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If you could create a title for Vindictus, what would it be and for doing what? Feel free to share. :-)
Here is a sampler:
"Whisperer of Insanity"
-You have defeated the Goddess of Despair 100 times.
-Neamhain made you her plaything. That is going to leave a mark.

-Grounded Elchulus with the Ballistae 15 times
-Trip Akanan/Dark Akanan 10 times
(I've only met a handful of people who know this is even a thing)
"Death from Above"
-Drop stone weights on Irukul 30 times
That kinda stuff. Maybe some secondary weapon related ones like killing bosses with small bombs or hitting spears from really far away too.
-Hit by Ancient Lakoria's one-shot and died to gravity
-For those who use free transportation between towns. 500/500 times
-For those who spend a lot on fast transportation between towns. 1,000,000/1,000,000 gold spent (500/500 times traveled)
-Kill any of the 3 dragons 50 times (all dragon kills added together)
- Kill Keaghan 50 times
-Kill Regina 100 times
Losted in Time
-Kill Braha 200 times
Angel Slayer
-Kill Lord Glas Ghaibhlean 100 times
-Kill Lugh Lamhfada 100 times
Light Show!
-Successfully survive Tathium Blast 50 times
Light at the end of the Tunnel
-Die to Tathium Blast 50 times
-Kill Eochaid 100 times
Wild Party!
-Gets crush by Eochaid's ceiling 100 times
-Kill Abomination 100 times
It's a trap!
-Die to Abomination's traps 200 times
- Stay on one side of Braha for the entire battle
Forest Inhabitant
- Trigger Ben Chenner gear abilities 500 times
Wasteland Warrior
- Trigger Lochlann gear abilities 500 times
- Destroy a piece of gear
Alraune from Bayonetta 2 called. She wants her title back.
Charles Pouch obtained. 1,000,000/1,000,000
Reward: +1 STR +1 INT
-You must be Morrighan's little plaything...
(Revived from Goddess Grace / Goddess Grace Party 1,000/1,000 times.)
-You should be ashamed of yourself for being banned in the first place...
(Manage to get your account unbanned) [Flags against your account proc title discovery]
- You've logged in to Vindictus for 100 days straight.
Stop Banging your Head on a Wall
- You've revived weapons 50 times.
-Defeat Neamhain and Fail the Battle 0/5
-Manage to defeat Royal Army Raid Boss under Slideshow mode 50 times.
Too big of a wallet
-Open 1000 gacha boxes
-Successfully hold on Neit during his unblockable AoE 10/10
Clean as a Whistle
-Place down 1000 Fine Soaps
"Squeaky Clean"
-Squeak. Bathed in 1000 normal soaps.
- Failed an enhancement above +10 ten times.
-Destroy an item via enchantment