once. It can be easily abused because if you're in a party with randoms, they don't care if you get kicked or not and they'll vote Yes. And as far as I know, the person who vote kick you was anonymous.


  • AnthonytonyboyAnthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,765
    Posts: 351
  • Nakrast_FreecssNakrast_Freecss
    Vindictus Rep: 535
    Posts: 19
    Remove kick? Are you insane?
  • TabbedTabbed
    Vindictus Rep: 2,920
    Posts: 130
    edited February 28, 2017
    Make sure you mention that you are going "AFK" or "BRB" in Party/Channel chat so that other members of the party will know.

    People might think you are leeching (not contributing to the party, but gets all rewards/loot/exp/gold) so they vote kick, because the player in question may have failed to state in chat that they are going AFK for a minute or so to do something in real life.
  • 2edgy4u2edgy4u
    Vindictus Rep: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    maybe the voters should take more responsibility. the function itself is useful. there will be assholes who try to abuse it no matter what. the check against them is to make sure the kick is deserved before you vote
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    and this is why I mainly solo raids and regular battles now (if able). Seems no matter where ya go there seems to be one person that just wants to be a party

    As quoted from Super Kami Guru: Every party needs a pooper that is why we "invited" them. Party pooper... party pooper.
  • MelnaaMelnaa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 54
    edited March 3, 2017

    I have been with you in parties. You do AFK without saying anything.

    They should increase kicks power. So many times I have been in raids, when AFK'er do not get kicked, because of guild member/friend/dual (or more) accounting.
  • DrachusDrachus
    Vindictus Rep: 1,880
    Posts: 69
    Tony, what you're saying is that people are abusing it and yes, I think that they should be held responsible for kicking you without any legit reason. That's one of the reasons why I mostly do raids either solo or with friends/guildies.

    However @Orbital, even if you said "BRB" they don't need to carry you. The vote was decided by a majority. While I personally don't mind if people have something urgent to attend irl some others might do. Therefore, most of the party members didn't accept your "excuse" and kicked you. There is nothing wrong with that as you weren't participating in a raid. Back in the EU, when we had a report section, people reported each other for afking in raids (with screenshots as a proof) and the punishment for those players estimated around 3 days if I remember correctly (?)
  • AnthonytonyboyAnthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,765
    Posts: 351
  • MelnaaMelnaa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 54

    You were AFK for way longer than 5 seconds, or 1 minute. I waited to see, if you moved at all for quite some time, since party's dps was bad, and we needed all the help we could get (quick battle, host with blue lvl 90 weapon, most people geared the same as host), before deciding to vote kick you.

    I have been standing still, for 5,10 or 15 seconds, while typing in chat, and I have newer been kicked out of party for that. I have been AFK for 3-4 minutes, without being kicked, because I wrote, that I have to do something quickly (probably fluffy butt cat puked his fur all over carpet). But you never said something, just stood there doing nothing.

    Also, it must happen quite often to you, if you are here complaining, about people unfairly kicking you out. It can not be that so many people conspire against you. Maybe you just need to stop AFKing without saying anything.
  • LordAlucardLordAlucard
    Vindictus Rep: 880
    Posts: 29
    The should implement a kick function dungeons and other quests to, why isn't there a kick function?
    A lot of times we had some trolls on maps like misty summit that went AFK so we hat to start a new session and if he joined again kick him from the boat.....