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Which char are you creating with the added slot?

Member LoLoBooty
Vindictus Rep: 5,275
Posts: 665
edited February 6, 2017 in General Discussion
Per the website notes:
Changes will take effect with the Thursday, February 16th Unification Maintenance

All players have access to 7 character slots (up from 6)
The Super Lucky System is here! Enemies and objects will randomly drop large quantities of gold, at a rate determined by your LUK stat
Guild names can now contain up to 20 characters
Parties containing returning players will no longer gain an EXP bonus
Ferghus is now able to make up for his heinous crimes by restoring the Durability of your items
The Premium Enhancement Rune is no longer destroyed upon a successful Enhancement
Town departure is now available
Fine Bath Soaps cost reduced to 500,000 Gold (from 1,000,000 Gold)

With that said...Which character will you add with your free slot?
  1. Which character will you add with your free slot?52 votes
    1. Arisha
       4% (2 votes)
    2. Delia
       8% (4 votes)
    3. Evie
       2% (1 vote)
    4. Fiona
       6% (3 votes)
    5. Hurk
       2% (1 vote)
    6. Kai
       2% (1 vote)
    7. Karok
       6% (3 votes)
    8. Lann
       2% (1 vote)
    9. Lynn
       4% (2 votes)
    10. Sylas
       2% (1 vote)
    11. Vella
       2% (1 vote)
    12. Saving it for a future character
       62% (32 votes)


  • Member GhengisJohn
    Vindictus Rep: 3,540
    Posts: 257
    I'm thinking I'll save it for a future character. But in truth, after all the events that have punished me for having all my characters on one account (one per account rewards), I've probably learned my lesson at this point and will make future characters on their own accounts.
  • Member dazedgumball
    Vindictus Rep: 7,725
    Posts: 605
    Maybe a new character. I have 10 characters already.
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    edited February 6, 2017
    I have 6 Fionas on AUS, so I'll probably make a seventh.
  • Member Suhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    edited February 6, 2017
    >Town departure is now available

    wow now i will finally never need to see all the party members wave

    >Evie is now able to use Healing skills
    ??? Evie couldn't heal in EU?

    holy moly imagine all the EU players transitioning to no jump, shift to sprint.
    i saw XE players cry for XE over premier on another forum it was pretty funny.
  • Member MochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    I have Lann, Kai, Karok, and Fifi left
    which one should I choose?
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    MochiSweet wrote: »
    I have Lann, Kai, Karok, and Fifi left
    which one should I choose?

    Let one of them choose you. If not, RNGesus can decide.
  • Member Noburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    Gonna remake Evie since mine isn't level 90 yet and has a name I'm not too fond of anymore. Would also make it so all of my female characters are on one account.
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    MochiSweet wrote: »
    I have Lann, Kai, Karok, and Fifi left
    which one should I choose?

    Fifi :-)

    As for me, save it for a future character I guess. Future character when? ._.

  • Member BloodAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,875
    Posts: 315
    I'm thinking I'll save it for a future character. But in truth, after all the events that have punished me for having all my characters on one account (one per account rewards), I've probably learned my lesson at this point and will make future characters on their own accounts.

    Same, be nice to have a backup account too since Nexon has been banning some people rather unfairly recently. *Cough* Sanitee *Cough*
  • Member Angel116
    Vindictus Rep: 1,170
    Posts: 28
    edited February 6, 2017
    I would rather create a new account for my new character. It's just so I can take advantage of future attendance/giveaways/events and etc.
  • Member Menrva
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 84
    I think I'll make a Fiona. Playing Delia made me miss her.
  • Member then00b
    Vindictus Rep: 500
    Posts: 6
    Might try Arisha again.
    Wonder how far along new character development is, Miul seems potentially fun.
  • Member Zuzuk
    Vindictus Rep: 1,690
    Posts: 155
    none, i already have every char in the game, what i need is more gold, too much work to gear up all of them lol
  • Member Sanuien
    Vindictus Rep: 2,720
    Posts: 197
    Definitely not Hurk.
  • Member Cessa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 244
    Why do you currently have multiple characters on one account?

    -Event titles and items are only obtained for one so your alternate characters can never be "complete."
    -For really nice event items such as premium enhancement runes you only get one.

    You are really just punished for having one account stuffed with characters.
  • Member SupaFranky
    Vindictus Rep: 520
    Posts: 11
    About event titles, I heard KR received an update where titles are shared across all characters on the same account, not sure if its true but if it is, then no real point to title farming on all your characters anymore and worrying to much about 1 character title events, will finally be able to use early bird title on all my characters if this is true.
  • Member DownIoad
    Vindictus Rep: 2,185
    Posts: 312
    I'm tempted to try out Arisha again but I think I will just end up making a mule because you don't benefit from having lots of characters on one account and mine is full. Regrets too late...
  • Member A_Little_Eerie
    Vindictus Rep: 655
    Posts: 19
    Maybe I'll try Lynn agai- Nope.

    Hurk. He's getting a new weapon(s)z he's handsome. I'm just worried he'll have some promo event for new Hurks when the weapon hits that I'll miss out on.
  • Member aealga
    Vindictus Rep: 300
    Post: 1
    Suhpreme wrote: »
    >Evie is now able to use Healing skills
    ??? Evie couldn't heal in EU?
    Bit late on this but might aswell reply now.
    We had regeneration only, no corona. But you know, might aswell say we didn't have healing skills at all since most evies don't even bother. Try to imagine the frustration of having 2 other staffies on Neamhain and you being the only one using regen because the others must "herp derp gotta continual focus for dem deeps" even when there's people at death's door. I never had sp problems in raids until Neamhain, it's the sole reason why I slapped a 70sp stone on regen because I pretty much have to spam it alone.
  • Member llWoodsll
    Vindictus Rep: 700
    Posts: 34
    none. fokking arisha ftw