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I feel they should of taken some parts of XE and implemented them into Prem. I warned people about prem with my post and people ignored it and slagged it off but now you all know what it is like to play under Prem. Some people will like it ofcourse but I feel EU have taken a step or two backwards instead of moving the game forward.
This isn't a FPS game, we don't need the option to walk or run, to be honest, there is NO difference in game play from having always running to walking everywhere apart from the user having to do more by holding down run.
The No Jump thing is just wrong in so many ways. Yes I agree jump is pretty useless unless you get stuck or if you want to dodge projectiles, however, this is supposed to be a modern (ish) game, I honestly can't think of another MMO game where they don't have jump. It looks like Nexon thought " lets make a unique game, i know lets remove something that every single mmo game has..... yes lets remove jump, why? no reason just because it be unique".
To me, Prem needs a major modernisation. I have the game on max settings because my computer can easily handle it and host. But everything is really shiny, like why? i don't want my pants which are black to shine like i'm wearing latex. Yes there maybe something in the settings but i have no knowledge so if there is please share. The games graphics do look different and not in a good way, it might be me, i agree as we are all looking at the game more intensely and maybe we are picking small things wrong with it but the small things amount to larger things when you add them together.
I see a lot of people talk about unresponsiveness. I am one of them. Never had the problem before. The hotbar doesn't work from time to time. was doing lugh and couldn't put the shield up because my secondary slot wasn't activating. revival feathers didn't work too, it's a joke.
Kai's wheel also seems different. Seems slower and is also unresponsive at times.
A lot of people wanted Prem for " NO BUGS" and well here we have it. Bugs are everywhere, and most of all they are effecting gameplay more than before. I feel they need to get a suggestion section (if they have one, i still haven't seen it lol) so we can attempt to upgrade this dinosaur.
I have experienced this before migration as well, so probably irrelevant. I have transformation on quickslot on my Delia, and it often doesn't work even when pressed 3-5 times when standing idle, until I move.
Never happened to me on XE, it almost always worked like a charm and let's not compare it with trans. I know trans had some problems activating on XE but that's due to you needing to be in a idle position, but skills never had a problem on XE.
I've actually been more attentive those few days to see what's going on and I found out that sometimes I press Q for dash and it does nothing, no matter how much or hard I try only to see after a few seconds that the skill is in cooldown. That's a legit bug and by no means "irrelevant", it's rather frustrating spamming RMB trying to do camellia spins in hopes that the dash worked and instead doing retarded Rose Thorns smashes and getting hit in the face by the boss.
Also don't get me started on stamina, I never had problems with stamina on XE with Fiona and I know that only means I need to manage my stamina now aka getting away from combat for a few seconds and waiting to recharge, "very exciting".
Let's not sugar coat things now, ok? Things here on PRE are not honey and milk, we can easily argue that it's worse then XE.
@Sirfi or whoever try to state their own opinion as an absolute truth, you should remember that what is good for you, could be not for others...
- You never used mercs, so who care if they're less in the AP shop? There're ppl who use them and find them quite handful in some occasions.
- You don't care and/or never used autoaim? A lot of other ppl used Autoaim and on some chars is almost vital, other than it makes the game experience
really frustrating for some ppl (the majority i'd say).
Some ppl play with autoaim, some without, some play with directional keys, some play with gamepad... who are you (talking in general) to say what's better or how the game should be played..?
Everyone experience the game differently.
It's quite clear the majority here is NOT happy about some changes like:
- Stamina doesn't regen and cost more than before
(I can't say how many ppl are pro or con about this, but having to take breaks in battle just cause my stamina ran out quite easy is somehow bothering)
- Autoaim option
(it's not game breaking, it's just an option, a personal setup for players.. Personally i don't see any reason to remove it)
EDIT: never disappeared but the translation was misleading
- Sprint / autorun feature
(As for autoaim, In my opinion and maybe the most of u, it's not a game breaking option. It's just a SETTING which NOT everyone likes.. and as
many other option we should have the possibility to switch between manual sprint and autorun)
- Some chars feels slower like 10 attack speed less
(it's NOT related to the new walking animation which gives the impression of slowness,it has been noticed by several ppl, it would worth to investigate)
- The Damage (for everyone or just some ) has been lowered or it's not applied as it should be.
Fionas first of all can prove that, and i've seen someonelse here doing also measurements and posting their results.
- Small Shield became like giant shield and changed its way to work
(aside the fact we never had any announcement nor explanation how the new mechanics works, this could be discussed if was intended/accepted or a bug)
- The HP bars on bosses
(Was it really necessary? it doesn't make the game harder, cause whoever play a dungeon or raid keep attacking till the boss die with or without bars..
but it can be REALLY BOTHERSOME if u are planning battle tactics.
Just some examples:
+ You dont' know if the boss is about to die and if it's worth to spend a gg or call a friend or restarting all over.
+ You can't achieve the bonus missions which requires to kick kill, spear kill or everything else which requires to know the boss life..
It's plain stupid to have such a oaths and u can't achieve them in any ways..(on hard mode)
- The Jump
It's not really necessary to the game (atm) and doesn't affect it at all. Still a lot of ppl love it and make the game a bit more enjoyable for some ppl..
Was really necessary to remove it?
- The Annoying long pause after the battle end
(Nobody mentioned till now, but it takes ages to wait for the loots. A lot more than before. I supposed they might have did that for bots or stuff like that,
but I guess bots or whatever don't care to wait a bit more. I'm pretty sure they won't be affected in anyway... while for those who farms something, TIME and its waste is quite important.
- The IP restriction (mailbox, marketplace)
A lot of us are experiencing this issue which force ppl to wait 10min to have access to mp or mails.
Most connections changes IP daily and this bug or whatever it is, makes the game worse..
- Lag
Lag hasn't improved at all. Some of those ppl who says the game 'seems' smoother is due to the fact the towns doesnt' have the Snow effect anymore (which alwasy made the game a bit more laggy same as the flying flower petals during spring).
+ Many host who could host s1 s2 without problems even with multiprocess OFF, now they lags pretty much.
(hope multiprocess will be fixed soon)
+ the UI Graphic Lag is still there and not resolved. However the Issue has been addressed to devs.
U can find more info in the bugs reports section.
I'd like to suggest, if ppl really care about this argument, to make a resume of all the things we don't like and that should be changed and make a sticky, or a pool thread, or whatever is needed to gather consents and forward them to the GMs/Nexon asking for some changes.
That would be better than just complaining here and do nothing to try to change the situation.
@B14ckR4v3en and everyone talking about auto-aim being removed : This feature is mostly only good for pvp, other than that it is more dangerous than anything (if it still is what i think it is). Trust me : when i was a nab at this game i had auto-aim on, and it was the reason why i died a lot as lann, because my furies kept smashing into the boss, leaving me wide open for the boss to attack. Now tell me : What classes require you to have this feature on ?
Hurk ? Yeah it's only useful to some degree, you can still blockade even without facing the boss, and even then the feature makes it so you can't aim your double moon combo properly. If the sole reason fpr that is using deflect, then you can still get hit while stacking sp to use it, i wouldn't call that really worth it (awakening stacks matter, and if you get knocked down you might lose one stack)
Vella ? Come on, don't joke with me, you don't need to use perfect xcut all the time (sure einrach aghlan's dive attack is a thing, which by the way is just a bug but there is a reason sword's will exists, just need to play careful) But but my dps Depends on the boss, for stuff like keaghan i'd rather be able to chain my xcuts on his 4-hit combo than doing double perfect xcut one or maybe two times. And i barely see any vella using gale splitter after double perfect anyway so there is that, if you don't use gale splitter why would you use auto aim then...
Lynn ? Hmmm... The only situation where it would be useful would be if, by any chance, the boss is behind you when you can only use little rat (which is not happening most of the time anyway since you have thunderleg), and if you do this kind of things, don't play lynn at all, because you will still die a lot...
Kai ? Hahaha aimbot
Aaaand that's it, rest of the class don't have mechanics that work around facing the boss from a certain angle, so... yeaaah...
As for the merc pots strat, them being handful is either caused by you not caring at all or because you want to deeps without having to dodge. If you don't care, well, sure, but then you might as well afk at campfire then, and if you want deeps then i'll just say that you can't deeps when knocked down ?
All in all, i encourage stuff that make the player have to get good at the game, but that might just be my extreme side
Sure, if you want to play it casually you can do that and the above doesn't apply, just forget i said anything
But other than that, feel free to advance any logical arguments countering what i just said (i don't mind if you roast me, as long as it makes sense) other than 'it's handful in some occasions ', 'game experience frustrating for some people' (which are subjective and only relevant for casual play)
I have experienced this before migration as well, so probably irrelevant. I have transformation on quickslot on my Delia, and it often doesn't work even when pressed 3-5 times when standing idle, until I move.
Never happened to me on XE, it almost always worked like a charm and let's not compare it with trans. I know trans had some problems activating on XE but that's due to you needing to be in a idle position, but skills never had a problem on XE.
I experienced some SP skills not toggle on first use, whether they are on quickslot or default use-sp on [Z]. Transformation is just an example, and it actually can be used during movement. So, what I meant is I have not experienced any difference regarding this matter, hence I said that it's "probably irrelevant".
@Sirfi or whoever try to state their own opinion as an absolute truth, you should remember that what is good for you, could be not for others...
- You never used mercs, so who care if they're less in the AP shop? There're ppl who use them and find them quite handful in some occasions.
- You don't care and/or never used autoaim? A lot of other ppl used Autoaim and on some chars is almost vital, other than it makes the game experience
really frustrating for some ppl (the majority i'd say).
Some ppl play with autoaim, some without, some play with directional keys, some play with gamepad... who are you (talking in general) to say what's better or how the game should be played..?
Everyone experience the game differently.
I did not state my "own opinion as an absolute truth", neither said I don't care. I said I did not use them myself, because I had no reason for. I don't remember Merc potions price, but other stuff is either cheaper or has same price, just is not sold in bundle.
As for autoaim: play how you like. I didn't say what's better or how the game should be played - I said it feels off place for a game with such combat system.
I'd like to suggest, if ppl really care about this argument, to make a resume of all the things we don't like and that should be changed and make a sticky, or a pool thread, or whatever is needed to gather consents and forward them to the GMs/Nexon asking for some changes.
That would be better than just complaining here and do nothing to try to change the situation.
Now we are using the same game client as North American and Australian people as well, so to introduce any big changes most of the community would have wanted them, not just some people from Europe.
Just in case: I am not here to judge anyone, or defend/attack either XE or PRE. I am just sharing my thoughts on other people's opinions. Everyone has their own point of view and might experience things differently.
After some days of gameplay: Game feels a lot slower and boring to me, i can't adapt to the running and to the new stamina costs, so i will just log in for events and never play this game again.
I feel they should of taken some parts of XE and implemented them into Prem. I warned people about prem with my post and people ignored it and slagged it off but now you all know what it is like to play under Prem. Some people will like it ofcourse but I feel EU have taken a step or two backwards instead of moving the game forward.
The No Jump thing is just wrong in so many ways. Yes I agree jump is pretty useless unless you get stuck or if you want to dodge projectiles, however, this is supposed to be a modern (ish) game, I honestly can't think of another MMO game where they don't have jump. It looks like Nexon thought " lets make a unique game, i know lets remove something that every single mmo game has..... yes lets remove jump, why? no reason just because it be unique".
Combo bonus and that's it. That's the only thing I want back asap.
They can legit NOT code a jump on PRE version, this is why devs removed it back then, it was simply... . I'm fine with no jumps and sprint/walk, you can still easily get away from anything even while you're on walking state. (by getting away I mean dodge obviously)
So yeah, I'd forget about jump or you would have the same buggy one than PRE had.
@Sirfi Wasn't my intention to attack you or anything like that, I was just trying to explain that some posts from some ppl, are like u said 'subjective' without keeping in consideration what others might think. And other than that i just wanted to resume in a sort of list what most ppl are complaining about.
About the fact we're a minority compared to NA so it could be hard to advance some changes, u're right.
However, NA born with these features, they(the most) dk anything about XE.. they're just habit to this kind of gameplay.
I'd say we're in a better position to do some comparations and (in case) suggest what we would like to get or not since 'we tried both'.
Look at the TIR case.. they dk anything about TIRS, but when some of us described them what they're, several of them shown interest..
China have PRE + XE(correct me if i'm wrong). That mean it's not impossible to add some features and not get stuck in what PRE is atm.
Or another example: Do u know if NA ppl wouldn't love the combo system? maybe they would do if they try..
And it would satisfy also the 'git gud' ppl cause encourage ppl to keep the combos for more damage and not getting hit.
It might be hard as u say, but imo it's not wrong if we could suggest some changes.
@Aeleding Once again..I'm pretty sure u're fine without autoaim, but that's just 'for you'. U missed the point.. Not everbody like or have the same playstyle..
The 'Git Gud' message is only another way to show selfishness towards others.. What's good for your could not be for everyone..
There are ppl who can't play with keyboard and others that could only use a gamepad..(just an example) would u tell them to git gud just because u use one of them..? it's silly.
EDIT: It comes out, the autoaim never disappeared. the translation was missleading.
Autoaim (when Throwing) is actually the old Autoaim.
@Gewell U might even be right about the jump, i'm not here complaining much about the jump itself (even if i'm with those who liked it).
However.. Idk if you know much about how the game is programmed, but it has an internal database where a lot of things can just turned On and Off or changed their values. I've been shown by someone hosting a private server how easy is to switch from xe to pre just changing some values in the database.
Idk if it's the case of the jump, but a lot of features inside the game are just turned ON/OFF likes..no need to recode anything..
@Sirfi or whoever try to state their own opinion as an absolute truth, you should remember that what is good for you, could be not for others...
- You never used mercs, so who care if they're less in the AP shop? There're ppl who use them and find them quite handful in some occasions.
- You don't care and/or never used autoaim? A lot of other ppl used Autoaim and on some chars is almost vital, other than it makes the game experience
really frustrating for some ppl (the majority i'd say).
Some ppl play with autoaim, some without, some play with directional keys, some play with gamepad... who are you (talking in general) to say what's better or how the game should be played..?
Everyone experience the game differently.
It's quite clear the majority here is NOT happy about some changes like:
- Stamina doesn't regen and cost more than before
(I can't say how many ppl are pro or con about this, but having to take breaks in battle just cause my stamina ran out quite easy is somehow bothering)
- Autoaim option
(it's not game breaking, it's just an option, a personal setup for players.. Personally i don't see any reason to remove it)
EDIT: never disappeared but the translation was misleading
- Sprint / autorun feature
(As for autoaim, In my opinion and maybe the most of u, it's not a game breaking option. It's just a SETTING which NOT everyone likes.. and as
many other option we should have the possibility to switch between manual sprint and autorun)
- Some chars feels slower like 10 attack speed less
(it's NOT related to the new walking animation which gives the impression of slowness,it has been noticed by several ppl, it would worth to investigate)
- The Damage (for everyone or just some ) has been lowered or it's not applied as it should be.
Fionas first of all can prove that, and i've seen someonelse here doing also measurements and posting their results.
- Small Shield became like giant shield and changed its way to work
(aside the fact we never had any announcement nor explanation how the new mechanics works, this could be discussed if was intended/accepted or a bug)
- The HP bars on bosses
(Was it really necessary? it doesn't make the game harder, cause whoever play a dungeon or raid keep attacking till the boss die with or without bars..
but it can be REALLY BOTHERSOME if u are planning battle tactics.
Just some examples:
+ You dont' know if the boss is about to die and if it's worth to spend a gg or call a friend or restarting all over.
+ You can't achieve the bonus missions which requires to kick kill, spear kill or everything else which requires to know the boss life..
It's plain stupid to have such a oaths and u can't achieve them in any ways..(on hard mode)
- The Jump
It's not really necessary to the game (atm) and doesn't affect it at all. Still a lot of ppl love it and make the game a bit more enjoyable for some ppl..
Was really necessary to remove it?
- The Annoying long pause after the battle end
(Nobody mentioned till now, but it takes ages to wait for the loots. A lot more than before. I supposed they might have did that for bots or stuff like that,
but I guess bots or whatever don't care to wait a bit more. I'm pretty sure they won't be affected in anyway... while for those who farms something, TIME and its waste is quite important.
- The IP restriction (mailbox, marketplace)
A lot of us are experiencing this issue which force ppl to wait 10min to have access to mp or mails.
Most connections changes IP daily and this bug or whatever it is, makes the game worse..
- Lag
Lag hasn't improved at all. Some of those ppl who says the game 'seems' smoother is due to the fact the towns doesnt' have the Snow effect anymore (which alwasy made the game a bit more laggy same as the flying flower petals during spring).
+ Many host who could host s1 s2 without problems even with multiprocess OFF, now they lags pretty much.
(hope multiprocess will be fixed soon)
+ the UI Graphic Lag is still there and not resolved. However the Issue has been addressed to devs.
U can find more info in the bugs reports section.
I'd like to suggest, if ppl really care about this argument, to make a resume of all the things we don't like and that should be changed and make a sticky, or a pool thread, or whatever is needed to gather consents and forward them to the GMs/Nexon asking for some changes.
That would be better than just complaining here and do nothing to try to change the situation.
well you said it all to be fair, and i agree with you. a lot of people wanted prem and they got told prem had less bugs, pfft there are more bugs now then before.
Instead of just arguing about how sh*t the game is now, why not argue about how we will solve/get used to or protest against these new bugs/features? Like do a list about how to get around each problem...
If NA players could get used to it, what's our problem? What do you think will change if you cry on the forums?
This is PRE and you should have known what you could expect.
Now you think this is flattering? No. It's just how an adult thinks...
@Gewell U might even be right about the jump, i'm not here complaining much about the jump itself (even if i'm with those who liked it).
However.. Idk if you know much about how the game is programmed, but it has an internal database where a lot of things can just turned On and Off or changed their values. I've been shown by someone hosting a private server how easy is to switch from xe to pre just changing some values in the database.
Idk if it's the case of the jump, but a lot of features inside the game are just turned ON/OFF likes..no need to recode anything..
I know that autosprint was an on/off feature, jump I don't know but devs removed it from PRE for a reason. Don't ask me the real reason, I'm not a developer but if they removed it, it's not because it was working fine in their servers.
Also it's simple now guys : EU sucked much at making profits, we had to merge with NA and we have to follow everything NA says. We haven't move to PRE because players wanted it, we moved because we are NA now, deal with it.
If not happy, one can still leave the game at some point. (HeroesDB going down is already triggering me after 3 days of merge)
@Aeleding Once again..I'm pretty sure u're fine without autoaim, but that's just 'for you'. U missed the point.. Not everbody like or have the same playstyle..
The 'Git Gud' message is only another way to show selfishness towards others.. What's good for your could not be for everyone..
There are ppl who can't play with keyboard and others that could only use a gamepad..(just an example) would u tell them to git gud just because u use one of them..? it's silly.
"Sure, if you want to play it casually you can do that and the above doesn't apply, just forget i said anything"
I believe i took into consideration the fact that some people have a different approach of the game. The 'git gud' message as you say wasn't even remotely directed at anyone. If you are yourself writing walls of texts and expecting people to read them, i think that's common courtesy to do the same in return ?
Anyways, my point was, if you actually want yourself to get better at the game (in 2017 lul ), you might want to consider playing without auto-aim on. I didn't say anywhere you had to do it, I just wanted to give arguments about why it wasn't required for anything in particular.
Play the game however you want, i'm fine with that. Consider what i said or not, it's up to you, was just leaving this here for the sake of debate as to whether or not auto-aim was actually useful (if debate with reasonable arguments there is, and not just actually 'i want this back because i always did it this way, pls do it for me now')
Shift/run sux... no boss health bar sux damage reduction.... etc etc all previously mentioned.
worst for me is shift/run followed by the annoying "you have logged in from a different IP" ffs......
just a bad move coming over to Prem.... but as someone stated in an earlier post.... players voted for it and now they're complaining about it.
Theres a poll you should all vote on... funnily enough it currently says 67% are unhappy with the move.... the same 67% probably voted to stay with XE a year ago, we wouldn't be having these discussions right now if nexon actually cared about what players want.
truth is that the EU server was dying due to all the restrictions placed on nx trade and the constant nerfing of the game... nexon eu management didn't have a clue. or maybe the big bosses in Korea decided the changes and the EU staff just rolled them out.
Seems people forgot we in NA now the land of no given lol polls and ain't gona work doomed forever my g's these people
Are savages they look at u and laugh
I know that autosprint was an on/off feature, jump I don't know but devs removed it from PRE for a reason. Don't ask me the real reason, I'm not a developer but if they removed it, it's not because it was working fine in their servers.
Also it's simple now guys : EU sucked much at making profits, we had to merge with NA and we have to follow everything NA says. We haven't move to PRE because players wanted it, we moved because we are NA now, deal with it.
If not happy, one can still leave the game at some point. (HeroesDB going down is already triggering me after 3 days of merge)
I'm not into economics stuff, but i doubt we moved here cause the EU was making less profits.
I'd suppose, by exclusion, that every company try to maximize profits and reduce costs.
Having 2 versions would cost more than mantaining only 1 (German lang translation, Game mechanic changes at every patch, EU staff GMs, EU support center etc..)
Also EU can't be compared to US. We had a lot of countries with IP block which were willing to throw their money in the game but NOP.
US have way more states (and another economy) which allows more incomes, but on top of that I 'guess' it's just a way to contain costs.
Shift/run sux... no boss health bar sux damage reduction.... etc etc all previously mentioned.
worst for me is shift/run followed by the annoying "you have logged in from a different IP" ffs......
just a bad move coming over to Prem.... but as someone stated in an earlier post.... players voted for it and now they're complaining about it.
Theres a poll you should all vote on... funnily enough it currently says 67% are unhappy with the move.... the same 67% probably voted to stay with XE a year ago, we wouldn't be having these discussions right now if nexon actually cared about what players want.
truth is that the EU server was dying due to all the restrictions placed on nx trade and the constant nerfing of the game... nexon eu management didn't have a clue. or maybe the big bosses in Korea decided the changes and the EU staff just rolled them out.
either way.... Prem sux
I remember the majority (I guess way more than 67%) voted for XE.
However if PRE would be just 'tuned' for everyone would be fine as well.
"Sure, if you want to play it casually you can do that and the above doesn't apply, just forget i said anything"
I believe i took into consideration the fact that some people have a different approach of the game. The 'git gud' message as you say wasn't even remotely directed at anyone. If you are yourself writing walls of texts and expecting people to read them, i think that's common courtesy to do the same in return ?
Anyways, my point was, if you actually want yourself to get better at the game (in 2017 lul ), you might want to consider playing without auto-aim on. I didn't say anywhere you had to do it, I just wanted to give arguments about why it wasn't required for anything in particular.
Play the game however you want, i'm fine with that. Consider what i said or not, it's up to you, was just leaving this here for the sake of debate as to whether or not auto-aim was actually useful (if debate with reasonable arguments there is, and not just actually 'i want this back because i always did it this way, pls do it for me now')
Your 2nd pharagraph shows once again your way of thinking.
(don't worry I'm not here to debat with anyone or such so pls let just drop it here)
Anyway... The way u put it down (before) was/seemed like: "ehi, no need to change anything cause everything is good, just get habit to the new system cause it's better". I'm sorry IF I misunderstood.
About the 'casual players' (I'm not one of those), but... u should remember that hardcore players are the ones who bring less incomes cause they spend a lot of time here instead of do other things (for whatever reasons, not judging anyone pls) and hardly charge NX or spend money into the game.
Casual players (which include also ppl who play constantly but for just a few hours) are those who also works and/or study or are more centered on real life matters. The same ppl which (due to having a job and less time to farm stuff or git gud) can charge/spend NX and keep the game 'alive' for the sake of 'everyone'..
In short, I guess their needs/wishes deserve to be considered as well, else one day, we could find ourselves and a bunch of some others playing alone in a desert server until the game close for good .
And yes atm casual players, and not, don't like how the game turned into.
Anyway the meaning of my post was: If most ppl agree and actually care of it, let's try to do 'something'
(u suggest, I pointed just some ways in my first post) to push fowards to some changements/fine tunings..
the ''We're under NA rules so we can't/are not allowed to say anything'' like someone said, is a wrong way of thinking.
History teachs everything can be changed if ppl really want it...(just saying)
- missing auto aim on Sylas
- combat feels a lot slower
- doing less damage without combo
- missing jump
- unable to host multicore
- enchantment runes cost way more
- XE only bugs still exist on PRE
- Did I mention auto aim missing?
This isn't a FPS game, we don't need the option to walk or run, to be honest, there is NO difference in game play from having always running to walking everywhere apart from the user having to do more by holding down run.
The No Jump thing is just wrong in so many ways. Yes I agree jump is pretty useless unless you get stuck or if you want to dodge projectiles, however, this is supposed to be a modern (ish) game, I honestly can't think of another MMO game where they don't have jump. It looks like Nexon thought " lets make a unique game, i know lets remove something that every single mmo game has..... yes lets remove jump, why? no reason just because it be unique".
To me, Prem needs a major modernisation. I have the game on max settings because my computer can easily handle it and host. But everything is really shiny, like why? i don't want my pants which are black to shine like i'm wearing latex. Yes there maybe something in the settings but i have no knowledge so if there is please share. The games graphics do look different and not in a good way, it might be me, i agree as we are all looking at the game more intensely and maybe we are picking small things wrong with it but the small things amount to larger things when you add them together.
I see a lot of people talk about unresponsiveness. I am one of them. Never had the problem before. The hotbar doesn't work from time to time. was doing lugh and couldn't put the shield up because my secondary slot wasn't activating. revival feathers didn't work too, it's a joke.
Kai's wheel also seems different. Seems slower and is also unresponsive at times.
A lot of people wanted Prem for " NO BUGS" and well here we have it. Bugs are everywhere, and most of all they are effecting gameplay more than before. I feel they need to get a suggestion section (if they have one, i still haven't seen it lol) so we can attempt to upgrade this dinosaur.
Never happened to me on XE, it almost always worked like a charm and let's not compare it with trans. I know trans had some problems activating on XE but that's due to you needing to be in a idle position, but skills never had a problem on XE.
I've actually been more attentive those few days to see what's going on and I found out that sometimes I press Q for dash and it does nothing, no matter how much or hard I try only to see after a few seconds that the skill is in cooldown. That's a legit bug and by no means "irrelevant", it's rather frustrating spamming RMB trying to do camellia spins in hopes that the dash worked and instead doing retarded Rose Thorns smashes and getting hit in the face by the boss.
Also don't get me started on stamina, I never had problems with stamina on XE with Fiona and I know that only means I need to manage my stamina now aka getting away from combat for a few seconds and waiting to recharge, "very exciting".
Let's not sugar coat things now, ok? Things here on PRE are not honey and milk, we can easily argue that it's worse then XE.
- You never used mercs, so who care if they're less in the AP shop? There're ppl who use them and find them quite handful in some occasions.
- You don't care and/or never used autoaim? A lot of other ppl used Autoaim and on some chars is almost vital, other than it makes the game experience
really frustrating for some ppl (the majority i'd say).
Some ppl play with autoaim, some without, some play with directional keys, some play with gamepad... who are you (talking in general) to say what's better or how the game should be played..?
Everyone experience the game differently.
It's quite clear the majority here is NOT happy about some changes like:
- Stamina doesn't regen and cost more than before
(I can't say how many ppl are pro or con about this, but having to take breaks in battle just cause my stamina ran out quite easy is somehow bothering)
- Autoaim option
(it's not game breaking, it's just an option, a personal setup for players.. Personally i don't see any reason to remove it)
EDIT: never disappeared but the translation was misleading
- Sprint / autorun feature
(As for autoaim, In my opinion and maybe the most of u, it's not a game breaking option. It's just a SETTING which NOT everyone likes.. and as
many other option we should have the possibility to switch between manual sprint and autorun)
- Some chars feels slower like 10 attack speed less
(it's NOT related to the new walking animation which gives the impression of slowness,it has been noticed by several ppl, it would worth to investigate)
- The Damage (for everyone or just some ) has been lowered or it's not applied as it should be.
Fionas first of all can prove that, and i've seen someonelse here doing also measurements and posting their results.
- Small Shield became like giant shield and changed its way to work
(aside the fact we never had any announcement nor explanation how the new mechanics works, this could be discussed if was intended/accepted or a bug)
- The HP bars on bosses
(Was it really necessary? it doesn't make the game harder, cause whoever play a dungeon or raid keep attacking till the boss die with or without bars..
but it can be REALLY BOTHERSOME if u are planning battle tactics.
Just some examples:
+ You dont' know if the boss is about to die and if it's worth to spend a gg or call a friend or restarting all over.
+ You can't achieve the bonus missions which requires to kick kill, spear kill or everything else which requires to know the boss life..
It's plain stupid to have such a oaths and u can't achieve them in any ways..(on hard mode)
- The Jump
It's not really necessary to the game (atm) and doesn't affect it at all. Still a lot of ppl love it and make the game a bit more enjoyable for some ppl..
Was really necessary to remove it?
- The Annoying long pause after the battle end
(Nobody mentioned till now, but it takes ages to wait for the loots. A lot more than before. I supposed they might have did that for bots or stuff like that,
but I guess bots or whatever don't care to wait a bit more. I'm pretty sure they won't be affected in anyway... while for those who farms something, TIME and its waste is quite important.
- The IP restriction (mailbox, marketplace)
A lot of us are experiencing this issue which force ppl to wait 10min to have access to mp or mails.
Most connections changes IP daily and this bug or whatever it is, makes the game worse..
- Lag
Lag hasn't improved at all. Some of those ppl who says the game 'seems' smoother is due to the fact the towns doesnt' have the Snow effect anymore (which alwasy made the game a bit more laggy same as the flying flower petals during spring).
+ Many host who could host s1 s2 without problems even with multiprocess OFF, now they lags pretty much.
(hope multiprocess will be fixed soon)
+ the UI Graphic Lag is still there and not resolved. However the Issue has been addressed to devs.
U can find more info in the bugs reports section.
I'd like to suggest, if ppl really care about this argument, to make a resume of all the things we don't like and that should be changed and make a sticky, or a pool thread, or whatever is needed to gather consents and forward them to the GMs/Nexon asking for some changes.
That would be better than just complaining here and do nothing to try to change the situation.
Hurk ? Yeah it's only useful to some degree, you can still blockade even without facing the boss, and even then the feature makes it so you can't aim your double moon combo properly. If the sole reason fpr that is using deflect, then you can still get hit while stacking sp to use it, i wouldn't call that really worth it (awakening stacks matter, and if you get knocked down you might lose one stack)
Vella ? Come on, don't joke with me, you don't need to use perfect xcut all the time (sure einrach aghlan's dive attack is a thing, which by the way is just a bug but there is a reason sword's will exists, just need to play careful) But but my dps Depends on the boss, for stuff like keaghan i'd rather be able to chain my xcuts on his 4-hit combo than doing double perfect xcut one or maybe two times. And i barely see any vella using gale splitter after double perfect anyway so there is that, if you don't use gale splitter why would you use auto aim then...
Lynn ? Hmmm... The only situation where it would be useful would be if, by any chance, the boss is behind you when you can only use little rat (which is not happening most of the time anyway since you have thunderleg), and if you do this kind of things, don't play lynn at all, because you will still die a lot...
Kai ? Hahaha aimbot
Aaaand that's it, rest of the class don't have mechanics that work around facing the boss from a certain angle, so... yeaaah...
As for the merc pots strat, them being handful is either caused by you not caring at all or because you want to deeps without having to dodge. If you don't care, well, sure, but then you might as well afk at campfire then, and if you want deeps then i'll just say that you can't deeps when knocked down ?
All in all, i encourage stuff that make the player have to get good at the game, but that might just be my extreme side
Sure, if you want to play it casually you can do that and the above doesn't apply, just forget i said anything
But other than that, feel free to advance any logical arguments countering what i just said (i don't mind if you roast me, as long as it makes sense) other than 'it's handful in some occasions ', 'game experience frustrating for some people' (which are subjective and only relevant for casual play)
I experienced some SP skills not toggle on first use, whether they are on quickslot or default use-sp on [Z]. Transformation is just an example, and it actually can be used during movement. So, what I meant is I have not experienced any difference regarding this matter, hence I said that it's "probably irrelevant".
I did not state my "own opinion as an absolute truth", neither said I don't care. I said I did not use them myself, because I had no reason for. I don't remember Merc potions price, but other stuff is either cheaper or has same price, just is not sold in bundle.
As for autoaim: play how you like. I didn't say what's better or how the game should be played - I said it feels off place for a game with such combat system.
Now we are using the same game client as North American and Australian people as well, so to introduce any big changes most of the community would have wanted them, not just some people from Europe.
Just in case: I am not here to judge anyone, or defend/attack either XE or PRE. I am just sharing my thoughts on other people's opinions. Everyone has their own point of view and might experience things differently.
Combo bonus and that's it. That's the only thing I want back asap.
They can legit NOT code a jump on PRE version, this is why devs removed it back then, it was simply... . I'm fine with no jumps and sprint/walk, you can still easily get away from anything even while you're on walking state. (by getting away I mean dodge obviously)
So yeah, I'd forget about jump or you would have the same buggy one than PRE had.
About the fact we're a minority compared to NA so it could be hard to advance some changes, u're right.
However, NA born with these features, they(the most) dk anything about XE.. they're just habit to this kind of gameplay.
I'd say we're in a better position to do some comparations and (in case) suggest what we would like to get or not since 'we tried both'.
Look at the TIR case.. they dk anything about TIRS, but when some of us described them what they're, several of them shown interest..
China have PRE + XE(correct me if i'm wrong). That mean it's not impossible to add some features and not get stuck in what PRE is atm.
Or another example: Do u know if NA ppl wouldn't love the combo system? maybe they would do if they try..
And it would satisfy also the 'git gud' ppl cause encourage ppl to keep the combos for more damage and not getting hit.
It might be hard as u say, but imo it's not wrong if we could suggest some changes.
@Aeleding Once again..I'm pretty sure u're fine without autoaim, but that's just 'for you'. U missed the point.. Not everbody like or have the same playstyle..
The 'Git Gud' message is only another way to show selfishness towards others.. What's good for your could not be for everyone..
There are ppl who can't play with keyboard and others that could only use a gamepad..(just an example) would u tell them to git gud just because u use one of them..? it's silly.
EDIT: It comes out, the autoaim never disappeared. the translation was missleading.
Autoaim (when Throwing) is actually the old Autoaim.
@Gewell U might even be right about the jump, i'm not here complaining much about the jump itself (even if i'm with those who liked it).
However.. Idk if you know much about how the game is programmed, but it has an internal database where a lot of things can just turned On and Off or changed their values. I've been shown by someone hosting a private server how easy is to switch from xe to pre just changing some values in the database.
Idk if it's the case of the jump, but a lot of features inside the game are just turned ON/OFF likes..no need to recode anything..
Think i've seen enough wrong for one day
well you said it all to be fair, and i agree with you. a lot of people wanted prem and they got told prem had less bugs, pfft there are more bugs now then before.
If NA players could get used to it, what's our problem? What do you think will change if you cry on the forums?
This is PRE and you should have known what you could expect.
Now you think this is flattering? No. It's just how an adult thinks...
I know that autosprint was an on/off feature, jump I don't know but devs removed it from PRE for a reason. Don't ask me the real reason, I'm not a developer but if they removed it, it's not because it was working fine in their servers.
Also it's simple now guys : EU sucked much at making profits, we had to merge with NA and we have to follow everything NA says. We haven't move to PRE because players wanted it, we moved because we are NA now, deal with it.
If not happy, one can still leave the game at some point. (HeroesDB going down is already triggering me after 3 days of merge)
"Sure, if you want to play it casually you can do that and the above doesn't apply, just forget i said anything"
I believe i took into consideration the fact that some people have a different approach of the game. The 'git gud' message as you say wasn't even remotely directed at anyone. If you are yourself writing walls of texts and expecting people to read them, i think that's common courtesy to do the same in return ?
Anyways, my point was, if you actually want yourself to get better at the game (in 2017 lul
Play the game however you want, i'm fine with that. Consider what i said or not, it's up to you, was just leaving this here for the sake of debate as to whether or not auto-aim was actually useful (if debate with reasonable arguments there is, and not just actually 'i want this back because i always did it this way, pls do it for me now')
Shift/run sux... no boss health bar sux damage reduction.... etc etc all previously mentioned.
worst for me is shift/run followed by the annoying "you have logged in from a different IP" ffs......
just a bad move coming over to Prem.... but as someone stated in an earlier post.... players voted for it and now they're complaining about it.
Theres a poll you should all vote on... funnily enough it currently says 67% are unhappy with the move.... the same 67% probably voted to stay with XE a year ago, we wouldn't be having these discussions right now if nexon actually cared about what players want.
truth is that the EU server was dying due to all the restrictions placed on nx trade and the constant nerfing of the game... nexon eu management didn't have a clue. or maybe the big bosses in Korea decided the changes and the EU staff just rolled them out.
either way.... Prem sux
Are savages they look at u and laugh
If not, then nothing else matter.
All the best
I'm not into economics stuff, but i doubt we moved here cause the EU was making less profits.
I'd suppose, by exclusion, that every company try to maximize profits and reduce costs.
Having 2 versions would cost more than mantaining only 1 (German lang translation, Game mechanic changes at every patch, EU staff GMs, EU support center etc..)
Also EU can't be compared to US. We had a lot of countries with IP block which were willing to throw their money in the game but NOP.
US have way more states (and another economy) which allows more incomes, but on top of that I 'guess' it's just a way to contain costs.
I remember the majority (I guess way more than 67%) voted for XE.
However if PRE would be just 'tuned' for everyone would be fine as well.
Your 2nd pharagraph shows once again your way of thinking.
(don't worry I'm not here to debat with anyone or such so pls let just drop it here)
Anyway... The way u put it down (before) was/seemed like: "ehi, no need to change anything cause everything is good, just get habit to the new system cause it's better". I'm sorry IF I misunderstood.
About the 'casual players' (I'm not one of those), but... u should remember that hardcore players are the ones who bring less incomes cause they spend a lot of time here instead of do other things (for whatever reasons, not judging anyone pls) and hardly charge NX or spend money into the game.
Casual players (which include also ppl who play constantly but for just a few hours) are those who also works and/or study or are more centered on real life matters. The same ppl which (due to having a job and less time to farm stuff or git gud) can charge/spend NX and keep the game 'alive' for the sake of 'everyone'..
In short, I guess their needs/wishes deserve to be considered as well, else one day, we could find ourselves and a bunch of some others playing alone in a desert server until the game close for good
And yes atm casual players, and not, don't like how the game turned into.
Anyway the meaning of my post was: If most ppl agree and actually care of it, let's try to do 'something'
(u suggest, I pointed just some ways in my first post) to push fowards to some changements/fine tunings..
the ''We're under NA rules so we can't/are not allowed to say anything'' like someone said, is a wrong way of thinking.
History teachs everything can be changed if ppl really want it...(just saying)
- missing auto aim on Sylas
- combat feels a lot slower
- doing less damage without combo
- missing jump
- unable to host multicore
- enchantment runes cost way more
- XE only bugs still exist on PRE
- Did I mention auto aim missing?