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Fergus need to get fired.

Member Hally
Vindictus Rep: 1,985
Posts: 245
edited February 18, 2017 in General Discussion

what a jerk
and 2 others.


  • Member Weiss_Oswald
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 137
    Who needs ferghus anymore?
    I got a new parrot friend +wink
  • Member Aequipondium
    Vindictus Rep: 1,965
    Posts: 122
    "75% success rate". Gotta love the wiki.
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    Working as intended I suppose.
  • Member ZiggyStardust
    Vindictus Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 40
    Fergus has a "max +3 coupon" of his own.
  • Member SirRFI
    Vindictus Rep: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    I burnt like 8 awakening stones in row yesterday, all at 40% success ratio.
  • Member Tetsujin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,660
    Posts: 109
    Yes, he should be fired ........ from a cannon.
  • Member Cessa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 244
    Good job, Nexon.

    I post a discussion that directly pertains to this and my post gets deleted.

    We know Ferghus sucks. I started a discussion trying to talk about what things we can do to fix the Vindictus enhance system which has literally chased away almost every player that is now no longer playing the game. All mods do is just keep trying to censor the discussion.
  • Member Zupsero
    Vindictus Rep: 600
    Posts: 41
    Cessa wrote: »
    Good job, Nexon.

    I post a discussion that directly pertains to this and my post gets deleted.

    We know Ferghus sucks. I started a discussion trying to talk about what things we can do to fix the Vindictus enhance system which has literally chased away almost every player that is now no longer playing the game. All mods do is just keep trying to censor the discussion.

    hey your posts got my attention. and i kind of agree with you on the player retention point. but i think, and this is rly no offense, it is the tone in your posts that make it rly negative. one could sense good old ferg hit u rly hard with the enhancements. maybe if you could bring ur points across in a more constructive way it would be better.
  • Member NautimPortant
    Vindictus Rep: 645
    Posts: 7
    Give him some iced strawberry brandy.
  • Member Aquasol
    Vindictus Rep: 2,650
    Posts: 229
    Cessa wrote: »
    Good job, Nexon.

    I post a discussion that directly pertains to this and my post gets deleted.

    We know Ferghus sucks. I started a discussion trying to talk about what things we can do to fix the Vindictus enhance system which has literally chased away almost every player that is now no longer playing the game. All mods do is just keep trying to censor the discussion.

    Your posts were removed for spamming/advertising in multiple threads, plain and simple. Please try to keep things constructive and refrain from continuing such actions. Thank you.
  • Member Cessa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 244
    What am I advertising that is getting my posts deleted?

    I'm suggesting a fix for the problem as well as trying to open discussion about the issue of enhancement. Which is what this thread is about. What am I spamming that is causing my posts to be removed? The way you mods tyrannize these forums we can't discuss anything unless it's singing praises to our great company, Nexon, it can do no wrong despite already burning two other games into the ground.

    All of my posts that were removed are constructive towards trying to make people understand what they are facing and when they intend to play Vindi at endgame. Or do you want to censor that discussion and discuss the topic in only the way Nexon deems proper?

    Really, how much more constructive do you want me to be? I'm literally describing the problem and outlining solution.
    What I've been shown is "proper discussion" is pretending there are no problems.
  • Member Aquasol
    Vindictus Rep: 2,650
    Posts: 229
    Threadvertising is one form of spamming. Wouldn't matter if it were singing praises or cursing every living cell, spamming is quite straightforward.
  • Member dazedgumball
    Vindictus Rep: 7,725
    Posts: 605
    Aquasol wrote: »
    Threadvertising is one form of spamming. Wouldn't matter if it were singing praises or cursing every living cell, spamming is quite straightforward.

    So basically we can't link any other discussions that's related to each other because that is considered spamming. Gotcha.
  • Member Necrochild
    Vindictus Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 293
    He's working as intended. He deserves a promotion.
  • Member Cessa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 244
    So I can't advertise Vindictus within Vindictus forums.

    So when topics cover the same issue what has traditionally happened in the past?
    -Mods combined the topics into one large and stitched together topic that confuses everyone.
    -Mods allow multiple topics talking about the same issue.


    This issue of enhancement has really gone on for far too long.
    It is THE PRIMARY reason why we are bleeding players out of every orifice.

    Old players get bored of their 1-3 characters, they can't make any new ones, they feel the dread of new content and new levels being released because they'd have to gear up again. I don't know of a single whale big enough in this game that they can afford to just drop hundreds of thousands of dollars into Vindictus to get new weapons every single time. I see it happening with some players, but I don't personally know any of them. Maybe there are a few. Maybe they can keep Vindictus going. The rest of us can't.

    Newer players enhance their first weapon, watch it go boom, and quit. Maybe they try sticking around for a bit and pushing on to a second or a third weapon. But whatever their cases may be, we know just from the lack of players playing the game that they don't stick around for too long.

    We know Vindictus has really good and engaging combat.
    The primary thing that players run into is a lack of performance from their equipment, and the ceiling on that performance is controlled by Ferghus which locks it behind this really stupid enhancement system where an item you want to enhance will go down to 0 durability before it even hits +8.
    1 out of 1000 weapons will make it to +15 from +0.
    1 out of 100 weapons will make it to +15 from +10.
    Are you personally prepared to invest enough into the game to have 100 +10 weapons to destroy?
    Can you even calculate the NX costs to have enough enhance runes for +10, 100 times.
    And then enough paradise stones, elixirs, etc, to break through 50 weapons to get to +15?
  • Member 2edgy4u
    Vindictus Rep: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    Cessa wrote: »
    It is THE PRIMARY reason why we are bleeding players out of every orifice.

    I hate enhancement too but this is completely unsubstantiated.
  • Member jakker
    Vindictus Rep: 655
    Posts: 18
    edited February 20, 2017
    We know Vindictus has really good and engaging combat.
    The primary thing that players run into is a lack of performance from their equipment, and the ceiling on that performance is controlled by Ferghus which locks it behind this really stupid enhancement system where an item you want to enhance will go down to 0 durability before it even hits +8.
    1 out of 1000 weapons will make it to +15 from +0.
    1 out of 100 weapons will make it to +15 from +10.
    Are you personally prepared to invest enough into the game to have 100 +10 weapons to destroy?
    Can you even calculate the NX costs to have enough enhance runes for +10, 100 times.
    And then enough paradise stones, elixirs, etc, to break through 50 weapons to get to +15?

    Every casual will make it atleast to +12. If you gear up your armor and acc's right, you can make it to 80 speed + dmg cap.
    You literally blaming your "performance" on 15 attack speed. Stop them crais.
  • Member Tetsujin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,660
    Posts: 109
    Cessa wrote: »
    This issue of enhancement has really gone on for far too long.
    It is THE PRIMARY reason why we are bleeding players out of every orifice.

    You said that Ferghus made you play the game 8+ hours a day for 3 years & spend over 2500 dollars on it. Nexon would consider Ferghus a big success if he managed to get this level of commitment from a player.
    Cessa wrote: »
    Over 3 years of farming 8+ hours a day or hitting refresh in the market until my eyes bled out trying to make any kind of gold profit.
    Farming with low level armor set to curb repair costs (come see my enchanted lvl 10\lvl 60 stuff).
    Over 2500 dollars worth of enhance runes in 3 years.
    A good number of pointless +10s.
    A number of +11s.
    Even fewer +12s.
    I think maybe six +13s.
    Maybe two +14s.
    And two +15s.
  • Member Controller001
    Vindictus Rep: 1,920
    Posts: 78
    Burning 7 runes at +6 (becouse reset got me bankrupt after 10th reset) and dint made to +7, then just went whatever to +8 and broke at +9...
  • Member actice
    Vindictus Rep: 620
    Posts: 11