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+8-10 enhance coupon can't be used on low lv char

Member HeavenBlue
Vindictus Rep: 660
Posts: 49
in General Discussion
The +8-10 enhance coupon on my lv 60 char cannot be used on lv 90 weapon/armor any more. RIP all event mule accounts :(


  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Yep. Done intentionally so that people with tons of alt accounts can't abuse them for rewards if they don't even use them to play the game. You can +call Ryunatsu if you want to commiserate.
  • Member X1Guts1X
    Vindictus Rep: 1,795
    Posts: 273
    edited January 26, 2017
    On the bright side, at least you an still have unlimited 3 star gear and unlimited Enchant Runes - until they level-lock this too.

    Between this change and no mats change, lvl +11-15 will now be exclusively Pay2Win, just they way "they" want it.
  • Member Bladehawk
    Vindictus Rep: 1,145
    Posts: 65
    X1Guts1X wrote: »
    Between this change and no mats change, lvl +11-15 will now be exclusively Pay2Win, just they way "they" want it.

    Sounds like you should just get at least one character on each of your accounts to level 90. Then you can benefit from any future enhancement coupons.

    So, in other words, you have to "play" to "win". Crazy concept.

  • Member Suukei
    Vindictus Rep: 3,220
    Posts: 354
    I don't mind this change because I love seeing salt from one certain player.
    Yes, I'm that evil. +cold
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    Are these the special rewards for new accounts that come in an attendance like format? Or the ones that come in NX tab pouches?
  • Member Suukei
    Vindictus Rep: 3,220
    Posts: 354
    edited January 26, 2017
    Question2 wrote: »
    Are these the special rewards for new accounts that come in an attendance like format? Or the ones that come in NX tab pouches?

    It's from the Golden Time Attendance Event for Day 20 and it comes in a box. It ended last Wednesday.
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    Question2 wrote: »
    Are these the special rewards for new accounts that come in an attendance like format? Or the ones that come in NX tab pouches?

    The coupon you're thinking of is from the Enlistment event, which works just like any other attendance event. However, those coupons are not +8-10, they are flat out +8 and will have a bind level afterwards. Originally, the binding wasn't too much of an issue because you would get unbind potions from both the Enlistment and the level up bags, giving you enough free potions to unbind the item. However, the level up bags were removed this last update, so you won't have enough free unbind potion.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    Did the level up bags give any enhancement coupons? Is there a list somewhere?
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    Question2 wrote: »
    Did the level up bags give any enhancement coupons? Is there a list somewhere?

    No, the level up bags never gave enhancement coupons, but they did give element stones, runes, and other useful goodies. It hardly matters anymore, but I suppose there are those old characters that still have yet to open them:
  • Member X1Guts1X
    Vindictus Rep: 1,795
    Posts: 273
    X1Guts1X wrote: »
    On the bright side, at least you an still have unlimited 3 star gear and unlimited Enchant Runes - until they level-lock this too.

    Between this change and no mats change, lvl +11-15 will now be exclusively Pay2Win, just they way "they" want it.

    I actually don't abuse this aspect of the game - I have 2 accounts, and only because this game doesn't actually give you enough slots on one account to play all the current characters in the game. And I am a fan of this change, as it limits abuse. My point is I dislike ANY changes that limit the ability of players that DONT spend NX to acquire high end gear and effectively price locking the game.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    @X1Guts1X It really only hurts players who run a bunch of mules. That +8-10 box doesn't even start a timer until you open the box, and the change was noted in the patch notes. A low level player who got the attendance rewards has as long as he or she needs to get up to 80+ and use the coupon on an end game weapon or to get to level and use any free runes.
  • Member X1Guts1X
    Vindictus Rep: 1,795
    Posts: 273
    edited January 26, 2017
    To be clear, the point I'm trying to make is why does Nexon run events where accounts only get 1 event award per account. My main account has a full 6 characters on it, 2 of which i main, yet I'm only getting 1 event award per account? The current way Nexon runs Events is flawed in that it promotes muling and does not promote stacking 1 account full. The current patch change is a bandaid on a bad system that could easily be fixed by simply awarding Event Rewards based on the number of active high level characters you have on each account.

    The way it works now, I'm rewarded more by having a different account for each of the 6 characters I have at lvl 90 instead of just using 1 account for them all, and that is fundamentally a design flaw imo. Also, with this BANDAID solution, you are punishing legit players that might have a level 70 character, and say one of those lvl 70-90 equipment coupons, and would prefer to use it on a higher value lvl90 weapon instead of a level 70 weapon. This is just one example. Bandaid fix not real fix.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Probably two reasons. One, despite all the characters, the original design of most of these Asian grinders is to be so punishing that players find it difficult to invest time and money into more than one character. This focuses them on sinking that time and effort and cash into one and keeps them around. As that was the focus, one reward per account worked well. Secondly, the Asian regions also get these rewards more often, so you don't really feel like you'll never get at least a few of your characters into a good spot. KR's Golden Time gave the usual +10-15 chance coupon and a guaranteed enhance coupon as well, plus outfitters and such; our "Golden Time" gave a single +10 at best item.

    If we got the reward level of the Asian region servers and got the highest level events as often as they do it really wouldn't be such an issue, and they'd likely make more. It does seem the intent here with the seal shop updates and the scroll shop events is to get players in a position to be able to enjoy the game more, but we're still not quite to where things should be.
  • Member X1Guts1X
    Vindictus Rep: 1,795
    Posts: 273
    edited January 26, 2017
    ^^ I agree, but on the flip side, this game isn't complex enough to really keep someone interested with just 1 character imo. Learning a new playstyle/character, at leaset for me, is what's kept me playing this game for over a year now, and Im sure im not alone in this. Given that assumption, it would benift nexon to PROMOTE multi-character accounts INSTEAD of PUNISHING them. Granted, things like shared storage and whatnot do to some effect, but like you said, they need to do more.

    Just my 2 cents
  • Member BirdSpirit
    Vindictus Rep: 915
    Posts: 52
    Basically they want everyone to have one account, but that's never going to happen. Too bad I decided to level all my chars on one account to 90 first. At least I caught this part on stream the night before the update.

    If they allowed all chars to get rewards like this bingo event, then I'd consider only one account.